
Samsung's Bixby Won't Support Voice Commands When It Debuts On The Galaxy S8
ONE OF THE marquee features of the Galaxy S8 is Bixby, Samsung’s response to the Siris, Google Assistants, and Cortanas of the world.

Nvidia's Beastly Titan Xp Steals The Performance Crown From The GTX 1080 Ti
IT LOOKS LIKE we can’t jokingly call the Pascal GPU-based Titan X the “Titan XP” anymore, because Nvidia just rolled out a new version of its flagship graphics card that’s officially dubbed “Titan Xp.” And this thing is a monster.

Three Privacy Tools That Block Your Internet Provider From Tracking You
The government will now allow your ISP to sell your browsing data. Here’s how to fight back.

TAG Heuer Connected Modular 45: Hands On With The Swankiest Wear Watch Of All
SOMEWHERE ON THE grand continuum of gadget nerdlery, there’s a consumer who will buy a very expensive—almost recklessly expensive—Android Wear watch.

The Acer Aspire S24 Is An $879 All-in-One PC With Touches Of Class
With a 0.235-inch-thin display, it’s the opposite of chunky.

Crucial BX300 SSD: One Of The Fastest MLC SATA Solid-State Drives We've Tested
That’s all you need to know.

Seagate Barracuda Pro 12TB: Speedy, Spacious Proof That The Hard Drive Isn't Dead
With 250MBps transfers and 12TB of space, there’s plenty to love.

Farewell, AIM: AOL Instant Messenger Is Signing Off Permanently
AIM’s final away message.

How Google Is Using The Pixel 2 And Oreo To Take Android Back From Its Partners
The Pixel is Google’s way of saying, “Our Android is better than yours.”

Windows 10 Creators Update Could Ship March 31, and We're Already Worried About Bugs
MICROSOFT HASN’T OFFICIALLY committed to a ship date for Windows 10’s Creators Update, but evidence suggests it could reach Insiders as soon as the end of March. Given how the last major Windows 10 update went, however, we’re feeling equal parts eagerness—and caution.

If You've Ever Owned a PC With a DVD Drive, You May Get a $10 Settlement
DVD DRIVES MAY be a thing of the past, but the past could pay you $10 via a proposed settlement from a class-action suit.

The 11 Most Intriguing Fall Creators Update Features In Windows 10 Build 16215
WHOA. IF YOU thought Microsoft’s Windows 10 Fall Creators Update seemed somewhat lackluster so far, Microsoft just revealed a service pack’s worth of additions as part of Windows 10 Build 16215: dictation, predictive typing, a Find My Pen mode, full-screen Microsoft Edge, and tons more.

AMD Threadripper Grab: Dell's Alienware Shuts Out Other Major Vendors For 2017
IF YOU CAN’T wait to order a new PC with AMD’s crazy 16-core Threadripper CPU, there’s bad news and good news. The bad news is, Dell subsidiary Alienware announced recently that it has secured an exclusive deal for AMD’s high-end chip through the end of the year.

Xbox One X: Everything You Need To Know About This Powerful Gaming Console
XBOX ONE X..That’s the official name Microsoft has given to Project Scorpio, the upcoming 4K-ready Xbox One successor that took center stage at Microsoft’s recent E3 2017 press conference. It will, in Microsoft’s words, be “the most powerful console ever.”

Petnet Smartfeeder: Robot Pet Feeder Meets Smartphone App With Mostly Good Results
WHEN I FIRST heard about the Petnet SmartFeeder, I bristled. How could something so basic as feeding a pet be in search of a smart solution? I deposit a half-cup of dry kibble in my dog’s bowl twice daily—done and done. Is no human endeavor sacred?

The Essential Phone Is A Beautiful Example Of Everything That's Wrong With Android
Stop me if you’ve heard this one. An Android phone maker comes along with a hot new premium handset that promises to deliver everything we’ve always wanted: speed, good looks, and performance. This time around it’s Andy Rubin’s Essential Phone, the latest handset vying for hundreds of your hard-earned dollars with the promise of offering the most complete Android experience around.

What The Kaspersky Anti-Virus Hack Really Means

Razer Phone Hands-On: A Phone For Gamers But Not A Gaming Phone?
High-end features without a high-end price.

Google Chrome Will Start Blocking Noisy Autoplay Videos In January
Sites you watch videos on often won’t be affected.

surface book i7 vs. macbook pro: fight!
ali vs. frazier, red sox vs. yankees, kirk vs. khan. and of course, mac vs. pc.

the iphone switcher's guide: move from ios to android and keep all your stuff
we can help move your photos, contacts, calendars, mail, music, and messages over to their new home.

google wifi: mesh networking made easy
google delivers much more router than you’d expect for $129, but just one google wifi won’t be enough for most people.

Windows 10's Future Look Could Be Sets, A Tabbed App Interface Microsoft Will Start Testing
Sets combines the apps and files you need to complete a task in a tabbed window— even ones you worked on weeks ago.

HDMI 2.1 Released: 10k Resolution, Dynamic HDR, And FreeSync-like Game Smoothing
Goodies for gamers and media enthusiasts.

HP Patches Hundreds Of Laptops To Remove Hidden Keylogger
Your touchpad can listen to your keyboard.

6 Settings To Make Your Android Phone Anticipate Your Needs
Don’t do for yourself what Android can do for you.

6 Ways To Take Charge Of The Stock Android Keyboard
SURE, YOU’VE GOT plenty of choices when it comes to picking a new keyboard for your Android phone, but you shouldn’t overlook the growing list of customization options available on the “stock” Android keyboard.

Corsair Void Wireless: This Headset Is Your Best Bet If You Must Go Wireless
ONCE UPON A time, a wireless gaming headset would cost you $300.

Xbox One S: The Xbox One Moves Into the 4K Generation
IF YOU’RE A PC-first type of person, there’s really only one reason to buy Microsoft’s Xbox One S: You own or plan to own a 4K HDR TV, and want a relatively affordable but feature-packed media box to show it off.

Excel Pivot Tables: How To Create Better Reports
Generating reports for single tables takes a few clicks.