Is Government Losing Transparency?
Journalists are not always a very disciplined lot. Keeping them at an arm’s length can be a good strategy for the government – and that can happen as a result of their own misbehaviour; but banning them from the source of information can have different implications.

No Two Joint Winners, But Only One Loser!
Though a section of the press declared that the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and the Government of India (GOI) were joint winners of the much awaited ‘mother of all board meetings’ that was organised on November 19, the undisputed fact remains that the RBI emerged unscathed. It did not lose anything. GOI was the lone loser. The predicted events did not materialise.

Trade War: An Act Of Irrational Exuberance
Last September the Donald Trump government imposed import tariffs by a huge amount, $200 billion, mainly on Chinese goods to curb Chinese imports into the United States.

Impact Of Trade War On World Economy And India
For several years and for equally several reasons, there has been an increasing tension between the United States of America (USA) and China.

Growth In Steel Industry Augurs Well For Ancillaries
The Indian government has defined an ancillary industry as, “An unit, having capital investment not exceeding 1 crore, which produce parts, components, sub-assemblies and tooling for supply against known or anticipated demand of one or more large units manufacturing and assembling complete products and which is not a subsidiary to or controlled by any large unit in regard to the negotiation of contracts for supply of its goods to any large unit.

Higher Demand Steers Steel Sector's Revival
After almost a decade of indifferent growth, the recovery of the global economy and that of the steel industry in 2017 points to a positive outlook for India’s steel sector.

KYC Remediation- A Boon For BFSI
Globally, the Know your Customer (KYC) process is a way for banks, financial institutions, service provider companies (for e.g., telecom, power, gas, internet, DTH TV et al.), various government departments, educational institutions, and many others to verify the identity of their clients.

The IBC Can Transform The Indian Steel Sector
The Indian steel industry had suffered in the past from the structural ailment of fragmentation.

Disaster In Kerala: What Media Can Do
God could not save its own country...Humans, over the years, have destroyed its pristine nature despite all warnings - Madhav Gadgil et al.

A National Calamity: Options Before Government
The unprecedented floods in Kerala last month resulted in the death of 373. Around 1.2 million people from their homes and hearths were uprooted. They are now in relief camps.

Atal Bihari Vajpayee - The Socio-Economic Reformer
Former Indian Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee, who passed away at the age of 93 on August 16, 2018, was the forerunner for several socio-economic reforms undertaken by his successors. He continued to liberalise the economy and presented a fresh image of India to the world.

Giving Tennis A Deserving Shot At Success In India
On one side of the court stands a man regarded by many as the greatest player ever to have graced the sport.

Postmodernism In Music
It becomes more and more difficult to specify exactly what is that ‘postmodernism’ is supposed to refer to as the term gets stretched in all directions across different debates, different disciplinary and discursive boundaries, as different factions seek to make it in their ownway, using it to designate a plethora of incommensurable objects, tendencies and emergencies.

Why Only Blood And Gore?
The coverage by the Indian news media is increasingly becoming morbid. Children beating up their parents and driving them out of the house; ruffians lynching people on mere grounds of suspicion; communal riots; murders and rapes; political hatred – these seem to be the staple food of the media today.

India Post Payments Bank
The Indian Postal Service (India Post) has a famed history of 150 years.
Tourism Turns A Big Contributor To GDP Growth
Travel and tourism sector is fast becoming an important contributor to economic growth. According to a recent report by World Economic Forum (WEF) travel and tourism industry accounts for 10% of global GDP and about 10% of jobs.

Tourism Promoted By North-Eastern States
The north-eastern Indian states cover a total area of around 2.62 lakh square kms.

Sikkim's Rich Organic Flora And Fauna
Sikkim was declared as the ‘first organic state in the country’ in 2016. The state was also awarded the ‘cleanest state in India’ by the National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) in September, 2016.

Temi Tea Tourism - Travels And Tales From South Sikkim
The sun rises with birds chirping and in the distance, one hears the pleasant hum of women talking as they walk through the narrow passages between the lush bushes of tea.

NIIT‘s Talent Pipeline Service creates trained manpower
The digital industry is expected to produce around 20 lakh jobs in India by 2020.

Kolkata Hospital Organised Course For Ortho Surgeons
The Indian Society for Surgery of the Hand (ISSH), a national association of hand surgeons, conducted a ‘Basic Hand Course’ on August 25 and 26, 2018, in association with the Kolkata Arthroscopy and Sports Surgery Society (KASS) at Medica Superspecialty Hospital.

‘Make In India' In Defence
Self-reliance in the defence sector has been a long cherished goal of the Indian policymakers.

BCC Organises National Seminar On Defence Production
The Bharat Chamber of Commerce (BCC) recently organised a national seminar and exhibition on Defence Production: Public-Private Partnership Focus Eastern India, in partnership with the Department of Defence Production, Ministry of Defence, Government of India in the Westin Hotel, Kolkata.

It Is Essential That Designers For Defence Products Function Closely With The End Users
Vice Admiral Bimalendu Guha retired from the Indian Navy in 1995 as the Flag Officer, Commanding-in-Chief, Eastern Naval Command. He had also been the Controller of Warship Production and Acquisition. He is presently engaged as an independent maritime consultant. Guha spoke to BE's Ellora De regarding the different implications of the Make in India policy in the defence sector.

Bengal Chemicals: On The Way To Mini Ratna
Bengal Chemicals has started dreaming big. Riding on its recent successful turnaround after nearly seven decades of loss, the century-old pharmaceutical company is aiming for Mini Ratna status in the next 5 years.

Organic Farming: A Way To Combat Soil Pollution
Problems of using chemical fertilisersThe Green Revolution in India led to an increase in food grain production. The introduction of High Yielding Variety (HYV) of seeds and the enhanced quality of fertilisers augmented agricultural production.

Industrial Production Linked To Pollution
Industrial pollution poses a serious problem for our planet and the threat is particularly imminent for rapidly industrialising developing nations such as India and China.

CPCB To Control Environmental Pollution
Pollution control measures in India were initiated in 1853 through the Shore Nuisance (Bombay and Kolaba) Act of 1853.

High Pollution Level A Health Hazard In India
Post-Diwali burning of fire-crackers, Indian cities are facing severe deterioration in air quality.

India Affected By Trade War
Trade war and its possible consequences did not start with Trump's imposition of higher tariffs on Chinese imports.