The Science Behind Tapering
The science behind tapering

Horse Treats
The ultimate guide

Horsey Hair Care
Tips and tricks for a healthy mane and tail

Horsey Hydration- The Importance Of Water In Winter
The importance of water in winter

A Horseback Safari
Abelana Game Reserve

The Psychology Of Riding Performance
Intrinsic motivation, part 7

10 Best Life Lessons From Horses
Life lessons from our horses

Breaking New Ground
The evolution of the Callaho Online Auction

Horse Psychology 101
Part 3: The horse's cognitive abilities

Colic Part 1
An owner’s worst nightmare

Beating The Heat
Coping during the summer months

Deirdré Janse Van Rensburg And Her Very Special Mare, Balaika
HQ magazine has been wanting to chat to Mounted Archery Association South Africa (MAASA) President, Deirdré Janse van Rensburg, for some time. Her work with her magnificent mare, Balaika, is quite astonishing, and is something really different for us to delve into. She has a very special connection with her horse, riding in multiple disciplines with only a neck rope; creating awareness of mounted archery; and advocating for bitless riding and kinder training techniques that are founded in having a deep connection and relationship with your horse. We wanted to recognise both her relationship with her mare and her achievements in mounted archery, by featuring her as one of our ‘20 Riders of 2020’.

The Clydesdale
Giants with style and elegance

Aspects Of Performance
How long do these things take?

The Polyvagal Theory
Things are never as simple as they seem…

The Icelandic Horse
The horse of the Vikings

Hitting A Plateau 8 Coping Strategies
We’ve all been there – on the plateau – wondering how on earth we’ll ever move forwards, and if our riding has hit a ceiling. For those who are somewhat less familiar with the plateau than we are – the term is commonly used to describe the point in learning a new skill, when you realise you’re just not making any progress, and that you have no idea how to get to the next level. Most, if not all, riders will hit plateaus with a frustrating degree of regularity on their journey to the top.

Midfeeds And Tack 'n Togs
Purveyors of the equestrian lifestyle

Low-Intensity Schooling
Planning for the holidays

Hollard Equipage
A love of horses is in its heart and soul

The Shoulder-In
Mastering the exercise of the Grand Masters

Paddock Paradise - Turning Turnout Around
Turning turnout around

The Warm-Up
Getting it right

Give Me A Break!
The Importance Of Taking Time Out In Training

Horse Psychology 101
Part 1: The evolution and domestication of our modern horse and pony

Equine Bowen Therapy A Less Well-Known Alternative
Equine Bowen Therapy (EBT) is a lesser-known alternative therapy modality for horses. It is a light, soft tissue manipulation technique.

The Dangers Of ‘Should'
Shifting your mindset

The Psychology Of Riding Performance
Accept reality, part 5

The super-talented ex-racehorse

Holding the line
Maintaining straightness