The Kicks And Why They Count
The first time baby kicks is a wonderful moment. Here’s how to spot when it happens, and why these kicks are more important than you might think.
Measuring Contractions
The spontaneous squeezing or tightening of the womb is an important part of birth.
Building A Strong Baby
‘You are what you eat’ has special significance during pregnancy – the only time your eating habits directly affect another person. So what should you be putting on your plate to ensure optimum health for your growing baby?
When You're Having Multiples
If you’re seeing twins wherever you go, you’re not seeing double: there really are more twins now than ever before, writes Melany Bendix
Recovering From A Traumatic Birth
We’ll say it – birth is no walk in the park. And for some, the experience (or what comes after) can even lead to posttraumatic stress disorder. Here’s how you can cope, writes Robyn Lawrenson
Can You Choose Your Baby's Gender?
If you could pick the sex of your baby, would you?
Conquer Your First Trimester
What to do, what to stop doing: take a deep breath and plunge into the world of pregnancy, says Margot Bertelsmann
How Birth Affects A Baby
Whether your baby is born vaginally or by caesarean section, he will have some markings on his body that you may not expect. Here’s what to look out for.
All About The Amnio
Why the risks are not as high as you think
Labour A Sacred Life Event
When you embrace your female power and trust your body to give birth, it’s possible to have an amazing experience,
Stem Cells Can Make A Difference
Storing your children’s stem cells can save lives in the future. Here’s what you need to know, says Libbie Joubert
OTC Solutions To 7 Pregnancy Niggles
When it all gets too much, try some of these expert recommendations, writes Kerryn Massyn
Glow As You Grow
Pregnancy brings many changes to your body, good and not so good! Here are some tips to feel gorgeous, despite those pesky niggles, writes Tina Otte
Plan To Prosper
Proper financial planning is the key to financial security when your family starts to grow.
6 Amazing Things - That Pregnancy Will Do For You
Pregnancy is full of pleasant surprises. Here’s a list of six positive changes you can look forward to
The Lifesaving Basics You Need To Know
Be prepared in an emergency and you could save a life, writes Margot Bertelsmann
Swelling And Summer
Swelling in pregnancy is a common occurrence, and even more so in the summer heat. Here’s why it happens, and what you can do about it.
Postnatal Depression
If pregnancy is the big bang that precipitates postnatal depression (PND), then surely if you don’t get pregnant, you can’t be at risk for this kind of depression. Right? Wrong
Feeling Queasy
Try these morning sickness busters...
Birthing In Water
You’re a candidate for a water birth and have your heart set on it. What’s next and what can you expect?
The Before - Baby To - Do List
Picking baby names and smelling tiny little baby clothes is far more fun than thinking about how you’re going to pay for your newborn’s tertiary education. But financial planning for your baby is far more important, so we asked our experts for their advice, writes Melany Bendix
HIV+ And Pregnant - Making It Work For You
Many women consider becoming a mother a highlight and defining aspect of their lives, and for HIV-positive women, this doesn’t have to change, writes Louise Gilbert
Not Covered?
What to do if you don’t have medical aid
When Baby Makes 3
Having a baby can affect your relationship in many ways. Here’s how to repare, writes Cara Blackie
Why Dad's Role In Pregnancy Is Important
Dads play a vital role in your baby’s wellbeing from the start, writes Karin Steyn
Surgery in Pregnancy
You might think the only time you’d need to go under the knife during pregnancy would be during a C-section. But what happens when you need non-obstetric surgery while you’re pregnant?
There Seems to Be A Big Problem
What happens when you hear these words at your sonar?
Don't Be Too Quick to Cut the Cord
In the movies, baby is born, the umbilical cord is cut, and baby is handed to the mother who, despite having just given birth, looks picture perfect. But, that’s not the reality...