Destroying The Power Of Fear In Your Life
I cannot tell you how many times I've seen people's entire lives disrupted and ministries of God completely destroyed when people are moved by fear to do things they would never do without it. We humans are suckers for this spirit of fear. It paralyzes us and takes us over like a tsunami takes over a coastline village. The heart rate can go from 60-150 in a matter of seconds and this new and elevated stress causes the brain to make irrational decisions that can be as devastating as a category 5 hurricane.
Call To Pray For An End To The Drought In South Africa
Jericho Walls International Prayer Network Call to pray for an end to the drought in South Africa and for people to turn back to God Our country is experiencing a long and devastating drought in many areas – especially the Eastern Cape, Karoo, Northern Cape, as well as the Southern and Western Cape regions.
The Bride - Wise Virgins With Enough Pure Oil
We have a parable about 10 virgins. Five are wise and have sufficient oil and five are unwise and run out of oil. The story is about people who are attending a wedding … they are not the bride, nor are they guests. But they are close friends of the Bride. It is time for the Feast of Sukkot. And that means that it is time for a WEDDING. So what could this parable be telling us at this time of the yearly cycle of Feasts?
A Miracle for Caleb!
Even his name discribes what an amazing boy he is. We adopted Caleb when he was already 18 months old in May of 2013. His adoption papers and the social workers told us of his terrible short history and the struggle of a baby that you cannot think of any child must endure.
hanukkah or chonukah
A Broken Girl
I flipped through the pages of the book I held within my hands. I was engrossed. The stories of men and women came alive before my eyes; never could I have imagined just how powerfully the apocryphal stories would change my life. Encouraged by my Torah teacher, I devoured the Old Testament apocrypha, as though it were a single glass of water because it was and I was thirsty. Thirsty to discover the stories that had been forgotten and left out. One story however, had a particularly big impact on my heart it was the story of a woman named Judith. Judith was a woman acquainted with loss, but her bravery and courage struck something in me. I researched Judith’s story for an entire year, the incongruent dates, the strange characters, all of it, until I was satisfied. When I finally closed the book, I cried prayerfully and whispered to YHVH about this connection I felt with Judith. I could sense Him smiling, perhaps He knew something I didn’t, perhaps...
40 Days Of Worship
We are in the midst of 40 Days of Worship (40DoW). 24 September until 3 November 2017 is a time marked by a call for deep intimate worship of Jesus Christ and him alone. What makes this a unique expression of worship is that it is not a single program created by a single organiser nor is it being held in a single venue. Instead this is a time for all worshipers of Jesus to unite as one and create their own expressions of worship wherever and however they are led by the Holy Spirit.
Married On Purpose
Too many people slide into marriage without much intentionality. It’s just something you do – “if we feel like it.” But for something as important as marriage, something that will affect your health, wellbeing and happiness for the rest of your life and the wellbeing of many others, “sliding” isn’t a good plan. The only way to succeed is to be Married on Purpose.
Saying "No"To Halloween
I grew up celebrating Halloween. In the words of the movie “Hocus Pocus” (I do not recommend you seeing this), Halloween is a night of “frolic” where children run “amuck”. I innocently dressed up as a pirate, a mermaid, a black cat, and a southern belle before the tradition got old and dressing up was no longer as fun. It is one of my mother’s biggest regrets of raising me, to give in to such a worldly holiday that has no place in the Believer’s home.
Declair God A Psalm 92 Devotional
David speaks from a thankfulness in this psalm. Each of us come to days where thanks to God rings from our lips. We have other days when we become too rushed to think about thanking God or we are too overwhelmed with the burdens of life to see beyond what we face at that time. For these kinds of days, we most importantly need to praise God.