These days we keep getting badgered with negative news day-in-and-day-out. This incessant onslaught leads to our thinking that we are living in the worst of times in the history of humankind.
But is it really true? Let's look at some significant statistics of the times we are living in.
• In the last twenty years, the proportion of the global population living in extreme poverty has reduced by half. A majority of the world population today lives in middle income countries.
• Life expectancy of the world is around 70 years at present, an increase of more than a decade from 50 years ago.
• Around 90% of the world population today has some access to electricity.
• Over the last 100 years, deaths per year from natural disasters decreased to less than half.
Each of the above represents a quantum leap kind of positive development across the world. By these counts, our world should definitely be a happier place today. But contrary to that expectation, the world today seems to be a very unhappy place, going by the fact that around 11% of the global population was suffering from some kind of mental ailment per the Global Burden of Disease Study, 2017. Per the same study, one in seven Indians was affected by mental disorders of varying severity. A Lancet study highlights that India's contribution to global suicide deaths increased from 25.3% in 1990 to 36.6% in 2016 among women, and from 18.7% to 24.3% among men.
Why are these two statistics of our times so contradictory?
この記事は Yoga and Total Health の May 2023 版に掲載されています。
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The Significance of Rebirth
The purpose and values of this concept

स्मार्टफोन - एक जिनी
हर साधारण शख्स अपने आप को एक्स्ट्रा ऑर्डिनरी मानता है ह स्मार्टफोन हाथ में लेकर अपने आप को कूल, वेरी कूल समझता है अब कोई भी इंसान ऐरा गैरा नथ्थू खैर नहीं कच्चा बादाम, कच्चा बादाम गाकर मूंगफली वाला भी प्रसिद्ध हो रहा है।

भरोसा उसी पर जो तर्क में खरा उतरे
तमाम विचारों पर संदेह करें, लेकिन इसको अपनी आदत न बनाएं, क्योंकि संदेह लोगों को अलग कर देता है, यह एक ऐसा जहर है जो मित्रता और हमारे जीवन के सुखद संबंधों को भी खत्म कर सकता है - गौतम बुद्ध

The best things in life are free

To Err is Human; and to Course Correct is also Human
Not to go wrong once in a while means not to go at all

वृक्ष हमें सिखाते जीवन दर्शन
संयोगवश एक छोटा सा बीज धरती में पनाह लेता है, धरा भी उसे अपनी ममतामयी गोद में हौले से समेट लेती है, धीरे-धीरे उपयुक्त माहौल पाकर बीज अपनी जड़ें ज़मीन में फैलाकर अपनी पकड़ मजबूत कर लेता है।

When Life Throws You Attitude, Keep Cool
Upeksha in action

मैं कौन हूँ ?
हमें स्वयं को जानने के लिये खुद पर कड़ी नज़र डालनी होगी और कुछ समय निकालना होगा।

From Reaction to Action
A little step every day goes a long way

A Tribute to Dr Jayadeva Yogendra
An exceptional Yogi