Freedom Of The Press: Print Media Near -Vs- Minnesota
LawZ Magazine

Freedom Of The Press: Print Media Near -Vs- Minnesota

This 1931 case is a landmark judgement highlighting the constitutional protection given to the freedom of the press. 

4 mins  |
February 2018
Protection To Woman
LawZ Magazine

Protection To Woman

Well, the Indian Penal code, acts as a sword as well as a shield for the Indian women.

2 mins  |
February 2018
Corporate Governance Past, Present & Future In India
LawZ Magazine

Corporate Governance Past, Present & Future In India

While corporate governance may not dictate the economic prospects of developing countries, it certainly plays an integral role in shaping them. Corporate governance deals with the rights and responsibilities of a company’s management, its board, shareholders and various stakeholders.

8 mins  |
February 2018
Builders Can't Force Buyers To Go For Arbitration
LawZ Magazine

Builders Can't Force Buyers To Go For Arbitration

It is a well settled law that arbitration agreements do not bar the jurisdiction of the National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission (‘NCDRC’) and other consumer forums. The issue was, however, reconsidered at length by a Full Bench of the NCDRC, in Aftab Singh v Emaar MGF Land Limited &Anr [Consumer Case No 701 of 2015] in view of the amendments to the Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996 (‘the Amended Act’).

3 mins  |
February 2018
The Unwanted Acid
LawZ Magazine

The Unwanted Acid

Incidents of acid attacks in which the perpetrator throws acid at the face of the victim are on rise. Such acid violence have a specific gender dimension in India as a majority of reported victims have been women. While acid attacks constitute only a fraction of the total number of violent incidents against women, they are among the most horrific examples of brutality inflicted on women.

4 mins  |
February 2018
Iran Deal Withdrawal
LawZ Magazine

Iran Deal Withdrawal


5 mins  |
July 2018
Law Regulating
LawZ Magazine

Law Regulating


4 mins  |
July 2018
Karl Marx
LawZ Magazine

Karl Marx

Karl Marx has been without doubt one of the most influential socialist thinkers till date. Although he was largely ignored by scholars, his social, economic and political ideas gained rapid acceptance.

3 mins  |
July 2018
Virtual Currencies In India Journey So Far
LawZ Magazine

Virtual Currencies In India Journey So Far

Bitcoin has been the talk of the market yet has the government report closed the doors to its development. 

10 mins  |
LawZ August 2018
Applicability Of GDPR On Goods And Services Offered Over The Websites Outside The European Union ​​​​​​​
LawZ Magazine

Applicability Of GDPR On Goods And Services Offered Over The Websites Outside The European Union ​​​​​​​

Applicability of the EU data Protection laws outside its territory and provision for its intl. avoidance

3 mins  |
LawZ August 2018
Right To Education
LawZ Magazine

Right To Education

Has The Battle Against The Private Institutions Been Won

4 mins  |
LawZ August 2018
Shafin Jahan V. Asokan K.M. & ORS
LawZ Magazine

Shafin Jahan V. Asokan K.M. & ORS

The Supreme Court of India on 8th March, 2018, in a surprising yet vital order set aside the decision of the Kerala High Court that annulled the marriage between Akhila Asokan aka Hadiya and Shafin Jahan.

4 mins  |
August 2018
Some Unknown Quotes On Law And Lawyers
LawZ Magazine

Some Unknown Quotes On Law And Lawyers

Where there are too many policemen, there is no liberty.

2 mins  |
August 2018
Ordinance On Fugitive Economic Offenders
LawZ Magazine

Ordinance On Fugitive Economic Offenders

Under the Indian Constitution, an Ordinance is a specific kind of executive decision (issued by a Governor or President on the advice of the State or Centre Government respectively) that operates as a law.

4 mins  |
August 2018
Corporate Tax Responsibility Of Directors 
LawZ Magazine

Corporate Tax Responsibility Of Directors 

Corporate Tax Responsibility Of Directors

9 mins  |
November 2017
Interdependence Among Animals & Role Of Various Organisations In India
LawZ Magazine

Interdependence Among Animals & Role Of Various Organisations In India

Human beings in 20th and 21st century could prosper because their forefathers bequeathed to them a land of marvelous resources still unexhausted. Modern human beings had altered and still continuing to exploit the nature and its resources for their benefits, often unwisely.

5 mins  |
November 2017
Marital Rape Law In India Need To Change The Law
LawZ Magazine

Marital Rape Law In India Need To Change The Law

Marital Rape Law In India Need To Change The Law

8 mins  |
November 2017
LawZ Magazine


An Individualistic Approach.

8 mins  |
November 2017
Judgment Corner
LawZ Magazine

Judgment Corner

Judgment Corner

5 mins  |
November 2017
Jean Jacques Rousseau
LawZ Magazine

Jean Jacques Rousseau

When a state fails to act in a moral fashion, it ceases to exert genuine authority over the individual.

2 mins  |
November 2017
It's Time To Put The Guns Down An Endless Debate On American Gun Control Law
LawZ Magazine

It's Time To Put The Guns Down An Endless Debate On American Gun Control Law

It's Time To Put The Guns Down An Endless Debate On American Gun Control Law

4 mins  |
May 2018
Rajaji National Park
LawZ Magazine

Rajaji National Park

Rajaji National Park

2 mins  |
May 2018
Intellectual Property Protection Of Computer Softwares In India And Its Limitations
LawZ Magazine

Intellectual Property Protection Of Computer Softwares In India And Its Limitations

 Intellectual Property Protection Of Computer Softwares In India And Its Limitations

6 mins  |
January 2018
Strengthening India's Cooperative And Competitive Federalism Through Inter-State Council
LawZ Magazine

Strengthening India's Cooperative And Competitive Federalism Through Inter-State Council

Strengthening India’s Cooperative And Competitive Federalism Through Inter-State Council 

6 mins  |
January 2018
Secreterial Standards An Overview
LawZ Magazine

Secreterial Standards An Overview

Secreterial Standards An Overview

6 mins  |
January 2018
Sir James Sir James  Fitzjames StephenFitzjames Stephen
LawZ Magazine

Sir James Sir James  Fitzjames StephenFitzjames Stephen

Sir James Sir James  Fitzjames StephenFitzjames Stephen

2 mins  |
January 2018
Destructive Stress
LawZ Magazine

Destructive Stress

You’ve already been at the office Eleven hours.

2 mins  |
December 2017
The Nameless Man
LawZ Magazine

The Nameless Man

A nameless man in a nameless city He walks the nameless streets. Alas! You, who look, are not touched by pity, At the nameless actions he repeats.

1 min  |
December 2017
Sedition Laws In India
LawZ Magazine

Sedition Laws In India

Sedition refers to the writing or uttering of words or doing acts intended to bring the state into hatred or contempt or to excite disaffection against the established government.

3 mins  |
September 2018
How To Resolve The Problem Of Hiring The Right Talent In The Unorganized Sector
LawZ Magazine

How To Resolve The Problem Of Hiring The Right Talent In The Unorganized Sector

Many a times you might have been to an automobile service centre or to tire puncture repair shop and you moved on soon after paying the charges for the work of the mechanic.

4 mins  |
September 2018

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