Whose Tongue Is It Anyway!
Human Capital

Whose Tongue Is It Anyway!

“"Speak up, because the day you don't speak up for the things that matter to you will be the day your freedom truly ends”

3 mins  |
February 2018
The Rise Of The Robots
Human Capital

The Rise Of The Robots

It is hard to get our daily dosage of news without seeing robots getting a mention, who appear to be making inroads into every human activity. Human resource professionals have to prepare for this new order on three counts.

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February 2018
Human Capital


There have been umpteen occasions wherein we have witnessed people with higher EQ becoming consistently successful than those with higher IQ.

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February 2018
The Zen Of Inspiring Leadership!
Human Capital

The Zen Of Inspiring Leadership!

The boss has to ensure that frivolousness does not become a part of the work force, and a sense of professionalism pervades the entire organisation. A personal connect with employees, understanding their issues and finding the perfect solutions can produce unbelievable results for an organisation.

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February 2018
Present Day Career Demographics
Human Capital

Present Day Career Demographics

Concepts such as a boundary less career2 and protean career3 are important additions to the career lexicon. These concepts essentially reflect more internal and subjective career concerns, and suggest that people, not the organization, accept responsibility for their own career futures.

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December 2017
Corporate Training: Aces Up The Sleeve
Human Capital

Corporate Training: Aces Up The Sleeve

Post the recession of 2008-09, corporate training took a huge hit, as it was a discretionary spend. We are witnessing huge growth in corporate training because organizations are trying to tackle the massive problem of skillcapability gaps.

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December 2017
A Digital Path to Engagement
Human Capital

A Digital Path to Engagement

In a tête-à-tête with Human Capital, Monica Kandhari spoke about the increasing talent drain in the publication industry and mentioned the various employee engagement initiatives that have been undertaken by MBD Group that are aimed at talent retention.

8 mins  |
December 2017
Looking Up To The Older Folks
Human Capital

Looking Up To The Older Folks

Nancy Pelosi hit the headlines recently for delivering the longest speech ever in the US House of Representatives. She stood at the podium and pleaded the cause of 'Dreamers' - immigrants who were brought into that country when they were kids, and, though they are strictly illegal immigrants, they have known no country other than the US.

4 mins  |
March 2018
Multi-Rater Feedback: The Essence Of Collaboration
Human Capital

Multi-Rater Feedback: The Essence Of Collaboration

Driving and building a culture of performance seen, believed and acted through multiple lenses for every individual can be a clear winner. The change is easier said than done. The system needs more time to ready the change than run the actual process.

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March 2018
The Role Of Humanities In Leadership
Human Capital

The Role Of Humanities In Leadership

'Humanities capture the heritage of human experience.' And more so, in the midst of conflict and division, humanities can prepare leaders with empathy, imagination and understanding, responsive and responsible leaders who embrace complexity and diversity.

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March 2018
Human Capital


In order to maintain a smooth and healthy working atmosphere in an organisation, it is imperative to adopt best practices, policies, standards and also adhere to the prevailing laws to control and take decisions in the face of challenging situations in which people fall into a dilemma.

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March 2018
Nurturing A Coaching Culture
Human Capital

Nurturing A Coaching Culture

Jerry, who worked as a manager in several restaurants in the US was very popular among the waiters in his restaurant. So much so that whenever he moved to a new job, the waiters would follow him there because they loved him for his positive and motivational attitude. When asked as to how he remained positive at all times, he replied, "Each time something bad happens, I can choose to be a victim or I can choose to learn from it. I always choose to learn from it."

9 mins  |
August 2018
Overcoming Biases While Managing Talent
Human Capital

Overcoming Biases While Managing Talent

Putting in place an environment that fosters learning by way of challenge and time-bound growth has been shown to bear fruit when practised on the right kind of employee. The work environment is no longer about perquisites and remuneration, but about value propositions.

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August 2018
An Aggrieved Woman?
Human Capital

An Aggrieved Woman?

The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition And Redressal) Act, 2013 has mandated that it is illegal to sexually harass women, working or otherwise, at the workplace. However, it certainly is strange that the law did not feel the need to include men, and, also did not clearly demarcate the boundaries of liability for the employer.

8 mins  |
August 2018
Effect Of Sabbatical Leaves On Gratuity
Human Capital

Effect Of Sabbatical Leaves On Gratuity

In today's day and age of long working hours and mundane lifestyle, many employees often take a decision to break the monotony, and move away from the activities of their daily lives.

