
The Economy Of Intensive Production
Intensive production refers to any production system that aims to increase yield without increasing the production area.
Getting The Most Out Of Agricultural Insurance
In recent years the strength of the rand combined with production surpluses, has put immense pressure on agricultural profits. This has resulted in many farmers cutting costs by reducing insurance cover or cancelling policies altogether. Although reduced cover may provide some shortterm relief, it also reduces a farming enterprise’s capacity to recover from large financial setbacks.

Precision irrigation truly makes sense
Agriculture across the world is in the firing line.

The benefits of clearing invasive alien plants
Water shortages, loss of arable land, worsening veld fires, declining grazing quality, and lower cash crop yields all have one thing in common: invasive alien plants.

Remembering Wiseman: A legacy of honest, hard work
A mere year after his untimely passing in August 2018, the three children of Remember Wiseman Mthethwa received the Grain SA Potential Commercial Farmer of the Year award.
An industry that feeds the world
In 2019, animal diseases that broke out locally and internationally severely affected the animal feed industry. According to the 2018/19 Animal Feed Manufacturers’ Association (AFMA) Chairman’s Report, outbreaks of African swine fever (ASF) had a significant impact on China and other international markets during the first half of 2019. At the time of writing this article, the effects of ASF continued to affect the industry.

A bean to suit every taste
The soya bean is a versatile legume that can be used as a source of protein, oil or as a milk alternative.

Diversification: An Effective Management Tool
South Africa’s agricultural industry has been experiencing several challenging years. The impact of various factors such as drought, floods, low prices, pests and diseases that closed the country’s borders for exports, imports of cheap food products and a weak economy with low associated consumer demand, has been and is being felt throughout the sector.

Women In Agriculture: A Chance To Improve Food Security
A cross the world, gender inequality in the agricultural sector is a contributing factor to food insecurity, malnutrition and poverty. This is according to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations 2011 State of food and agriculture (SOFA) report.

Microgreens And Edible Flower Farmers Excel
Two young farmers who identified a gap in the agricultural industry and retail sector, have exploited a unique agri-business opportunity that, in just under three years, has positioned them as a leading supplier of microgreens and edible flowers in KwaZuluNatal.

Young Egg Producer Plays In The Big Leagues
It is plain to see why last year’s Western Cape Young Farmer of the Year, Johan van der Schyff, was named the 2019 Toyota Agri SA National Young Farmer of the Year. His farming operations set him apart from the other finalists in the competition, who were all top farmers in their respective provinces.

The art of small-scale irrigation
Southern Africa is a region in which water is scarce for most of the year. It rains for only four to five months of the year with frequent dry spells in between, while the rest of the year is hot and dry. Anyone with an ornamental or vegetable garden can get the most out of their garden by following a few simple water usage tips. These tips are also applicable to irrigation farming.

Precision farming for healthy soil
The Fourth Industrial Revolution is well underway and is characterised by the fading boundaries between the physical, digital and biological world. It is further characterised by advances in artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, the Internet of Things (IoT), genetic engineering and three-dimensional (3D) printers, among others. In our changing world new technologies are also being developed for the agricultural sector, which will enable this industry to improve production.

Poultry sector hatches a plan
South Africa’s poultry industry is highly competitive and has the potential to compete with other exporting countries on an equal level. However, no industry can compete with unfair trade practices such as dumping, which has been a hot topic for industry role-players in recent years.

Keeping the connections fresh
The Produce Marketing Association (PMA) hosted its third annual PMA Retailers’ Connections Lunch at the end of last year. According to Lindie Stroebel, general manager of PMA in Southern Africa, representatives of three big retailers in South Africa attended the event, as did top producers of fresh produce such as ZZ2.

Farmers' markets bring relief to smallholder farmers
Agriculture is often touted as a sector with immense potential for rural development and job creation.

Land Reform: A Package Deal?
The consequences of land dispossession due to colonialism and apartheid remains part of South Africa’s socio-political landscape, despite government’s efforts to address it through land reform and redistribution.

The Correct Way To Manage And Utilise Groundwater
Around fifty years ago, a large-scale effort was made in South Africa to teach people about water conservation.

The Road To National Livestock Identification And Traceability
It is the start of a new year with new opportunities and threats. Some farmers might even be wondering how long the current challenges will last. Others might catch themselves reflecting on opportunities they could not embrace because of the challenges they were facing at the time.

Water Resource Management In South Africa
The global population explosion and subsequent elevated levels of agricultural and industrial production are putting increasing pressure on existing water supplies.

Polish Agricultural Sector Grows Amidst Challenges
With its high production potential and rich natural resources, Poland has cemented its place as the largest producer of poultry meat, apples, berries and mushrooms in the European Union (EU).

Forgotten Crops Are Back With A Bang!
Forgotten crops, such as ancient grains and many pseudocereals, have been making a comeback due to their high nutritional content. Many of these crops are also ideal alternatives to grains that contain gluten.

Invasive Alien Plants And Their Impact On Wetlands
Invasive alien plants multiply rapidly once they are established in an area, which increases clearing costs and compounds adverse effects on the environment. These species have established sustained self-propagating populations and spread considerable distances from the site of introduction.

Young Irrigation Farmer Prospers In The Northern Cape
It took Hilton Megaw by surprise when he was nominated as Agri Northern Cape’s Young Farmer of the Year. Hilton, who produces maize, wheat, peanuts, cotton, wheat and cattle, was subsequently crowned as the 2019 Young Irrigation Farmer of the Year and overall runner-up.

Veld, Weeds And Fire: The Good, The Bad And The Ugly
A sizeable part of South Africa’s native vegetation has naturally adapted to burn quite often and fynbos, grassland and bushveld all burn at some stage during their growth cycles.

Technology Can Enhance Food Security In Africa
Press release by Agritech Africa 2020

State Of The Global Cottonseed Oil Market
Global cottonseed oil market revenue amounted to $8,2 billion in 2018, falling by 3,6% against the previous year. This figure reflects the total revenue of producers and importers (excluding logistics costs, retail marketing costs, and retailers’ margins, which will be included in the final consumer price).

Introducing Biological Pest Control In Citrus
Many South African citrus producers export their produce to various countries in Europe. Endulini Fruit is one such producer.

Examining Agriculture's Role In Labour-Intensive Growth
Another year has come to an end, and although one hopes that each year will be better than the previous one, these hopes do not always materialise. This year certainly had a few highlights, but it was also clear that all was not always well in South African agriculture.

Dairy Packaging: A Look At Alternatives
Plastic is the most widely used packaging in the world.