Mom's Last Gift
“Your mother’s breast cancer has returned, and it’s metastasized to her bones,” said my mother’s doctor. “It’s…everywhere. I’m so sorry, Roberta.”

Martin's Miracle
On the mountainside of Mount Sainte-Odile in Alsace, France, I stopped to catch my breath. My three kids and I had planned to meet here—but they were nowhere in sight. I guess they’d changed their minds and decided to stay back at the abbey. Oh well, I thought. Perhaps expecting teens to be excited about a religious relic was a little ambitious.

Jim and the Mystery Bullet
My father-in-law, Jim Matis, was a natural storyteller. He loved regaling his friends with tales, drawing them in with quick jokes and easy conversation.

An Unlikely Guardian
I headed out for my daily walk one August morning, but the back road behind my house was muddy. Too muddy for me. At 66, I couldn’t risk slipping. I’ll take the main road today, I thought. That should be safer.

Don't Worry, Be Happy
Just a quick Google search and there it was—an eBay listing for a Big Mouth Billy Bass, available to the highest bidder. I matched the asking price and crossed my fingers. It looked exactly like the one my ex-husband had brought home all those years ago, back in 1999.

Six Types of Heaven Sent Visions
Have you experienced something you couldn’t explain? An image that warned you of impending danger? A voice that brought you comfort when you needed it most? You may have experienced a prophetic vision. According to preacher and writer Dr. James W. Goll, there are 12 types of prophetic visions in the Bible. As Dr. Goll says, “Prophetic visions are not just for prophets.” They’re signs and messages from God we still experience today. Here are six of types of them:

A Shared Glimpse
JEFF OLSEN: The accident happened while we were driving back to our home in Bountiful, Utah, from a visit to relatives in the southern part of the state. My wife, Tamara, was asleep beside me. Our seven-year-old son, Spencer, was in the back seat, playing with his toys. Our toddler, Griffin, slept in his car seat. The road stretched out ahead, and my eyes grew heavy. It felt as if I’d blinked for just a second.

A Letter to My Granddaughter, on Her Graduation Day
My Dear Granddaughter, Congratulations on your high school graduation. I wanted to get you something special for the occasion. I came across the enclosed hand-painted feather in a gift shop on a recent trip to Arizona. It felt like the right gift because it also comes with a story. One I haven’t told you before. It’s about your biological mother—my daughter, Missy.

In the earlier articles of this series, RAVI VENKATESAN introduced the Heartful Strategist framework. He covered how consciousness is limited by certain vicious cycles of negative emotions. He also looked at examples of shifts that can be made to allow consciousness to expand through broadening our perspective and “thinking” for the benefit of broader and broader circles of influence. In this article he explores tendencies and thought patterns, and how specific practices can help with shifting these. As background, you can read parts 3 and 4 of this series again.

DR ICHAK K. ADIZES challenges us all to learn to listen to what feels right and wrong in the heart. He encourages us to find God’s will within ourselves.

The Heart Is Where We Experience Connection
MIRABAI BUSH is the author of Working with Mindfulness, co-creator of Google’s “Search Inside Yourself” program, co-founder of the Centre for Contemplative Mind and Society and a founding board member of the Seva Foundation. Some of her other literary works include Contemplation Nation, Contemplative Practices in Higher Education and Walking Each Other Home, co-authored with Ram Dass. Here she speaks with PURNIMA RAMAKRISHNAN as part of the GLOW Webinar series, on her journey and evolution during the last 50 years, and on the role of her teacher in that transformation.

Sleep Over It
HARI VENKATESAN takes the approach of self-compassion towards self-improvement and managing emotions. Here he shares some tips from his own experience.

The Fountain Within - An Art Essay
NARENDRA KINI manages to integrate his work as a successful Silicon Valley-based entrepreneur with being an artist, a poet and seeker of higher truth through meditative practices. He is currently the co-founder and CEO of Global Touchpoints, and here he talks of how he finds his inspiration for creativity and art.

Part 2 - Transforming Awareness: Being a Life Coach
In October 2019, PETER J. REDING spoke with VICTOR KANNAN about being a pioneer in the field of professional Life Coaching. In part 2, they speak about the importance of sacred space, inner connection, and revitalizing the sacred in secular spaces through awareness.

