Laying Down The Law Is Barking
The Field

Laying Down The Law Is Barking

Should walking your dog every day be compulsory? At least one German politician thinks so but while he sympathises, David Tomlinson says it would be impractical and impossible to enforce

4 mins  |
November 2020
A Good Game Deal
The Field

A Good Game Deal

The market for game meat, once profitable, is now dysfunctional – and that was before the pandemic struck. What lies behind this collapse?

8 mins  |
November 2020
The Field

In tune with the moon

For the ancients, life revolved around lunar phases, which measured time, heralded the changing seasons – and even caused madness

5 mins  |
November 2020
The Field

Strong coffee and steelhead

With feisty fish and striking scenery, British Columbia’s Nass River has much to offer fl y-fishers – after that early-morning espresso

8 mins  |
November 2020
Lord Ripon The greatest shot of all t ime
The Field

Lord Ripon The greatest shot of all t ime

Some personal reminiscences of a giant of the shooting field who was chiefly proud of his billiards

6 mins  |
November 2020
Land Rover Defender 110S
The Field

Land Rover Defender 110S

The iconic Land Rover Defender is a tough act to follow but Charlie Flindt seeks the original’s soul in the brilliant, all-new, high-tech version

5 mins  |
November 2020
Looking for aliens on Orkney
The Field

Looking for aliens on Orkney

In the decade since its arrival, the stoat has wreaked havoc on the islands. Huge expense is now being incurred to remove it

8 mins  |
November 2020
The Field

Le weekend present, but not correct

You have been invited to the country. Should you take a thank-you gift for your host? And, if so, what?

7 mins  |
November 2020
Cocking Shoot West Sussex
The Field

Cocking Shoot West Sussex

We clatter along the road in the back of the shoot trailer, chains clanking loudly. Ahead, lies a day of high birds and good humour.

7 mins  |
November 2020
The Field

Beagling about

Minimal kit and maximum fresh air and entertainment are the order of the day when you follow beagles – on foot

8 mins  |
November 2020
Hunting Boots To Last A Lifetime
The Field

Hunting Boots To Last A Lifetime

Bespoke boots are a significant investment, however, they offer protection, comfort and unsurpassable style

10+ mins  |
October 2020
How to get your ‘back-sight' right
The Field

How to get your ‘back-sight' right

It’s almost impossible to shoot consistently well unless your gun fits and accommodates your eye dominance. So how do we ensure that all is correct?

10 mins  |
October 2020
Forging ahead
The Field

Forging ahead

Few village forges exist outside racing country or the shires; however, the fires are still burning bright for blacksmithing and farriery

8 mins  |
October 2020
A vet is for life
The Field

A vet is for life

Or, at least, this used to be the case. Today, many private practices are being bought up by corporate ventures. David Tomlinson bemoans the loss of the personal touch

4 mins  |
October 2020
Planting trees for profit and posterity
The Field

Planting trees for profit and posterity

We all want more trees, that’s agreed; however, we must balance the competing interests of rewilding schemes and commercial forestry

7 mins  |
October 2020
Arthur's eight-bore returns to the marshes
The Field

Arthur's eight-bore returns to the marshes

Having inherited an old R Scott behemoth, there’s no better place to use it than on a wild day on the foreshore – its rightful home

5 mins  |
October 2020
The toughest part of the Macnab Challenge?
The Field

The toughest part of the Macnab Challenge?

Grassing a salmon and bagging a brace require considerable fieldcraft but that third component of a Macnab, the stag, requires, in addition, physical fitness for the hill and rifle skills to satisfy a professional stalker

5 mins  |
October 2020
Why you should eat your greens
The Field

Why you should eat your greens

And so much more, for the wild cabbage – and its many descendants – is associated with health, wealth, romance and more

6 mins  |
October 2020
William Powell Viscount
The Field

William Powell Viscount

So, the side-by-side has had its day, has it? Not if this bespoke model is anything to go by. Michael Yardley is happy to find a traditional gun that dares to be a bit different

4 mins  |
October 2020
A dazzling partridge day on Exmoor
The Field

A dazzling partridge day on Exmoor

The landscape at Molland would still be familiar to Lorna Doone, though now lively partridges soar over its V-shaped valleys

7 mins  |
October 2020
Watch this space
The Field

Watch this space

The ultimate face mask was bound to tempt post-lockdown buyers but will other luxury items fare as well without the events at which to flash them, wonders Roger Field

7 mins  |
September 2020
The Field


A top hunting correspondent must master a strange horse, unknown country, and capture the colour of the day – while staying in the saddle

9 mins  |
September 2020
Manors fit for an Englishman
The Field

Manors fit for an Englishman

Restoring our grey partridges and the farmland ecology they depend on reaps conservation rewards far beyond just a shootable surplus of the gamebird, as work on four pioneering partridge manors proves

8 mins  |
September 2020
Grimsthorpe: new season, new shoot
The Field

Grimsthorpe: new season, new shoot

The team who took on the Park Syndicate used the first day of the season to test its potential on friends and family

8 mins  |
September 2020
Rizzini BR550 side-by-side
The Field

Rizzini BR550 side-by-side

Michael Yardley shoots a 16-bore in competitions, so is interested to see how this round bar side-by-side compares. Would it prove to be a sweet 16?

4 mins  |
September 2020
Art in the field
The Field

Art in the field

Theodore Gillick used lockdown to build his own foundry, providing him with new opportunities, as he explains to Janet Menzies

3 mins  |
September 2020
Building a fit and healthy working dog
The Field

Building a fit and healthy working dog

All dogs need the correct nutrition, however, this is even more vital for a gundog, its needs changing with the season. Fortunately, help is at hand

7 mins  |
September 2020
A season for family dogs
The Field

A season for family dogs

With more shoots planning less formal days, the old-style mooching gundog will be in its element

8 mins  |
September 2020
A puppy for shoot or sofa
The Field

A puppy for shoot or sofa

If you require a gundog, then pick a puppy from working lines, says David Tomlinson. However, some unlikely dogs prove themselves excellent shoot-day companions

4 mins  |
September 2020
A Borders day to remember
The Field

A Borders day to remember

Enchanting Thirlestane Castle provides the perfect setting for a testing day facing Scotland’s iconic grouse

7 mins  |
September 2020