Releasing Your Teens From Internet Lockdown
The new normal demands a large chunk of time to be spent online. For teenagers, time spent in online classes, assignments, project work, homework, tests and exams - all these add up to many hours a day, glued to screens. Furthermore, the current generation's usage of social media and online gaming is increasing day by day. So is parental anxiety about their children's wellbeing. How do parents help their teens and themselves?

Helping Children Manage Big Emotions
Parenting is a roller-coaster ride filled with loads of fun as well as moments where we feel as if we are walking on eggshells. When our child has an outburst, we either make frantic attempts to soothe them or end up having a fit ourselves. Though it appears as if we are stumbling in the dark when it comes to understanding our child's emotions, there is still hope. When armed with information about how to help them deal with their emotional challenges, we will be able to sit back and enjoy this ride. Read on.

HANDLING Fussy Eaters
Fussy eating is a part of normal childhood development — how we handle it will influence our children's future eating habits. Many mothers struggle with their children's eating habits. Some children are fussy eaters, while others are not as troublesome; so is fussy eating something to do with the child, or parents, or both? There is no one right answer, but there are things we can do so as to not fuel this problem further. Read on for some tips on dealing with your child's fussy eating.

As parents, we eagerly look for the early milestones in our child's life - the first step, the first word. There are other equally important markers, rites of passage into independence, when our children are primary schoolers, adolescents or teens. What are these? When do these typically happen? What should a parent be watchful about? Read on. A child learns to ride a bicycle A teenager takes the local train by himself for parents, these milestones are as important as teaching opportunities as they are occasions to rejoice (with a sense of apprehension, of course). Let us examine some of these:

Cooking up stories together
Children and stories go together like birds and the open sky. Stories offer a place to soar uninhibited and unrestrained in their flights of imagination.

Books for Children
Book Reviews

Preventing Obesity In Children
Obesity in childhood has wide-ranging consequences hypertension, cardiac issues, emotional disturbances such as inappropriate behaviour, relationship problems, depression or an inability to learn.

Managing Exam Stress With Ayurveda
Stress and anxiety could hinder the thinking capability of students, especially in the times of pandemic when there is so much uncertainty around. For teenagers, appearing for exams is not just about the exam preparation but also about taking all the necessary precaution to safeguard their health. Read on.

Safety Products for Children
It is an undeniable fact that young children are our greatest treasure. The way they are nurtured and protected will have a huge impact on their future as well as society as a whole. So, is it not our foremost duty to safeguard them? Of course it is. That’s why we have featured below a list of products that will not only ensure your child’s physical safety but also give you peace of mind!

Boosting Immunity In Children
Children who learn to love physical activity in all of its forms will grow up to be adults who are active.

– the more you know, the better for you and your family

Managing the COMMON COLD
If your child catches the common cold this season, do see your doctor if your child is not better in three days.

Taking Care of EYE Sight
Your Child’s Eyesight
Organic Clothing FOR CHILDREN
With the market flooded with so many fabrics and materials, no one often gets confused with what is good and what is bad for our children and the environment. This article will help you, as a parent, to make decisions. Read on.
An important part of nurturing children is to ensure their bodies and minds are healthy. With widely available junk foods, extended screen time and lack of physical activity because of the pandemic, the last year has been a particularly challenging one. Here are some perspectives from our expert authors to help you plan a wholesome year ahead, for your children.

Fun Learning through Games

Family Workout While Doing Household Chores
Ripu Daman Bevli (Plogman of India) is an athlete, fitness enthusiast and founder of ‘Ploggers of India’. He started the ‘Litter Free India’ movement; using fitness initiatives to tackle the garbage crisis. He was honoured with the titles of ‘FIT India Ambassador’ and ‘Plogging Ambassador of India’ by the Government of India for his work. During the lockdown, Mr. Bevli created the home version of the #TrashWorkout in collaboration with FIT India and MyGov.
Cow's milk is a parent's best friend during a child's growing years. For centuries, milk has been regarded as a rich source of nutrients. However, off late, reports of adulteration in cow's milk have triggered concerns among parents. In such a case, what is the solution?


Remember the day you dropped your child to pre-school or waved goodbye at the bus stop? That seems like a distant memory. It is a fact that learning during the developmental years of a child is foundational in every aspect. Interruptions to learning during this phase can lead to lifelong consequences in terms of ability to learn. Hence parents of pre-schoolers should utilise online learning as much as possible. Read on.

Healthy Snacks For Children
With the current pandemic that has taken over the world, the phenomenon of binge eating is at an all time high. A great way to combat this problem is to find snack options that are both healthy and tasty. To save you some trouble, here is a list of snacks that will not just satiate your children’s taste buds but also supply their bodies with healthy nutrients.

In the last article of the serialised feature 'Life Skills through Games', Dr. Jeyakar described the Seligman's Method of Learning Optimism and showed how this can be applied in families using a brainstorming exercise. In a series of 'storicles' to follow, Dr. Vedamanickam will address each of the habits from Stephen Covey's book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People' and how these habits can be inculcated in children and in families. This storicle, based on the first chapter of the book lays the foundation for the seven habits and highlights the importance of parents being principle-centred for character building in children.

Books For Children
Book Reviews:

Books for Parents
Book: The Reflective Learner

Expectations Versus Reality
For every couple, becoming parents is like stepping into a brave new world: it is an uncharted territory and expectations rarely match reality. Any number of books or any amount of advice will not prepare you for the experience of being a parent. This is because it is the unique for everyone. Parents have some common expectations of their children and some impressions about the parenting experience. Let us take a look at these to understand if they are on the mark or if reality is another matter entirely!

Pink is for girls, blue is for boys. If you are a parent, you will be quite familiar with these gender colour conventions.

Personalised Products For Children
Pampering your children and making them feel special is one of the best ways to make your bond with your children even stronger. What could be better than personalising your children’s belongings and letting the sense of responsibility over their possessions build firmly? Here is a selection of websites that offer personalised and customised merchandise for children of different ages.

Almost all school-going children in India have been home-bound for more than three months by the time this issue gis being put together. It has been an unprecedented and challenging time for parents and children alike. In this cover story, our contributors address the various issues that are top of mind for parents today. Read on.

The foundation of the parent-child relationship is communication. This is critical in the adolescent years when patents feel that the teenager is moving more and more away from their circle of inflence and comfort, This article examines some best practices and principles for establishing that vital linl of communication. Read on.

The previous edition of this serialised feature was based on the findings from the Stanford Marshmallow Experiment that children who displayed a capacity to delay gratification went on to be very successful in later life. The episode showed, how parents can facilitate children to develop this valuable life skill namely Delayed Gratification. This episode discusses the subject of optimism as a trainable trait and shows how parents can combine the Brainstorming technique with the Seligman's Method of Learning Optimism to raise their children to embrace optimism.