
Holiday Aromatics
Are They Naughty or Nice?

Feline Photographers Part 2
Social media is rife with pictures of our pets, especially cats.

Celebrating the Season With Our Cats
As this writer began work on this project to find holiday stories involving cats, she was amazed to find that there are ELEVEN religious holidays celebrated during December!

How Cats Find Their Owners
A month after losing her beloved senior cat, a woman named Amin Diane was parked on a street at night, waiting for her friend.

Remembering Willa Hawke
Retired CFA Judge Emeritus Willa Hawke passed away August 2, 2024 in Lake Kiowa, TX at the age of 88. She had been a judge for over 50 years before her retirement in 2016.

UP CLOSE AND Purr-sonal
Thoughtful... Caring ... Giving ...Helpful... Committed.


Fluffy Coats

Feline Agility?
I Thought Agility Was For Dogs!

Come Fly With Me!

Life With Patrick
Patrick and Mount Doom

Feline Photographers Part 1
\"Cats never strike a pose that isn't photogenic.\" - Lillian Jackson Braun

The Cat Fancy Alphabet
\"The Cat Fancy Alphabet\" is a new feature in Cat Talk. It highlights various terms and aspects of the cat fancy, educating fanciers new and old about our hobby.

UP CLOSE AND Purr-sonal
If there is one person, or even just a name, that anyone in CFA (Cat Fancier Association) knows, it would have to be Allene Tartaglia. It might be from her involvement with most aspects of the operations of CFA in her position of executive director. Or perhaps from her deep involvement with both the CFA Annual meeting and/or the International Show. Cat Talk thought it was time to learn more about one of the most key people in CFA.

Vision and Hearing Dysfunctions in Senior Cats
Just as people are challenged by having deficiencies with vision and hearing over time, so are senior cats. In senior cats, pet owners may notice their cats are no longer responding to them in the same way; however, it may be difficult to figure out.

Senior Cats and House Soiling
Why is my cat no longer using its litter box? Cat soiling in the house is one of the most talked about issues for pet owners.

Nutrition for Our Senior Cats
From the time they are born, our kittens receive a tremendous amount of care, with diet being at the core of their growth and development.

Fluffy's Sixteen and STILL Plays Like a Kitten!
Enrichment for Senior Cats

Alternative Arthritis Treatments for Cats
Just like humans, cats can experience arthritis. About 90% of cats over the age of 10 years experience osteoarthritis (OA) in at least one joint.1 It is a complex condition involving inflammation and degeneration of one or more joints and is sometimes referred to as degenerative joint disease (DJD). Cats with OA experience pain and inflammation in various joints that interfere with daily activities.

Checklist For What to Look For in Your Club's Next Show Venue
Show Manager To Ring One, Please

When You're Well and Truly Tonked

AVOIDING The Kitten Fear Period
Young kittens seem fearless.4 As soon as those eyes open and they can get their legs under them, they are off to see the world if their mama and humans let them.

No Milk For You!
Milk Issues and Kittens

Fostering Kittens
When asked if I would be interested in fostering a queen and her eight newborn kittens, I volunteered without question.

Do You present ? Polish! OR DO YOU

No Kitten! Cats Are Part of the Military!
Felines have graced the decks of boats and ships back nearly to the beginning of time, roaming freely on passenger ships, war vessels, and merchant schooners, keeping vermin at bay.

Feline Summer Movie Fun!
School is almost OUT! Huzzah! But raindrops are plunking against the window, the amusement and water parks haven’t opened yet, camping is out, and roasted hot dogs and S’mores are another month away.

Kittens Are Special...
...and so are some of the show rules for them:

Genetic Pleiotropy and the Risks in Breeding Recessive Mutations
Nearly everyone loves what’s rare and unique. A slight defect in the minting process of a coin can create a demand and a value well beyond the face value of the coin. The coin is functionally no different than its perfectly minted counterpart, but its scarcity and uniqueness alone make it more desirable than the rest.

Good Things Come To Those Who Wait
Most new pet owners can hardly wait to get their new kitten home. How to explain why most breeders wait until the kitten is older? | Let's take a look at WHY breeders delay, and why new owners will be happier in the long run that they did.