
Tips for Taking Majestic Horse Photographs
Carol Walker is one of the world’s preeminent equine photographers. Whether stallions, mares, mustangs, or geldings, she captures them in all their natural splendor. Here, she shares her secrets for making images of horses in the great outdoors.

Finding Structure In A Jumbled World
Whether shooting from above, below, or on the ground, Jeffrey Milstein finds structure in our jumbled world.

A Star's Turn
In a year of bravura performances, the Fujifilm X-Pro2 claimed the spotlight early and earned a standing ovation.

aloha adventure
sizzling lava, hidden waterfalls, dramatic waves... unimaginable beauty awaits in hawaii. four photographers divulge their best secrets for capturing the islands’ majestic landscapes.

freeze frame
use hot-shoe flash units to stop motion.

road trip
take a drive through a living heritage.

Double Take
Adding mirrors can multiply your portrait lighting challenges.

Concrete Thoughts
Conversation, inspiration, contests, and your questions answered.

Main Squeeze
When life hands you lemons…

A Winning Year
Exploring the woods of Canada with a snow-dusted fox, watching the stars from under a cave on the Northern California coast, cheering front row at an action packed Arizona rodeo, or unearthing the inner workings of a family heirloom, this year’s prize winners captured mementos of lives well lived—and well photographed. Read on to find out the creative ways our readers used their cameras to skillfully depict their worlds.

Fantastic Four
Adding pixels and power to a blockbuster line.

Spotlit Scene
Shaping the directionality of the light can add life to fabric.

Lake Views
Take big photos in a small town.

Category Killer
The first medium format compact digital camera.

Tin Works
Three artists revolutionize an old medium.

The Camera Man
Over a 30-year career in imaging science, Shree Nayar has already transformed the camera in your pocket. Now he’s out to unlock images you’ve never seen before.

Off Center
Julie Blackmon layers images to bring out the odd truths of life behind the white picket fence.

Bug Eyed
A lifetime of passion for some of our tiniest creatures has made John Hallmén one of the world’s premier insect photographers.

ghosts in winter
the remains of summers past.

prime wide
a superb manualfocus full-framer.

Doggone Happy
A photo series brings imagination to life.

African Icon
Turn away from the expected for the perfect frame.

Coastal Gem
Wild beaches, wildlife, wild views.

Easy Edits
The new paint shop pro helps you learn while you create.

Bears: How To Capture Grizzly Pics...And Survive
A nature photographers tips for capturing dramatic images of these majestic - and often misunderstood - creatures.

Cuba Is Luring More Photographers Than Ever
As relations with the U.S. thaw, this nearby country is luring more photographers than ever. How to get beyond the typical cliches of decaying architecture and classic cars? We talked to four photographers who are making amazing pictures of Cuba as it really is, right now.

You Can Do It - Milky Ways
Emphasize beauty with a milk bath portrait.

Master Class
Combine age-old techniques for a face with character.