'Should I trade stocks to generate a second income?'
Mutual Fund Insight

'Should I trade stocks to generate a second income?'


3 mins  |
June 2022
'I try to keep the portfolio construct earnings-based rather than thematic'
Mutual Fund Insight

'I try to keep the portfolio construct earnings-based rather than thematic'

Mahindra Manulife is among the younger AMCs in the industry. We speak with Krishna Sanghavi, CIO - Equity, Mahindra Manulife Investment Management Private Limited, to get his views on the markets, portfolio construction, the active-passive debate, among other things. Sanghavi also shares with us his key lessons in fund management and how his investment philosophy was shaped.

8 mins  |
June 2022
'I try to keep the portfolio construct earnings-based rather than thematic'
Mutual Fund Insight

'I try to keep the portfolio construct earnings-based rather than thematic'

Mahindra Manulife is among the younger AMCs in the industry. We speak with Krishna Sanghavi, CIO - Equity, Mahindra Manulife Investment Management Private Limited, to get his views on the markets, portfolio construction, the active-passive debate, among other things. Sanghavi also shares with us his key lessons in fund management and how his investment philosophy was shaped.

8 mins  |
June 2022
'Should I trade stocks to generate a second income?'
Mutual Fund Insight

'Should I trade stocks to generate a second income?'

Thirty-four-year-old Rachit works in an IT company and takes home about ₹80,000 a month.

3 mins  |
June 2022
Zero to hero
Mutual Fund Insight

Zero to hero

Anshul Goel knew nothing about investing and personal finance. Now, he is a personal-finance enthusiast. Here's how it happened.

4 mins  |
June 2022
It is important to stay up to date with the latest investment trends but not necessary to act on all of them
Mutual Fund Insight

It is important to stay up to date with the latest investment trends but not necessary to act on all of them

This is one of Ayyappan Ramachandran's valued investing lessons. Here's his investment journey and what else he has learnt.

4 mins  |
May 2022
How do I decide my asset allocation
Mutual Fund Insight

How do I decide my asset allocation

Ishaan has been investing in equity funds for quite some time. Now, he wants to decide the asset allocation for his portfolio. Here is some advice.

4 mins  |
May 2022
Mutual Fund Insight


With AMCs restricting investments in international funds, here are your options now

10+ mins  |
May 2022
The original goal
Mutual Fund Insight

The original goal

When you first came to Value Research Online, your first goal was likely to locate great funds to invest in. Here's how to best do it.

3 mins  |
May 2022
How to file a life-insurance claim
Mutual Fund Insight

How to file a life-insurance claim

Our regular readers know the importance we attach to life insurance and buying an adequate term plan for that. But what about making a claim when the need arises?

3 mins  |
April 2022
Mutual Fund Insight


What to do and what not to

7 mins  |
April 2022
How should a 39-year-old start his equity journey?
Mutual Fund Insight

How should a 39-year-old start his equity journey?

Vivek has so far invested only in fixed-income instruments. Now he wants to start investing in equities. Here's what he should do.

4 mins  |
April 2022
A convenient gateway to new companies
Mutual Fund Insight

A convenient gateway to new companies

Edelweiss Recently Listed IPO Fund invests in IPOs and newly listed companies. Here are its pros and cons.

3 mins  |
April 2022
'In July 2021, my portfolio crossed the magical figure of eight digits'
Mutual Fund Insight

'In July 2021, my portfolio crossed the magical figure of eight digits'

Sandeep Nagpal's wealth-creation journey explains how sticking to investing principles rewards in the long term

4 mins  |
April 2022
A missed opportunity
Mutual Fund Insight

A missed opportunity

AMCs have disclosed the Potential Risk Class matrices for their debt schemes. Only two AMCs have made good use of this mandatory risk disclosure.

2 mins  |
February 2022
Mutual Fund Insight

Which is the best NPS plan?

There are seven managers and four types of schemes in the National Pension System. Here's how you can make the most of this retirement tool.

5 mins  |
March 2022
Guide To Buying Health Insurance Online
Mutual Fund Insight

Guide To Buying Health Insurance Online

Want to buy health insurance but not sure how to do it? Here's some help.

9 mins  |
March 2022
Your Ideal Tax-Saving Plan
Mutual Fund Insight

Your Ideal Tax-Saving Plan

The most rewarding ready-to-go tax-saving plans to suit the needs of different investors

8 mins  |
March 2022
'I'm very open and flexible about my market cap weightings'
Mutual Fund Insight

'I'm very open and flexible about my market cap weightings'

In the Spotlight

9 mins  |
March 2022
'How do I reduce my capital gains tax?'
Mutual Fund Insight

'How do I reduce my capital gains tax?'

Dharmesh wants to know how to reduce his capital-gains tax while restructuring his portfolio. Here's what he can do.

4 mins  |
March 2022
The two doctors
Mutual Fund Insight

The two doctors

Which of the two doctors will you prefer: one who tells you the right stuff or one who writes needless prescriptions? Value Research Premium is the former kind of doctor for your portfolio.

4 mins  |
March 2022
ULIP VS ELSS: Which is better?
Mutual Fund Insight

ULIP VS ELSS: Which is better?

With a cut in their cost structure and a more favorable tax treatment, ULIPs seem to have got an edge over ELSS. Is this really the case?

6 mins  |
March 2022
Time to save tax
Mutual Fund Insight

Time to save tax

Despite a dip in their popularity, tax-saving funds, or equity-linked savings schemes, are still the best 80C avenue

3 mins  |
March 2022
The World Is Your Oyster
Mutual Fund Insight

The World Is Your Oyster

Funds investing in overseas equity are mushrooming. It’s necessary not just to pick the right ones but also to have the right expectations from your international allocation.

3 mins  |
February 2022
Silver ETFs Are Here! Should You Invest In Them?
Mutual Fund Insight

Silver ETFs Are Here! Should You Invest In Them?

The only commodity that has so far been a part of the mutual fund ecosystem is gold but now investors can also invest in silver.

2 mins  |
February 2022
The route to your financial goals
Mutual Fund Insight

The route to your financial goals

Different investors are heading for different goals and each needs a different route

4 mins  |
February 2022
Paying Attention To The Right Things
Mutual Fund Insight

Paying Attention To The Right Things

Does your investing mind spend too much time on investments that don’t really matter? Do you give enough attention to the right ones?

4 mins  |
January 2022
'Is it the right time to start my investment journey?'
Mutual Fund Insight

'Is it the right time to start my investment journey?'

Vanya (27) has been working for the past two years. Her in-hand monthly salary is about 150,000. She is currently living with her parents and has no major responsibilities.

3 mins  |
December 2021
Mutual Fund Insight

4 Money Fixes You Must Not Postpone

Four money fixes you must not postpone

8 mins  |
October 2021
Should You Invest In Capital-Gain Bonds To Save Tax?
Mutual Fund Insight

Should You Invest In Capital-Gain Bonds To Save Tax?

Capital-gain bonds can help save tax on the proceeds from sale of property. But given their returns and taxation, are there better options? Here’s the answer.

3 mins  |
October 2021

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