Being as Onion: A Heideggerian Parable
Philosophy Now

Being as Onion: A Heideggerian Parable

Mark C. Watney watches Martin Heidegger's kitchen encounter.

4 mins  |
August/September 2023
The Sopranos
Philosophy Now

The Sopranos

Jarett Figlin discusses depravity & the American dream.

7 mins  |
August/September 2023
Stoicism in History & Modern Life
Philosophy Now

Stoicism in History & Modern Life

Dermot M. Griffin reflects on the sources and relevance of this ancient wisdom.

8 mins  |
August/September 2023
Overwhelming Evil
Philosophy Now

Overwhelming Evil

Christopher Devlin Brown argues that our wholesale destruction of animals makes veganism humanity’s primary moral imperative.

10+ mins  |
August/September 2023
Augustine (354-430)
Philosophy Now

Augustine (354-430)

Hilarius Bogbinder on the philosophical life of a key figure of the Catholic Church.

8 mins  |
August/September 2023
Technology & Transformation
Philosophy Now

Technology & Transformation

Helena Moradi looks at changing philosophical attitudes to technology.

10+ mins  |
August/September 2023
Nostalgia, Morality, & Mass Entertainment
Philosophy Now

Nostalgia, Morality, & Mass Entertainment

Adam Kaiser finds a fine case of mass existential longing.

7 mins  |
August/September 2023
The Best Criticism of Ethical Egoism
Philosophy Now

The Best Criticism of Ethical Egoism

Stephen Leach gives you an unbiased reason why you shouldn’t be selfish.

4 mins  |
August/September 2023
Metaphysical Skepticism
Philosophy Now

Metaphysical Skepticism

Jacob Bell argues that we can’t determine the ultimate nature of reality.

4 mins  |
August/September 2023
Kant on Time
Philosophy Now

Kant on Time

Letizia Nonnis unfolds Kant’'s conception of the nature of and experience of time.

10+ mins  |
August/September 2023
Solving the Mystery of Mathematics
Philosophy Now

Solving the Mystery of Mathematics

Jared Warren says, think of a number. What exactly are you thinking of?

10+ mins  |
August/September 2023
John Locke & Personal Identity
Philosophy Now

John Locke & Personal Identity

Nurana Rajabova considers why, according to John Locke, you continue to be you.

9 mins  |
August/September 2023
Austin & 'Reality'
Philosophy Now

Austin & 'Reality'

Will Bynoe on milk, therapy, and the nature of being.

8 mins  |
August/September 2023
The Association of Philosophy Teachers Conference Report
Philosophy Now

The Association of Philosophy Teachers Conference Report

Paul Moore-Bridger reports from an exciting new frontier for philosophy.

3 mins  |
August/September 2023
Uncertainty Made Measurable
Philosophy Now

Uncertainty Made Measurable

Rob Selzer sizes up a human confidence interval.

7 mins  |
June/July 2023
Should We Take Vagueness Seriously?
Philosophy Now

Should We Take Vagueness Seriously?

Apostolos Syropoulos argues that vagueness is a virtue, sometimes.

10+ mins  |
June/July 2023
The Six Core Virtues
Philosophy Now

The Six Core Virtues

Massimo Pigliucci finds six ethical ideals shared by all cultures.

4 mins  |
June/July 2023
On Being One With Nature
Philosophy Now

On Being One With Nature

Niki Young tells us how we (humans) can look at our relationship with Nature in a way that neither alienates us from it nor indistinguishably absorbs us into it.

7 mins  |
June/July 2023
Will the Real John Locke Please Step Forward?
Philosophy Now

Will the Real John Locke Please Step Forward?

Hilarius Bogbinder shows how Locke's intellectual identity changed over time.

10+ mins  |
June/July 2023
Back to the Sophists
Philosophy Now

Back to the Sophists

Nana Ariel corrects the record and the modern application of Sophistry.

10+ mins  |
June/July 2023
Can You Be Both A Moral Rationalist & A Moral Sentimentalist?
Philosophy Now

Can You Be Both A Moral Rationalist & A Moral Sentimentalist?

Andrew Kemle says that evolutionary forces give us the answer.

10+ mins  |
June/July 2023
Ethical Truth in Light of Quantum Mechanics
Philosophy Now

Ethical Truth in Light of Quantum Mechanics

Myles King contends that physics helps us understand ethics.

9 mins  |
June/July 2023
Right & Wrong About Right & Wrong
Philosophy Now

Right & Wrong About Right & Wrong

Paul Stearns argues against moral relativism and moral presentism.

10 mins  |
June/July 2023
Who's To Say?
Philosophy Now

Who's To Say?

Michael-John Turp asks if anyone has the authority to establish moral truth.

9 mins  |
June/July 2023
The Cognitive Gap
Philosophy Now

The Cognitive Gap

Justin Bartlett explores a basic distinction between understandings of ethics.

6 mins  |
June/July 2023
Chamfort (1740-1794)
Philosophy Now

Chamfort (1740-1794)

Martin Jenkins looks at the life of a wry observer of society, cut short by that society's revolutionary turmoil.

6 mins  |
April/May 2023
Descartes & Stupidity
Philosophy Now

Descartes & Stupidity

Trevor Pateman asks: stupidity - essence, or accident?

6 mins  |
April/May 2023
The Urgency of Art
Philosophy Now

The Urgency of Art

Sam McAuliffe thinks that art offers another way of thinking.

6 mins  |
April/May 2023
Hannah Arendt On the Spectre of Nuclear War
Philosophy Now

Hannah Arendt On the Spectre of Nuclear War

Maurits de Jongh finds our contemporary situation reflected in earlier states.

10+ mins  |
April/May 2023
Hap & Happiness
Philosophy Now

Hap & Happiness

Stephen Anderson meditates on misfortune and meaning.

10+ mins  |
April/May 2023

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