In April 2020, BRUCE LIPTON spoke with UDAY KUMAR about the transition our planet is going through right now, and what we need to do to raise our consciousness to the next level. In part 2, he goes into more detail about epigenetics, consciousness, and how we remain preprogrammed until we evolve our consciousness through meditation. It is our programs more than anything external that hack our attention.

All around the world, we are in lockdown in a bid to slow down the spread of the COVID-19 virus. And we are coming to terms with this collective experience. In this article, RUBY CARMEN shares some insights, inspirations and suggestions for coping well in this extraordinary time.

A User's Guide to Living - Part 7 - COMMUNITY
DAAJI continues his series on everyday living, introducing the sixth universal principle of the User’s Guide, which is to know everyone as our brethren and treat them as such. As a starting point, this sixth principle helps us to overcome prejudice, and develop mutual love and respect with all beings. As we take it further, it unfolds into a state of unity and oneness that is a reflection of the original Source.
Serving humanity is the mission and core value adopted by the Great Commission (GC) COGOP in Rongai-Tuala, Kenya, since its beginning. Our mandate is to reach out and share the love and compassion of our Lord Jesus Christ with a lost and hurting world. The GCCOGOP is always looking for opportunities to fulfill this mandate.

Little is much When God is In It
God has long been in the business of using young people for the glory of His kingdom. In Genesis chapter 37, we read how He used Joseph. Only a youth, with fantastic dreams, God’s hand was upon Joseph.

It Echoes Up the Holler
Terry Newsom and Mitchell Cathey are co-pastors of Cumberland Furnace COGOP in Dickson County, Tennessee. Because of their reputation as larger-than-life mountain movers, State Overseer E.C. McKinley has dubbed these Western Highland Rim ministers the “Cumberland Furnace Boys.” District presbyter Mike Burton asked them to co-pastor the church after faithful COGOP trailblazer, Pastor Buna Lampley (who had mentored them), went to glory.
Apostle Peter writes, “We are being built up a spiritual house” (see 1 Peter 2:5 NKJV). In this “spiritual house,” systems and structure, while important, must well up from the essentials of deep intimate relationships with God and one another. Systems and structures should serve the church, not the church serving the systems and structures. In some cases, we have endeavored to develop a global financial system to produce a healthy global function of biblical stewardship. The essential relationships must precede the critical systems and structures for the spiritual health of the church at all levels of ministry to be fruitful.

As the news reports of the growing pandemic began to escalate in early March, we were moved to action here in Global Missions Ministries.

For more than a century, Church of God of Prophecy pastors have prepared to step into a pulpit and address their congregations face-to-face one or more times a week. They prepared with Scripture references, three or four main points, and some had a funny story or two.
Kathryn Creasy Executive Director of Leadership Development and Discipleship

Todo comenzó como una introducción a su nuevo campo misionero.

Por lo general cuando pienso en la dádiva viene a mi mente también esta analogía: ¿Cómo puede Dios bendecirnos si nuestras manos están apretadas, aferradas a todo lo que poseemos? La respuesta es que no puede bendecirnos. No obstante, si nuestras manos están abiertas, si damos libremente de lo que tenemos, entonces también están abiertas para recibir lo que viene de Dios.

Tres fundamento - del discipulado para grupos pequenos
Por medio de Su ministerio, enseñanza e influencia, Jesús alcanzó a miles de personas; pero la mayor parte de Su tiempo la dedicó trabajando solamente con doce.

El aliento de Dios da vida. Estamos aquí porque Dios sopló en nosotros aliento de vida. Ezequiel nos habla del encuentro espiritual o visión que experimentó en el capítulo 37. El Espíritu del Señor lo llevó a un valle que estaba lleno de huesos secos y le preguntó: “Hijo de hombre, ¿vivirán estos huesos?” El profeta respondió: “Señor Jehová, tú lo sabes”.

En Lucas 14 encontramos a Jesús compartiendo la historia de un hombre que preparaba una gran fiesta.