Binance's Changpeng Zhao: “I'm not using crypto to buy fiat, I'm not using crypto to buy houses. I just want to keep crypto ”
Bloomberg Markets

Binance's Changpeng Zhao: “I'm not using crypto to buy fiat, I'm not using crypto to buy houses. I just want to keep crypto ”

Changpeng Zhao, 44, has spent his life trying to overcome borders. As a child growing up in China, he waited for years until his family could win permission to see his father in Canada, then pursued a career (including a few years at Bloomberg LP) that took him around the world.

10+ mins  |
April - May 2021
Jonathan Kellner Has Big Money Backing His U.S. Stock Trading Startup
Bloomberg Markets

Jonathan Kellner Has Big Money Backing His U.S. Stock Trading Startup

When he was handed a debit card with $70 million in the bank, Jonathan Kellner realized his startup was different. ¶ Members Exchange, known as MEMX, started as a protest by banks and market makers against the rising data and connectivity fees charged by U.S. stock exchanges. In the two years since Kellner, 52, signed on as chief executive officer, MEMX Holdings LLC has locked in more than $135 million in funding from 18 stock trading and investing heavyweights, including BlackRock, Citadel Securities, and Morgan Stanley. ¶ Since it went fully live in October, MEMX has clinched 1% of the U.S. market share. Kellner, previously the CEO of Nomura Holdings Inc.’s Instinet, spoke with Bloomberg Markets in February about launching during a pandemic and the surge in meme stocks.

5 mins  |
April - May 2021
Big Oil's Secret World Of Trading
Bloomberg Markets

Big Oil's Secret World Of Trading

With the future of fossil fuels in doubt, some energy companies are counting on a hidden army of commodity traders to ride to the rescue

10+ mins  |
April - May 2021
Who Should Set The Rules?
Bloomberg Markets

Who Should Set The Rules?

TWO OF THE MOST powerful women in finance are at odds over how to use their power.

6 mins  |
April - May 2021
Get the Insider Scoop at Newly Public Health-Care Companies
Bloomberg Markets

Get the Insider Scoop at Newly Public Health-Care Companies

Last year was a good year for at least one thing: initial public offerings in the U.S. With the frenzy of listings of special purpose acquisition companies, or SPACs, IPOs raised a total of $154 billion in 2020. That total was by far the largest of the past 10 years, and more than double the total from 2019, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.

2 mins  |
February - March 2021
Examine How Market Upheaval Is Affecting Company Results
Bloomberg Markets

Examine How Market Upheaval Is Affecting Company Results

The coronavirus pandemic sent huge waves of volatility through markets in 2020. How did that affect the financial results of companies that interest you?

3 mins  |
February - March 2021
If You Want to Know What Stock Is Set To Skyrocket, There Are Options
Bloomberg Markets

If You Want to Know What Stock Is Set To Skyrocket, There Are Options

WHAT DO NIKE INC., Raven Industries, and Fortinet Inc. have in common? They exemplify the predictive capacities the options market offers: Recent stock price spikes were preceded by certain telltale signs in the options market, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. Use the terminal to generate ideas for enhancing your portfolio and profit from ever-changing option trading trends.

3 mins  |
February - March 2021
How Are You Doing? AID Provides the Answers
Bloomberg Markets

How Are You Doing? AID Provides the Answers

“HOW’M I DOING?” That’s a question asset managers, sales professionals, and all of us, for that matter, ask daily.

2 mins  |
February - March 2021
Volatile Markets Reveal Interesting Credit Opportunities in Energy
Bloomberg Markets

Volatile Markets Reveal Interesting Credit Opportunities in Energy

OIL ROSE ALMOST 50% from the end of October 2020 through mid-January.

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February - March 2021
Bloomberg Markets

Colonies of Retail-Investor ‘Ants' March On Korea's Stock Market

IN LATE JULY, 70-year-old Kim Kyung-rok began frantically sifting through his long-dormant stock brokerage account.

6 mins  |
February - March 2021
“I've Had to Think Differently”
Bloomberg Markets

“I've Had to Think Differently”

IN SEPTEMBER, Jane Fraser shattered the financial industry’s ultimate glass ceiling when she was named the next chief executive officer of Citigroup Inc., one of the world’s three most important banks.

10+ mins  |
December 2020 - January 2021
The Prodigy
Bloomberg Markets

The Prodigy

Yoyo Chang turned a hunch born in an English high school cafeteria into a next-generation payments app backed by serious, well-heeled investors

10+ mins  |
December 2020 - January 2021
The Fintech Revolution Is Finally Here— And So Are the Regulators
Bloomberg Markets

The Fintech Revolution Is Finally Here— And So Are the Regulators

SPEAKING IN OCTOBER to his banking brethren at the world’s biggest payments confab—the annual Sibos conference— Jamie Dimon didn’t mince words.

