
Site Hunting Around the M25 -Surrey Section
Heading west from Merston the motorway carves through more of Surrey’s rural acres, running parallel to and just north of, the North Downs Way for several miles.

Hard as Concrete
In March 2016 there were not many fields available for me to search.

Spanish Treasure in Derbyshire
Around the beginning of October 2016 I had just completed a small job on a friend’s house, a lovely barn conversion in Derbyshire.

Views Of The Anglo Saxons And Vikings
The withdrawal of the Roman legions in the early 5th century left Britain less well defended against invaders from Scotland and those from the sea routes.

A Guide To Finding The Right Sites - The Holistic View
If you are new to detecting you will know how hard it is to get somewhere to detect.

Field Test Report Deteknix Scuba Tector
Since originally starting in detecting, when I was in my late teens, I have been totally immersed in it.

Finding An Anglo-saxon Sword Pommel Cap
After finding out that the farmer of one of our permissions had given us two additional ploughed fields to detect, my brother-in law Alan and I (Fig.1) quickly planned a trip down to Lincolnshire. Fortunately this permission is very near to where my sister lives and we were able to stay with her for the weekend.

The Sinking of RMS Lusitania
I have had the 56mm iron medallion shown in Fig.1a for quite some time.

Detecting Together
Arriving home from work full of excitement Teresa announced suddenly, “I’ve bought a metal detector.

A Roman Hoard in West Cornwall
I had been looking forward to this particular Kernow Search and Recovery Club Sunday dig for some time, and at last it was the morning to get ready and set off. I packed up all the requirements for the day: sandwiches, a flask of coffee and my trusted Minelab Safari detector. I then set off fully charged with anticipation of what the day’s search might reveal. The weather was rather overcast, cold and somewhat windy, but when do such trivial inconveniences put off a determined detectorist?

Hard Going
The year 2016 had me looking at the fields with the highest hopes I’d had since starting this wonderful hobby nearly 30 years ago.

Roman Gold Day
My mobile went ‘ping’ as I lay motionless on the pillow that morning. I grabbed it and strained to read through bleary eyes the words “It’s raining here.

Hooray For Henry
The year 2017 didn’t start that well for me.

The Restoration And The Coinage Of Charles II
In the last episode we looked at the Commonwealth period which followed the execution of Charles I in 1649.

Detecting Croatia
In April this year, my fiancée Jennie and I travelled to Vinkovci, in Croatia to take part in the CRO5 detecting rally.

Searching Peaks And Dales
I was the last of three generations to farm our tiny 120 acre Peak District hill farm which nestled into the side of Wallcliff Hill 1200 feet above sea level. In fact, the tiny hamlet, of which it was a part, was filled with various family members including mum and dad, aunties and uncles and my brothers.

Joy and Inspiration
I would like to introduce myself as Michael Page or as most people know me in the metal detecting world as Michael Norfolk Digger.

Any Old Iron
While looking at detecting Facebook sites and forums I’m always struck by the constant thread of disappointment in the digging of iron signals and posts on “How can I reject iron?” Have you ever stopped to think that some of those iron objects you are passing over might actually hold a great deal of archaeological and historical importance?

XP MI-6 Pinpoint Probe Review
At a first glance the XP MI-6 looks like any normal pinpointer, it’s only when you start to dig deeper (pardon the pun) that you begin to realise that this is something rather special. The MI-6 should perhaps have been called the ‘007 probe’ as it is rather like something from James Bond’s box of tricks.

Finds from Toddy's Digs Scotland
Well December 2016 came and went and finds-wise was certainly a month to remember for sure!

Finding a Sassanian Dirham
It was a chilly early evening in January and Tobias Neto was preparing to go to the River Thames foreshore for some detecting. He takes up the story:-

My Favourite Finds Through the Ages
I have been walking the fields of Lincolnshire and Shropshire since the 1950s – both with and without a detector. Over those years I have located literally thousands of artefacts; any of interest I have donated to national and local museums.

Bob's Lump of Silver
This feature is really two stories in one; one part involving a lump of silver Treasure and the other, more importantly, about a man who was a dedicated detectorist for most of his life.

A New Field
Although it doesn’t happen to me very often, it is a great feeling when you walk onto a new field in a great location. Especially when, as far as you are aware, it has never been searched before.

Understanding Roman Inscriptions
Decoding the Latest Discoveries from the Portable Antiquities Scheme

Every Find Tells a Story
It was a very warm summer’s day in the Wiltshire countryside and the ground was like concrete following a prolonged dry spell – unusual weather given what we’re accustomed to here in the UK.
Detectival 2017
For many months, I had been slowly counting down the days to the much anticipated Detectival. Like many, I had experienced the superb XP Rally near Burford in 2016 and thus was eagerly looking forward to this new venture.
British Liberty And An American Assasination
As an American living in London, I never imagined that I would find an artefact in the River Thames that is linked to a pivotal moment in American history. An artefact which in effect, manages to bring to light an intriguing story that has been long forgotten.

Two Hammered Gold Coins In One Day!
In this hobby, you have both good days and bad days. On a recent dig with the Leicester Metal Detecting Society (LMDS) one of those good days came calling.

April But No Showers
The forecast kept on about us getting some rain or showers, and we kept on hoping that at some stage soon they would be right, as we had just sown our spring oilseed rape