Coming out stronger from a second wave
We have just completed a financial year that is difficult to describe in a single word. “Unprecedented“possibly does not capture the wide range of emotions, like anxiety, depression, sense of relief etc. that we went through as a society. Just as we thought that COVID was being relegated to history, it has reared it’s ugly head in the form of a second wave.
Ask the Expert
Q Dear Sir, I shall be retiring in couple of months. I am expecting my retirement funds to be around Rs.2 crores. Can I get monthly returns upto Rs.1.5 Lakhs from these funds. Please give some suggestions. -Mr.Raghubir Prasad, Noida
Are Balanced Advantage Funds For You?
With the equity market growing more volatile, balanced advantage funds/ dynamic asset allocation (BAF/ DAA) funds are growing in popularity.
Key Things To Know About Health Insurance Plans, Before You Buy Them
The importance of health insurance cover in terms of the amount of coverage got its due after the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Why do you need to plan for retirement?
Can you imagine your future with the financial support from your family if you didn’t see the value in planning for retirement? It would then become your children’s responsibility to take care of you. In your retirement, you shouldn’t be dependent on anyone, let alone your own family.
Make a fresh start in the new financial year by taking these important steps
As the new financial year 2021-22 begins, the memories of the previous FY is still fresh in our minds.
Woman and Her Financial Freedom
Today, women are freely joining the workforce, choosing their own career options, living a life they want. But ironically, taking a financial decision or investing decision is still not her area of expertise or interest.
Should you invest in target maturity passive debt funds?
In recent times, fund houses like Edelweiss, Nippon and IDFC have launched target maturity debt funds. What is interesting is that these are all passive funds –index funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs).
ARE YOU DRINKING TOO MUCH COFFEE? If yes, then you are taking a big risk!
A cup of coffee commits you to forty years of friendship. Coffee indeed has a great bonding quality. But this bonding can turn into bondage, if you exceed the limits.
For the starters, NPS is a retirement focused scheme regulated by a statutory body, Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA).
You Are As Young As You Think: Health Is All In The Mind
“Nothing holds more power over the body than the mind. If we believe deeply that something will happen, it will definitely happen. Often people say: “I knew that this would happen.” this is sankalap shakti or will power.”
Buying The Right Health Insurance Plan: Know The Variants And How They Work!
When it comes to the features and benefits, the health insurance plans have a lot of differences. It is therefore important to make an informed decision while choosing a health insurance plan to make it work for you in the right manner. The structure, nomenclature and the definitions of the plan could be standardised and largely be same but in terms of benefits, there could be differences. And remember, each such difference leads to variation in premium. So, to start looking for the best health insurance plan would not serve the purpose, rather try to find the right plan that meets your requirement.
Mutual Fund: How Systematic Investment Plans (SIPs) Help You Save For Long Term Goals
Mutual funds have emerged as one of the simplest financial tools for an investor to achieve financial goals. Whether one has the need to save for short-term goals or for long term goals such as children education, arranging a down payment for a home loan or for one’s own retirement, there are mutual funds available in all variations. What defines the working and the performance of each of them is the underlying asset-class. Those mutual fund schemes which have predominantly higher allocation to equities are suited for long term goals while those with higher allocation to debt are suited for short-to-medium term goals.
Tax saving options to help meet your long-term goals: Know them before you invest !!
The last date to save tax on income earned during the financial year 2020-21 is March 31, 2021. In the previous year, the last date was extended by the government, but may not be extended this time. For many of us, tax saving time begins only when there is a call from the accounts department. Instead of being a one-time affair, efficient tax planning should begin in the start of every financial year. This approach helps you not only save tax but also link your tax saving investments to your medium to long term goals.
What should be your strategy in debt funds now?
The 10-year government bond yield, which for several months had been hovering below the 6% mark, suddenly shot up to 6.20%. Market experts say that the declining interest-rate cycle is behind us. Interest rates are likely to climb up in the coming days, albeit at a gradual pace. Clearly, the investment strategy that worked in debt funds in the past will not work in the future.
State of Economy
01 NPS subscribers can make partial withdrawal online
Embrace the new Beginning
2021 has begun on a positive note. Approval for use of multiple vaccines, faster than anticipated recovery on the economic front, rising corporate profitability, rising stock markets and a pro-growth budget are helping relegate the dark memories of the Covid 19 pandemic into the background and not to forget, a memorable victory for the Indian cricket team under most trying conditions in Australia. The series showcased the resilience, tenacity and confidence of youth of this country. What we saw on the field of cricket is a reflection of the attitude of the next generation. The spirit of playing to win is what will augur well for the country’s economy for the next decade.
Budget 2021: Government Fully Prepared To Support And Facilitate The Economy's Reset
The FM in all likelihood has stuck to the pre-budget promise of presenting a never before 100-year budget. After the pandemic hit 2020, the expectations for the government to bring the economy back on track was immensely required.
Awaken The Superman In You
Challenges, goals and competition bring out the Superman latent in all of us - Many of our dreams at first seem impossible and then they seem possible and when we summon our courage and willpower, they become reality.
5 Financial Resolutions For 2021
We all are very eager to bid goodbye to the year 2020 which has been a tough & challenging year for reasons well known to us! Despite being a difficult year, it has taught us a lot of new things like ‘How to work effectively from home’, ‘How to use technology like Zoom, etc. to stay connected with friends, family, colleagues, etc’, ‘How to stay mentally relaxed & strong despite being locked down in four walls of our home for many months’ & ‘How to improve our immunity, mental & physical health in Covid inflicted environment’.
Mutual fund Investments: How to invest in equity and debt funds based on age?
The stock market has reached new highs and is poised at a crucial point.
Picking the right health insurance plan made easy: Here's how to choose one that suits you the most
The outbreak of coronavirus pandemic has brought the importance of health insurance to the forefront.
Top highlights from the Budget 2021
Renouncing the traditional briefcase and opting for a bahi khata, wrapped in a silk bag, was sufficient to understand the matter of importance in this year’s Union Budget: the Atma Nirbhar Bharat.
Share Buyback by Companies – Should the Investors Go For It?
Indian companies both private and public have gone on a shopping spree for the buyback of their own shares putting investors in a dilemma.
Health is True Wealth
After an extremely challenging year we are finally seeing a ray of hope on the vaccine front. Challenges of distribution logistics and even efficacy and acceptability will remain but clarity and confidence on this issue has been evolving. Few quarters down the line this phase will be relegated into the background. However, lessons that this experience taught us are likely to leave a lifelong impression on most of us.