"Crazy and Unprecedented"
Haneen Harara, a Palestinian journalist based in Gaza, says it is really hard to tell the world how bad the situation is

"We are the People of Truth"
The last words of Gaza poet Heba Abu Nada

No Country for Coriander
In a longstanding game of one-upmanship, Israel keeps banning harmless goods, snatching away the simple wants of Palestinians

"I Don't Know How I Made it Out Alive"
Palestinian journalist Plestia Alaqad has been sharing the everyday struggle for survival in the ravaged city of Gaza

"Everyone is a Target"
Journalist Shatha Hanaysha missed death by a whisker last year during an Israeli raid, which killed a fellow scribe she had admired. But that has not stopped her

"Women are Suffering Because They are Women"
Twenty-five-year-old Gazan journalist Bisan Owda’s social media posts capture the everyday struggles of Gazans and the horrific impact of Israeli attacks

"We Did Not Expect the War to Go on for So Long"
Adel Al-Hawajri, a journalist from Gaza, says people are mentally and emotionally drained because this war is very different from the previous rounds of violence

"They Didn't Even Let Us Say Goodbye To Him"
West Bank-based journalist Fayha Shalash recounts her family's harrowing ordeal

"In Gaza, Death is Safer than Life"
Mosab Abu Toha, a poet, recounts his struggle to stay alive in war-torn Gaza

Where is She?
Batool Abu Akleen, a teenage poet from Gaza, last posted on October 23. Her social media handles went silent after that

"I Use Art to Convey What Cannot be Expressed in Words"
Artists expressing solidarity with Palestine are struggling to find space on mainstream platforms

"Gaza is our Home"
Researcher, writer and translator Yousef Aljamal highlights the human impact of the political situation through his mother’s and sister's stories

"I Let my Art be a Testament to my Political Identity"
Heba Haji is a Kuwaiti-Palestinian artist settled in Kuwait. She traces her ancestry to Palestine through the words of her grandparents

"I am Ready to Die, Here in Gaza"
She is a 21-year-old student in Gaza. She has survived many Israeli military attacks. The Israeli army assassinated two of her uncles and two of her cousins. This is her story

"We Need More Medicines"
Chris Hook has been working with Médecins Sans Frontieres MSF)/Doctors Without Borders since 2015. He was recently the Head of Medical Teams in Gaza and describes what it’s like to do care work in a city under siege

"I Spent A Day in an Israeli Prison"
Italian artist Jorit painted a mural of Palestinian activist Ahed Tamim! while visting Jerusalem. He was jailed for it, and he Is banned from entering Israel for ten years

Occupation Stories
A collection of plays by Palestinian theatre groups about the daily lives of people in wartime in their homeland'

Static Frames of Turbulence
The flair and flourish of Palestinian filmmaker Elia Suleiman

Palestine Outside Gaza: TWO EXPERIENCES
Irrespective of how the current situation plays out, the Palestinian spirit is too deeply entrenched to be defeated

Violence destroys the conscience and renders us captive to the reptilian mind within

"Resistance is at the Core of Our Identity"
Rifat Kassis, a Christian Palestinian human rights activist, author, and speaker, who is presently living in the West Bank, feels Israel is paving the road for another Nakba

The Olive Tree
Artist and writer Ghia Haddad on Palestinian children and hope

"Like Seeds, We will Continue"
Reem Anbar, a Palestinian oud player and a music therapist from Gaza, has been telling stories about her land and the ongoing war through her performances across Europe

'We are Packing for Exile ... or Death'
In the first week of December, the Aljazzar family was preparing for its forced emigration from Gaza. They didn't know what to pack in their small backpacks

"I See a Circle of Light"
Palestinian poet Ghassan Zaqtan's poems sing of losing the war and living for love

'Even Before the War, Life Was Very Hard'
Cartoonist and visual artist Mohammad Sabaaneh was imprisoned in an Israeli prison for six months because his art depicts how Palestinians suffer Israeli atrocities daily

"Women of Gaza Are Holding On, But For How Long?"
What is happening in Gaza now is a backward step in every way for the feminist movement, says Farah Barqawi, a Palestinian feminist, performer and poet, pursuing an MFA degree in non-fiction creative writing in Brooklyn

'The Nakba Has Not Ended Yet'
Palestinian artist Ahmed ElKhalidi, who lives in Adelaide, uses his art to make people aorund him become more aware of the Palestinian issue

'My Death Should Not be Passing News'
A promising novelist and an engineer, Noor Aldeen Hajjaj, wrote this piece barely one month before he was killed in Israeli bombing on December 3 in Gaza

"No, it Did Not Begin on October 7"
Khaled Abuqare says as an activist, it has been difficult to put the Palestinian perspective on the table because in the initial weeks of the war, the focus was on the Israeli perspective