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August 2018
The Zen Of Sports And Wellness
Human Capital

The Zen Of Sports And Wellness

That every organisation must take the first step in providing the right environment for its employees is only natural, while at the same time, it must also ensure their well-being by providing the requisite hygiene, the right infrastructure, privileges towards health & wellness, recognition programmes and growth prospects.

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January 2018
Be Mindful Of Adult Attention
Human Capital

Be Mindful Of Adult Attention

Combining technology with adult learning principles, L&D professionals can confidently take on increasing distractions and win the war for the hearts and minds of the distracted and confused learner with utmost confidence.

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January 2018
Staffing For Careers
Human Capital

Staffing For Careers

Staffing for careers works on the premise that aim at linking people, their aspirations, skills, and capabilities to an organisational purpose, despite the inherent disconnect between the staffing firm and the client firm.

9 mins  |
January 2018
The Waves Of Digital Transformation
Human Capital

The Waves Of Digital Transformation

As with all other aspects of life, technology is fundamentally transforming the workplace in an unprecedented manner. Emerging technologies such as robotics and AI are dramatically changing the nature of jobs and consequently the skills that organisations are looking for from their people.

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January 2018
Are You What You Tweet?
Human Capital

Are You What You Tweet?

A few months ago, Fair Work Commission (FWC) in Victoria, Australia ordered a company to pay compensation to one of its ex-employees who had been dismissed on the grounds of inappropriate workplace behaviour. While the company insisted that the said employee used objectionable language on social media, the Commission observed that such language was commonplace at his workplace, and also that he was unaware of the company policies on social media usage. While organisations ensure that there is a social media policy in place, the aspect of educating its employees, and issues related to their personal spaces are left wide open.

7 mins  |
January 2018
Human Capital


ABC Cement Limited manufactures cement and has hired XYZ Agency to handle the loading, delivery etc. of cement.

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October 2018
Focus On Your Strengths
Human Capital

Focus On Your Strengths

Your success on your strengths will make up for any weaknesses that you have, and, the others in the organisation will complement you where you are weak.

5 mins  |
October 2018
Agile: The Way Forward
Human Capital

Agile: The Way Forward

Agile principles and values influence and enable organisations to adapt to an increasingly volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous clientele. Though cumbersome to adopt, agility is a practice best experienced by forming small, autonomous teams that continuously strive to deliver value to their end consumers.

3 mins  |
October 2018
Rule breakers Build World Class Engagement
Human Capital

Rule breakers Build World Class Engagement

This is the kind of book that gives the reader the courage to practice even the most insurgent ideas for building revolutionary organisations.

2 mins  |
October 2018
Look Who Is Talking!
Human Capital

Look Who Is Talking!

Communicating with Impact is one of the most favourite modules trainers deliver, however, the question remains whether trainers are aware of their own communication pitfalls.

4 mins  |
October 2018
An Enhancing Experience
Human Capital

An Enhancing Experience

A workplace which assures a memorable and an enriching work experience to the employees can bank upon and be assured of high performance and enhanced productivity.

4 mins  |
October 2018
Creating Culture As The Brand: The OPPO Way
Human Capital

Creating Culture As The Brand: The OPPO Way

In 1978, John Mackey and Renee Lawson borrowed money from friends and relatives to start SaferWay, an outlet for natural foods in Austin, Texas.

7 mins  |
November 2018
The Digital Panorama
Human Capital

The Digital Panorama

Today's organisations are not a collective of bosses and followers. Agile network of leaders and collaborators use digital technology to push through customer focused innovation. Human Resource teams should be able to identify and equip these leaders with essential skills, tools and platforms to remain competitive and relevant at all times.

3 mins  |
November 2018
The Happiness Survey
Human Capital

The Happiness Survey

Happiness and productivity, though not interchangeable, are definitely interconnected with each other. You can be happy, and hence, productive at work; and / or, you can be productive, and hence, happy at your workplace.

3 mins  |
November 2018
The 'What' And 'How' Of Business
Human Capital

The 'What' And 'How' Of Business

While the zealous focus by companies towards acquiring talent and leveraging their skills to the fullest is evident, companies falter after this juncture since they believe that merely hiring someone appropriate for the role will get the job done.

4 mins  |
January 2019

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