
10 Tips For A Heart-Healthy Diet
Whether you have years of unhealthy eating under your belt, or simply want to fine-tune your diet, here are 10 heart-healthy diet tips.

From Vegan To Keto: Myths About Nutrition
Q I want to eat healthy. How do I sort out the marketing hype from the science in the diet wars? — Kurt, Seattle

5 Ways To Shake Things Up
Ring in the new year with a new outlook at the gym.

7 Best Diets For Your Health
There’s no perfect diet for everyone. So before you pick a plan, be sure to do your research on what it can and can’t do for your health.

Aromatherapy For A Healthy Heart
Many are mindful of how diet and exercise affect heart health, but aromatherapy offers complementary support with essential oils.

Secrets To Zen
Q: Any natural ways to manage stress and anxiety I haven’t heard a million times? — Sam B., New York

Ease Gas With Herbs
Botanical solutions for excess gas and digestive distress

Linda Evans
The Dynasty icon embraces mind-body wellness to stay active and centred at 74

Ayurvedic Herb Guide
These seemingly magical botanicals have been an integral part of Ayurvedic healing for thousands of years—here’s how they work and what they can do for you.

All About Keratin
Long an ingredient in topical products, keratin has become the latest breakthrough nutrient in supplements for hair, skin, and nail health.

3 Non-Toxic Ways To Repel Mosquitoes, Ticks, and Other Pests
3 non-toxic ways to repel mosquitoes, ticks, and other pests.

Summer “Tea-Tox”
Sick of plain water? Cool off with detoxifying herbal iced teas instead.

Family Health Guide
9 Stay-healthy tips for busy families.

Is Your Pet Stressed Out?
Soothe anxious pets with drug-free protocols from chakra balancing to music therapy.

Heart-Healing Herbs
Research demonstrates that after a heart attack, these botanicals can assist in recovery.

Ease Arthritis In Pets
Natural ways to help your dog or cat overcome joint aches and pains

What you should know about this constituent of the hemp plant

Autoimmune Disease: Natural Solutions
Autoimmune Disease: Natural Solutions

Can Alzheimer's Disease Be Prevented?
Natural strategies that may help to stave off dementia.

Joint Venture
If you’re like most people, you don’t think about your joints until they get stiff and achy. But you should give them some attention before they cause you discomfort in order to keep them healthy and guard against injury for years to come.

7 Herbs Everyone Should Consider Taking
Herbal medicine has been used to treat or alleviate virtually every possible medical condition. Here, we highlight the 7 herbs you should always have on hand

Top 10 Herbs For Fall & Winter Health
Top 10 herbs for Fall and Winter health.

Better-Breath Supplement Kit
A targeted strategy to eliminate halitosis from the inside out.

What Is Vitamin K All About?
Triumph-over-adversary true story. Transformative turn from Eddie Redmayne. Last year’s Oscar winner might just drive The Danish Girl from troubled inception to awards glory...

A Different Way To Detox
Forget the drastic juice fasts. Amie Valpone, author of the new book Eating Clean, shares her top secrets for creating a clean food plan that can help you detox, lose weight, and more every day.

10 Weight-Loss Myths Busted!
The best way to lose weight is a hotly debated topic. Ultimately, you have to find what works for you - and dispelling these common myths should help you achieve success.

What Every Man Should Have In His Medicine Cabinet
What every man should have in his medicine cabinet.

Keep Your Mind Sharp!
Five memory-enhancing nutrients for a better brain.

Stay Healthy En Route With These Energizing Travel Tips
Traveling can tax your body, especially as you get older. But a few natural secrets can keep you energized, healthy, and ready for new adventures.

Living Lighter
QVC star, CEO, and fitness trailblazer Marjolein Brugman makes mind-body-spirit wellness simple and achievable on her healthy living website