
Health Supplements Market has Huge Potential in India
The lattice of the popular consumer mood has begun to destabilize in recent years - a mass shift in consumerism from conventional to plant-based vegan products is massive. It's allegorical to an avalanche which sweeps along the pharmaceutical industry with it, making way for alternative food supplements which target holistic well being with no side effects. Majority of people have forego the pleasure of immediate gratification provided by synthetic protein and meat products as a supplement and have streamlined their goals to be in harmony with the environment by switching to plant-based and vegan products.

Building up the Startup Ecosystem and Banka CFO's Initiatives
Being a developing country, India has more than 50% of its population under the age of 25 years and more than 65% of its population under the age of 35 years which primarily makes us a young country. We have a lot of untapped talent who are driven by their passion and wish to create solutions for very real problems faced by the country. The Govenment of India has introduced many different schemes. programmes, and grants that can help as individual not only to setup his start-up but also to succeed in it.

Food Startup Launches India's First Original Hot Sauce
There are few industries as prolific as the Food and Beverage markets. Globally, this highly competitive silo embodies high-paced shifts in consumer tastes as well as a nostalgic, often inelastic, loyalty to traditional flavours. This dynamo of demand for the new versus the conventional in F&B mirror socio-cultural changes influenced by urbanisation, travel, health and fitness among other rising trends.

AI Set to Revolutionize Medical Device Technology
Artificial intelligence systems are evolving at a breakneck pace, and have already made remarkable advances in successfully replicating repetitive and complex tasks, offering unique insights making it possible for product developers to focus on the more nuanced aspects. Al-based programs can acquire information, sort and process the data logically, use known variables to form solutions, recognize the mistakes, and correct them, improving the quality of product design.

How can we think about Biodiversity without 'Wetland Ecosystem'?
It's been more than two years post the notification of Wetlands (Conservation and Management) Rules, 2017, guidelines to support state governments to implement wetland rules have been published. With the theme “Strengthening Actions for Nature to Achieve the SDGs” for the year 2020 at United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA 5), these guidelines become significant for a country like India which is endowed by a rich diversity of wetlands, ranging from high altitude wetlands of Himalayas, floodplains of rivers like Ganga and Brahmaputra, lagoons and mangrove marshes on the coastline and reefs in the marine environments.

90% of Corneal Diseases Preventable If Tackled Systematically and Strategically
According to a study by the World Health Organization in 2016, 15 million people in India are blind, and that accounts for 50% of the world's blind population. The study suggests that about 285 million people have visual impairment globally. This includes 39 million individuals who are blind and an additional 246 million who have poor vision.

Machine Learning and AI is Supercharging the Modern Technology
Today when we look around, we see how technology has revolutionized our world. It has created amazing elements and resources, putting useful intelligence at our fingertips. With all of these revolutions, technology has also made our lives easier, faster, digital and fun. Perhaps at a point when we are talking about technology, Machine learning and artificial intelligence are increasingly popular buzzwords used in modern terms.

Is Solitude the Key to Open Our Creativity?
"What actually is creativity'? 'And where precisely do ideas come free?'

The Cascading Effect of India's Telecom Sector on the Digital Economy
The apex court Trecently ruled on the 14-year long dispute on the disagreement over the definition of how to calculate Adjusted Gross Revenue (AGR) between carrier companies and the government. The sources of revenue from licensed operations of telecom operators are already listed in the Indian Telegraph Act, however, the judgement will mean that the definition of AGR will include revenue from all operations of the telecom operators, which can span across a variety of different businesses not limited to telecom. Hence, this judgement will cause the financials of already stressed telecom operators to take another major blow.

Growth-Oriented Career in Chemical Engineering
While choosing engineering as a career, one branch that comes across every student's mind is the chemical engineering. The branch has been able to maintain a numero uno position since decades and holds good growth prospects too. In India, it has bright future in PSU companies with heavy salary also in chemical processing and research industries, medicines or biotechnology. There is a great demand in Gulf countries too owing to handsome packages. It is indeed a much sought-after stream among engineering aspirants as it promises a bright career scope due to the wide range of related professions.

Key to Entrepreneurial Success - Being Smart and Somewhat Foolish
A lot of new-age entrepreneurs move mountains to achieve personal and professional success like quitting high profile jobs before taking the plunge. Interestingly, statistics reveal more than 90% of them actually fail, which conversely means that 1 in 10 is a success story. Most successful entrepreneurs have some commonality and consistency that puts them in a better position to handle critical situations, and make quicker and balanced decisions.

EKOFREN Biodegradable Products Empowering Rural Workers
EKOFREN, a Make in India manufacturer of biodegradable products whose factories create more female and rural jobs, was incepted with the bold and essential vision to diminish the consumption of single use plastic through sustainable and affordable household items. Today, the company is a comprehensively conscious enterprise that pursues environmentally andsocially responsible practices across sourcing, recruitment, production and packaging.

