
Why nesting with my ex saved our family
Nesting in the family home with an ex-partner can inspire a more conscious approach to dating after divorce

Coming up for air - Spirit of adventure
Untethered by the timetable of school terms, Caro Giles finds freedom in her family's otherness, and a different way to live

Learn to believe in yourself
Confidence is ultimately about trusting yourself – the root word actually means to trust, according to psychologist and coach Nova Cobban. ‘That explains why some confident people also seem quiet – it’s not about enjoying the spotlight or being loud and extroverted,’ she explains.

Reframing confidence
Ask someone to describe a confident person, and they’re likely to paint a vivid picture. Confident people don’t hold back, whether that means expressing an opinion, speaking up at work, or addressing a crowd from a stage. We view confident people as being comfortable within themselves and unafraid to try new things. And we tend to believe that it’s something innate. A blessing bestowed, like curly hair or a great smile; you’ve either got it or you haven’t.

Keep on moving
The tiniest steps along the path to creativity will propel you forwards with passion and delight

What's the worst that could happen?
Learn to choose your thoughts carefully and consciously, and take a more positive and productive path

When you modify your mindset, stress can help you to build resilience and reach your goals

I want to feel strong in body and mind
Entrepreneur and style expert Trinny Woodall explains how overcoming her fears helped her to build a firmer foundation, and why good self-care is essential for us all

"You have to keep putting the effort in"
Life coach and Celebs Go Dating presenter Anna Williamson chats to Psychologies about love, and why the most important relationship we all have is the one we have with ourselves

Seize Your Joy
Learn to say no to what doesn't light you up, and seek out experiences that send your heart soaring, says Annabel Chown

Rest, reflect and recharge
Sort out your life from your deckchair

In this, the first of a new series, musician James Sills explains how everyone can benefit from singing - and that it might just change your life

Are you Eating your emotions?
When you understand the triggers that prompt you to find solace in food, you take back the power to respond more positively

Anna Williamson - Single and ready to mingle?
Hello, I'm Anna Williamson, TV relationship and life coach, with accredited qualifications in counselling, life coaching, psychotherapy and neuro linguistic programming (NLP). Every month, I'll be here to provide you guys with some easy-to-read, stigma-free relationship advice, all served up with a big dollop of my trademark empathy. We can all learn something - and whether you're smug and loved up (congratulations!) or disillusioned and miserable, there's lots still to discover. I'll cover every stage, from dating to marriage, via bickering and babies, alongside my dating tips, coping techniques and relationship-saving strategies.

Why writing a novel helped me come to terms with being childless-not-by-choice
Letting feelings flow through the pen and onto the page helped novelist Annie Kirby to heal

Coming up for air - Change of pace
On the opposite side of the North Sea, Caro Giles slows her step and creates some space

What's essential for your dream career?

So you want to move on.Where now?
Channelling dissatisfaction into determination is one thing the challenge lies in pinpointing the new direction that you want to take. The answers are waiting within you, when you take the time to drill down and discover them...

Time to make a change?
When the niggling voice of longing grows louder and ever louder, it's time to lean in and listen to what it's trying to tell you

Beat the back-to-work blues
You probably know the feeling. Monday morning comes around, you're getting ready for another week sat at your desk, or in the classroom, or on the shop floor, or on the ward... and your heart sinks. It doesn't really matter where you work, or what you do, most people, at some point in their lives, go through a period of wondering: 'Is this it? Is this what I'm really going to spend my life doing?'

Train of thought
Let your pen and paper be the vehicle that transports you to your inner world

How to cope with eco-anxiety
It's important that we're concerned for the future of our planet - but we can learn to sit with the uncertainty and channel it for good

What's it it really like to try...SOLUTION-FOCUSED THERAPY
When you stop worrying about the future or ruminating on the past, you take the focus away from your problems and make space for positivity

Be guided by your desires not by your fears

In the mood
Thought-provoking culture, insightful science and inspirational snippets to bring you up to date on all things uplifting, hopeful and happy-making

How many of us are making choices based on what we actually want?
Presenter and author Anita Rani explains how she has dealt with the impact of societal pressures, people pleasing, and changing people's perspectives

Smell the roses
Stop, pause, and discover the suprising power of the perfectly ordinary to spark your delight, writes Anita Chaudhuri

To sleep, perchance to dream...
As the mind-body connection gains traction, could dreams be the gateway to a more holistic approach to wellbeing, asks Yasmina Floyer

Your menopause mindset
Oestrogen is a comfort blanket that supports positivity and happiness - when it's gone, we need to create our own replacement. Susan Saunders shows you how to create the life you want in your 'power decade'

Can you rekindle a summer of love?
Relationship coach Julia Goodall shares three steps to help you reconnect as a couple