Meet Holly Callahan-Kasmala & Chrisie DiCarlo
In Maryland, best friends of 40-plus years share a passion for good food, laughter and, most of all, poultry.
The Hereford breed has a bright future.
Animal activity trackers, also known as pet location trackers, let you keep an eye on your pets or livestock from your phone or computer.
Here's what you need to know before you buy a portable electric fence.
Raise these alternative animals on your hobby farm.
The key to good sheep hoof care is keeping an eye out for problems and moving to prevent serious issues.
Santa Carota BEEF
For 35 years, the Pettit family has been upcycling waste carrots for cattle feed, challenging traditional ranching practices while producing exquisite beef.
Metabolic Disorders in Cattle
Manage these body conditions in your herd with diagnosis, treatment and prevention.
Midsummer Garden
Keep those vegetables growing late into the year with these planting options and advice.
Microclimate Trouble Spots
Spend enough time gardening in one place and you can get to know it well.
Recognizing & Treating Bloat
Growing up on my father's dairy farm, bloat was a condition that I gained a familiarity with early on.
Feeding Layers
What to feed laying hens should be top priority as egg-laying hens must be fed correctly to achieve their potential.
Acorns = Better Pork
By feeding your hogs acorns, you can reduce your feeding costs and get better pork. Pigs can safely consume acorns as part of their diet, unlike other livestock. Pigs were historically pastured in woodlands in the fall to consume the falling nuts, chestnuts and acorns. This provided much benefit to the forest and was great for the hogs.
You probably plant lots of brassicas in your garden each year; after all, brassicas include garden staples such as broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and kale. But there's a good chance you aren't growing one of the most interesting members of the Brassica oleracea family: kohlrabi.
Spot & Treat
Parasites happen, but proper management keeps things under control.
Parasite PATROL
Keep your worm treatments effective with these three valuable tools.
Goats may be hearty, but they still need their keeper's care in order to live long and be healthy.
Dairy and meat goats have specific feed needs, and they're not the same.
milking how to
Goat milk is liquid gold, but you have to get milking right to get it.
The traditional goat breeding season in the U.S. is between late August and the early part of January, according to Angela McKenzie-Jakes, extension animal science specialist at Florida A&M University.
GIVE ME Shelter
When Kathryn Spann started raising dairy goats in 2008, she thought wooden sheds built on skids would be the ideal housing for her herd. The shelters could be attached to a tractor and moved, ensuring the herd had a safe space to escape the elements and allowing Spann to practice pasture rotation without building individual shelters in each pasture.
Natural FIBERS
When visitors drive up to our Northern California foothill farm, they immediately notice the fluffy, long-horned beasties dotted all over our pastures. If they have never met us before, these visitors will always tell us how they love seeing our beautiful \"sheep\" and ask what we do with their wool.
Choosing a DAIRY GOAT
A number of considerations will determine your ideal dairy goat breed.
Once you've mastered the basics, keeping goats for meat is pretty easy.
My love affair with goats began because of one simple thing: goat cheese. It was love at first bite when I first tried the creamy, tangy spread in college. For almost two decades, it was an infrequent treat because of the high price tag of a dollar an ounce. (That was back in the 1990s!) When my family decided to move to the country to grow our own food organically in 2002, I knew I had to have a couple of goats so that goat cheese could become part of my regular diet.
Meet Li Schmidt
At Cultural Roots Nursery, in Winters, California, Li Schmidt grows more than 100 Asian-heritage vegetables, herbs, fruit and trees on 1⁄4 acre.
Care for ducks throughout the year with this seasonal guide.
Turkeys for the Home Table
Raise your own birds for a tastier and healthier holiday meal.
FLERD is the Word
Explore the benefits and barriers of multispecies pasturing.
Look around your kitchen, and you'll likely find some natural poultry supplements.