4 mins  |
December 2020 - January 2021
Opening Up
Bloomberg Markets

Opening Up

China’s entry into the WTO upended global manufacturing. Now it’s poised to disrupt the financial system— and the consequences could be just as dramatic and surprising

9 mins  |
December 2020 - January 2021
Global Finance Wants to Protect Its Culture. First, It Should Reform It
Bloomberg Markets

Global Finance Wants to Protect Its Culture. First, It Should Reform It

EVERYWHERE, the stewards of capitalism are in flux, grappling with the implications of a radically different future that’s set to play out from home offices, living rooms, and kitchen tables around the world.

4 mins  |
December 2020 - January 2021
Tame Inflation Risks With These Hedging Strategies
Bloomberg Markets

Tame Inflation Risks With These Hedging Strategies

FOR MANY INVESTORS in the U.S., high inflation may feel like a distant worry—an historical footnote from the 1970s or a problem of poorly run economies in emerging markets. But there are signs indicating that some investors are worried. Bloomberg can help you see how they’re hedging their portfolios and what you can do to prepare for a dramatic change in prices.

4 mins  |
October - November 2020
Bloomberg Markets

The Crisis Fighters

The Crisis Fighters Central bankers used to bail out financial institutions. In a world wracked by Covid-19, they’ve doled out almost $9 trillion, some of it to a motley cast of unlikely beneficiaries. Will it ever end?

10+ mins  |
October - November 2020
Using Growth Factors to Pick Investments in Equities and Bonds
Bloomberg Markets

Using Growth Factors to Pick Investments in Equities and Bonds

IN LATE MARCH, the U.S. markets started their amazing recovery from the Covid-19 chaos and economic uncertainty.

4 mins  |
October - November 2020
Looking to Follow the Fed? Here's How to Find Key Data for That
Bloomberg Markets

Looking to Follow the Fed? Here's How to Find Key Data for That

CHAIR JEROME POWELL has repeatedly said the Federal Reserve is committed to using its full range of tools to support economic activity.

4 mins  |
October - November 2020
China's Growth Story Isn't What It Seems
Bloomberg Markets

China's Growth Story Isn't What It Seems

GROWING UP IN Bulgaria with the Soviet bloc crumbling around me, I knew from experience the communist gift for turning gold into dross.

5 mins  |
October - November 2020
Slice and Dice Holdings Data For Insights Into Where Money Is Moving
Bloomberg Markets

Slice and Dice Holdings Data For Insights Into Where Money Is Moving

WHERE’S THE SMART money going nowadays?

3 mins  |
October - November 2020
Monitor the Race For a Covid-19 Vaccine
Bloomberg Markets

Monitor the Race For a Covid-19 Vaccine

ON AUG. 11, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced the first registration of a coronavirus vaccine, saying production was slated to begin even while drug trials continued.

5 mins  |
October - November 2020
Bloomberg Markets


Growing up in communist Bulgaria turned the IMF’s managing director into a committed capitalist. Now she wants to help make capitalism better

10+ mins  |
October - November 2020
It's Easy to Build Custom League Tables That Show Wallet Share
Bloomberg Markets

It's Easy to Build Custom League Tables That Show Wallet Share

WITH THE COVID-19 crisis driving down corporate revenue, many companies are resorting to borrowing—taking advantage of low interest rates and Federal Reserve lending programs. Stockpiling cash can help them navigate the uncharted territory of the pandemic.

2 mins  |
October - November 2020
Analyze How Private Equity And Hedge Funds Affect Portfolio Risk
Bloomberg Markets

Analyze How Private Equity And Hedge Funds Affect Portfolio Risk

IN THE WAKE OF the global financial crisis, money flooded into private equity as yield-hungry investors chased returns.

8 mins  |
October - November 2020
Bloomberg Markets


On Wall Street, being Black often means being alone, held back, deprived of the best opportunities. On these pages, Black men and women tell their stories

10+ mins  |
August - September 2020
This Race Moment Affects You, Too
Bloomberg Markets

This Race Moment Affects You, Too

BLACK AMERICANS, myself included, were not surprised by what happened to George Floyd and countless others who preceded him. Or, sadly, those who will surely follow him.

6 mins  |
August - September 2020
Ghana's Finance Minister Says It's Time to Fix Global Markets
Bloomberg Markets

Ghana's Finance Minister Says It's Time to Fix Global Markets

KEN OFORI-ATTA, 61, worked at Morgan Stanley and Salomon Brothers before returning in 1990 to Ghana, where he helped found Databank Group, a leading West African investment banking and fund management company.

4 mins  |
August - September 2020
For One ESG Data Hunter, The Crisis Shows Companies Profited By Doing Good
Bloomberg Markets

For One ESG Data Hunter, The Crisis Shows Companies Profited By Doing Good

FOR MILLIONS OF BRITONS, March 24 will be remembered as the lockdown moment when they either lost their job or were told not to come back to work for months. For Andy Howard, it was the day his workload doubled.

8 mins  |
August - September 2020
Bain Capital's Greg Shell Says He's Galvanized by This Moment
Bloomberg Markets

Bain Capital's Greg Shell Says He's Galvanized by This Moment

GREG SHELL SEEMS to have been preordained for a life of finance and civic duty.

5 mins  |
August - September 2020

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