Thomas R. Morgan considers how personal identity is maintained, and how it is lost.

Pythagoras (570-495 BCE)
Daniel Toré looks beyond the mathematician to the philosopher.

Wordsworth & Darwin
Christine Avery wonders whether poetry can help us to deal with science.

Plants & Philosophy
Caroline Deforche sees similarities between gardening and philosophising.

Dr.Gindi sculptor, has a philosophical conversation with Richard Baron about sensation, life, infinity and, you guessed it, sculpture.
Dr. Gindi is one of Switzerland's foremost sculptors, whose work has been exhibited in many countries.

Thomas Aquinas on Extraterrestrial Life
Babatunde Onabajo tells us why Aquinas did not believe in aliens.

The Fire This Time
Tim Madigan on Ray Bradbury, Bertrand Russell and Fahrenheit 451.

Trust, Truth & Political Conversations
Adrian Brockless wants a recognition of human value in political debate.

Philosophy & The Crown
Vincent Di Norcia on monarchy and stability.

Technologists & Ethicists
Stephen L. Anderson laments inadequate moral insight among tech leaders.

The Material Creation of Freedom
Stephen Martin Fritz & Denise Morel contemplate what creates democracy.

Success & Luck
Carlo Filice argues that we should share our success, even if it's hard earned, because we often don't deserve it as much as we'd like to think.

Metaphors & Creativity
Ignacio Gonzalez-Martinez has a flash of inspiration about the role metaphors play in creative thought.

Medieval Islam & the Nature of God
Musa Mumtaz meditates on two maverick medieval Muslim metaphysicians.

Robert Stern
talks with AmirAli Maleki about philosophy in general, and Kant and Hegel in particular.

Volney (1757-1820)
John P. Irish travels the path of a revolutionary mind.

Becky Lee Meadows considers questions of guilt, innocence, and despair in this classic Christmas movie.

"I refute it thus"
Raymond Tallis kicks immaterialism into touch.

Cave Girl Principles
Larry Chan takes us back to the dawn of thought.

A God of Limited Power
Philip Goff grasps hold of the problem of evil and comes up with a novel solution.

A Critique of Pure Atheism
Andrew Likoudis questions the basis of some popular atheist arguments.

Exploring Atheism
Amrit Pathak gives us a run-down of the foundations of modern atheism.

Trolls, Skeptics & Philosophers
Rosemary Twomey questions our online epistemology.

Seeing & Knowing
Shashwat Mishra explores the limits of perception via the Molyneux problem.

Perpetuating the Santa Deception
Jimmy Alfonso Licon wonders whether pretending there’s a Santa is naughty or nice.

The Best Possible World, But Not For Us
Mohsen Moghri gives a Godless but principled response to the problem of evil.

Plato's Cave & Social Media
Seán Radcliffe asks, has Plato's Allegory of the Cave been warning us of social media for 2,400 years?

Anselm (1033-1109)
Martin Jenkins recalls the being of the creator of the ontological argument.

Is Brillo Box an Illustration?
Thomas E. Wartenberg uses Warhol's work to illustrate his theory of illustration.

Why is Freedom So Important To Us?
John Shand explains why free will is basic to humanity.