
nellie Bly Journalist
nellie Bly's first newspaper articles appeared in print when she was just 20 years old.

Arabella Mansfield -Lawyer
Arabella Mansfield started out life as Belle Babb (1846-1911). She grew up in a Midwest family that valued education. In 1850, her father left to search for gold in California. He died in a tunnel accident a few years later.

Sarah Josepha Hale Editor
Long before Vogue or Glamour caught women's attention, Godey's Lady's Book introduced the latest fashions.

Louise Blanchard Bethune - Architect
Louise Blanchard Bethune (1856-1915) showed early promise in math. Lucky for her, her father was the principal and a mathematics teacher in a school in Waterloo, New York. Instead of going to school, Louise's father taught her at home until she was 11 years old. She also discovered a skill for planning houses. It developed into a lifelong interest in architecture and a place in history as the first professional female architect in the United States.

Sojourner Truth Speaker
There was a time when slavery wastes abolished the institution over a number of decades. New York abolished slavery in 1827. Isabella Baumfree (c. 1797-1883) was born enslaved in Hurley, New York. When she was nine, she was taken from her parents and sold. She then was sold several more times. Some of her owners were cruel and abused her. During that time, she had several children.

Getting Started
In this editorial cartoon, a young 19th-century woman must overcome the obstacle of carrying a heavy burden while climbing a multirung ladder before she can achieve \"Equal Suffrage.\"

Leonora M. Barry - Investigator
When Leonora M. Barry (1849-1923) was a young girl, her family left Ireland to escape a famine. They settled in New York. Barry became a teacher. In 1872, she married a fellow Irish immigrant. At that time, married women were not allowed to work. So, Barry stayed home to raise their three children.

Finding a New Path
For many Americans, this month's mystery hero represents the ultimate modern trailblazer. She is recognized by just her first name.

The Grimké Sisters Abolitionists
Every night, Dinah was supposed to brush the E hair of her mistress, Sarah Moore Grimké (1792-1873). But one night, 12-year-old Sarah stopped Dinah. She wanted to help Dinah instead. They had to be quiet so they wouldn't get caught. It was 1804 in Charleston, South Carolina. The Grimkés were among Charleston's major slaveholding families. Strict laws regulated the behavior of both master and enslaved people.

Frances Willard Leader
During Frances Willard's lifetime (1839-1898), she was the best-known woman in America: She headed the largest women's organization in the worldthe Woman's Christian Temperance Union (WCTU). In that role, her abilities shone as a social activist, a dynamic speaker, and a brilliant organizer. She educated women on how to run meetings, write petitions, give speeches, and lobby state and federal legislators.

Lydia E. Pinkham Businesswoman
Women were the first line of defense when it came to the good health of their families in the 1800s.

Mary Ann Shadd Cary - Publisher
In the decades before the Civil War (1861-1865), many Americans joined the abolition movement. The Shadd family was among them. Mary Ann Shadd (1823-1893) grew up in an African American family of 13 children.

Elizabeth Blackwell- Doctor
Born in England, Elizabeth Blackwell (1821-1910) came with her family to settle in Ohio when she was 11 years old.

Mary Church Terrell Organizer
Some women wanted to have a greater voice in American society in the 1800s.

Allies in the Fight
Women hoping for a larger role in the world in which they lived faced a lot of opposition in the 19th century. But they found allies, too. Take a look.

Maria Mitchell - Astronomer
Maria (pronounced Ma-RYE-uh) Mitchell (1818-1889) was born on the island of Nantucket off the coast of Massachusetts. Like many families there, the Mitchells were Quakers.

Sacagawea Explorer
Sacagawea (1788-1812) played a unique role in history. She was a go-between for Indigenous peoples and EuroAmerican explorers.

Putting the Pieces Together
Americans needed to begin to put the past behind them, come together, and plan for the future in the spring of 1865. But Abraham Lincoln, the man best equipped to lead them and who had hoped to restore the country as smoothly and peacefully as possible, had been assassinated.

The last Confederate forces in the Civil War didn’t surrender in the spring of 1865 or on a battlefield.

A group of African Americans stop at the White House’s annual public reception on January 1, where they shake hands with President Abraham Lincoln.

A Plot to Kill President the
For several months, actor John Wilkes Booth’s band of conspirators had plotted to capture President Abraham Lincoln and hold him hostage in exchange for Confederate prisoners.

Let the Thing Be Pressed
In June 1864, Union Lieutenant General Ulysses S. Grant began a nearly 10-month campaign in Virginia.

President Abraham Lincoln took the oath of office for the second time on March 4, 1865.

A Helping Hand
The spring season is hard in any agricultural society. Plants and animals are too small to eat.

As far as Union Major General William T. Sherman was concerned, the Civil War had gone on long enough.

The fall of Fort Fisher made clear that the Confederacy’s days were numbered. Southerners were tired and hungry.

Outnumbered Confederate soldiers inside Fort Fisher were unable to withstand the approach of Union troops by land and the constant Union naval bombardment from the sea.

Getting Started
Beginning in April 1861, two armies— both made up of American soldiers—began fighting each other in the Civil War.

Eye in the Sky
An interview with Joe Piotrowski

Airborne Animals
Humans have taken to the skies in balloons, gliders, and airplanes-but we're not alone among the clouds. Animals of all sorts have evolved to harness wind power.