ERP Supporting MSMEs to Rewrite India's Growth Story
Spending money on an ERP by MSMEs would not only save a lot time by incorporating all the divisions together, but the departments would also be able to work efficiently and effortlessly if they function together in a synchronised manner.

CredAble Bringing Joy to Young & Old
Just like every Jcorporate feels the need to contribute to the society as a responsibility, CredAble went out of the way and spent time with the children, adults & elderly at the Cerebral Palsy Association of India(CPAI). Recently, CredAble – a supply chain investment bank, partnered with the CPAI to contribute to the journey of differently abled.

How to Reclaim Your Financial Independence
Ashok Saraf and his wife, Neelam, lived a dream life.

Indian Startups Looking For Pillars Of Support
Journey of Thousand Miles Begins with Single Step

Fashion Industry - Changing Dynamics and Empowering Artisans
The history of Indian handlooms is as old as the history of the country and that is proven by many excavations in the prominent sites of Indian Valley Civilization such as Mohenjo Daro. From the ancient trade centers in India, people from the rest of the world used to visit Indian to buy excellently woven colorful fabrics by Indian artisans.

Tourism can be a Great Learning Experience
Tourism is not all about travelling beautiful places in vacations and holidays for entertainment and recreational purposes, but since the earliest civilizations, it offers a multitude of learning and trade opportunities.

Changing Ecosystem of Drivers in Logistics Sector
The Logistics sector has always been one of the most growing sectors and a laggard not only in terms of changing trends in the market, contribution towards the economy but also in adoption of technology but the latest advent of technologies like 10T, Artificial Intelligence (Al) and Machine Learning (ML) have set this sector on a path which is soon going to not just transform the sector but also will give rise to a whole new breed of paradigms.ln logistics sector, drivers play an important part to deliver the goods from warehouse to the market.

Professionals Launch Chamber of Startups
To Create Conducive Ecosystem

Al Reducing Barriers for People with Disabilities to Enter Workforce: Hector Minto
He walks into the meeting room and starts talking about the Indian Premier League (IPL), a popular club cricket tournament in India, and team jersey colors. “Imagine two teams playing in blue and yellow jerseys on a green cricket pitch,” he says.

Are You Ready For Password-Less Future?
As technology pervades our lives, the need to remember passwords has grown considerably. Weak passwords and poorly managed login methods have become a pain point for both enterprises and customers, with severe security repercussions. In recent years, customers have gotten a big wakeup call about the value of their personal data and risks associated with it.

When We Uplift Women, Things Will Change Drastically: Malini Saba
Saba Industries, a USD 1.5 Billion group of privately-held commodity company founded in Asia by a self-made entrepreneur and a philanthropist Ms. Malini Saba.

Way Forward For Start-Ups Under GST Regime
Start-ups have emerged as one of the prominent growth engines of the Indian Economy. In the year 2018, eight start-ups in India attained the prestigious Unicorn status as their valuation crossed 1 billion USD. The start-ups have promoted innovation and generated employment for thousands of people in the country.

Suggestive Measures For Empowerment Of MSMEs
Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) sector is the most dynamic, heterogeneous and an important segment of economy across the world. In India, MSMEs are the major employment generator; contribute significantly to the GDP and exports of the country. Despite the sector's huge role in the country's development activity, it continues to suffer as 'second fiddle'.

Logistics Sector: Transformation With Al And Other Modern Technologies
Rapid Technological development in the fields of big data, algorithmic development, connectivity, cloud computing and processing power have made the performance, accessibility, and costs of AI more favorable than ever before. The emergence of technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning and blockchain has transformed the chaotic and fragmented logistics market. Al is now following a similar path. It has now become an integral part of every future software system. In an increasingly complex and competitive business world, companies that operate global supply chains are under unprecedented pressure to deliver higher service levels at lower costs.

Is It Possible To Claim Tax Benefits For Tax Paid On Insurance Premium?
Under Section 80C and U Section 80D of the Income Tax Act, the premium paid for life and medical insurance policies can be used to claim tax benefits. Now the question is, “Can the policyholders claim similar tax benefits for Goods and Service Tax (GST)?”

Artificial Intelligence Makes Homes Smarter
As the name suggests, an automated house perform Avarious functions and executes assigned tasks in accordance to a logical cue or command. One can control Lights & Drapes to create perfect ambience & right mood for that special moment, cue in the appropriate music along with right room temperature setting and control any appliance or gadget with a click of a button on a mobile device from anywhere.

How Should India Deals With Possible Death Of MEIS?
In March 2018 the United States of America challenged India's Merchandise Exports from India Scheme (MEIS).

Street Vendor: A Dark Horse In Strengthening India's Informal Economy
'Street vendors' are often harassed for number of reasons. They are accused of encroaching pavements, creating traffic problem and illegal trading activity.