Grievance Redressal Policy
Updated in April 2023
- Magzter is committed to providing a safe and secure platform for our users. Please note that Magzter is merely a platform for publishers to distribute their content. We do not control or endorse the content published on our platform. We cannot be held responsible for the actions of our publishers or their content.
- Magzter is not responsible for compensating any party that has suffered damages or incurred costs due to any content, or part of the content, that violates their rights. Magzter is not liable to face any legal action in civil court for any violation of rights caused by any content, or part of the content, that infringes the rights of a third party.
- In the event that you encounter any objectionable content on our platform, we have put in place a grievance redressal policy to address your concerns.
- We have designated a Grievance Officer to address any complaints related to objectionable content.
- Name of the Grievance Officer: Ms. Deepa D
- Email address: grievance@magzter.com
- We request that any complaint related to objectionable content be sent to the Grievance Officer through email to the above-mentioned email address. We also request that you provide the following details when making a complaint:
- Your full name, email address and phone number with country code (our team might contact you if they need any clarification regarding the complaint)
- Details of the objectionable content, including its link on our platform
- Reasons for your objection
- Any supporting evidence or documents
- Upon receipt of your complaint, our Grievance Officer will acknowledge receipt of the complaint within 24 hours and take appropriate action to resolve the issue within 15 days.