
Hydroponics 101
Is hydroponics right for you?

Hop, Skip And Jump Into Spring
There is no colour combination that better says spring has arrived than purple and yellow. A pot filled with shades of purple with a touch of pink and contrasting yellow screams, “Look at me! I’m beautiful and I will flower all season!”

Herbs For Pork
Chicken or beef? Besides being the choice on those long overseas flights, that is usually the choice we make when drawing up the weekly menu plan for the family.

Dynamic Disease Control
This particular bacterium is one of the good guys, keeping fungal outbreaks under control.

Discussion - The Ethos And Inspiration Of Bonsai
Agriculture, husbandry and working with plants are some of the oldest pursuits of mankind.

Gardens Within
Old trees, expansive lawns, bulging borders and lightly controlled wildness contrasting with formality, all encompassed in a series of garden rooms – this is the essence of Stellenberg Gardens.

Summer's Most Colourful!
The hardest-working flowers in the summer garden all have these key elements in common: they should be easy to grow, heat tolerant, kind to your water bill and supply brilliant colour for many months. Here are three that fit the bill:

Welcome Back Summer's Best-loved Flowers For Shade
The fast-filling bedding Impatiens walleriana, which all but vanished from summer shade gardens, is back, and without the risk of dying from downy mildew.

Taming The Wild At Chelsea
Part Two of the RHS Chelsea Flower Show

Simple Sun-lovers
Hello sunshine! That’s the cheerful greeting you get from marigolds, and what better tonic is there than a bed, border or container filled with these cheerful flowers.

September Is For Salvias
There is no better way for your garden to scream ‘spring’ than with salvias.

Pride And Joy! Pincushion
Don’t give up on pincushions just because you think you live in the wrong place!

Passion Flower
The passion fruit might be the most famous Passiflora species, but there are many more glamorous ornamental options.

It's All About The Flowers: Coaxing The Best Blooms From Your Roses
Next month is Rose Month, when the roses need very little encouragement to bloom their heads off. That may be so, but with the right treatment in September the roses will delight not only in October but can also be set up to flower well for the rest of the season.

Indoor Colour For Spring
Bring the spring feeling indoors with lilies, early-flowering roses and begonias that are as colourful as any spring bedding plant. They all grow well indoors and can be planted outdoors to extend their summer show.

Colour In The Sky!
Hanging baskets are the purest joy of spring gardening.

Beautiful Asparagus Berries
Among the numerous species of Asparagus found in South Africa, many have long, sharp spines that make them a challenge to work with in the garden.

Shaping Dreams
I just want a beautiful garden, nothing more and nothing less.

A Spectacular Coral Tree
Erythrina lysistemon.

Jumbo Koi
Having jumbo koi in your koi pond is highly sought after, and they are amazing to own. They look like giant submarines cruising around your pond.

Nursery School Part 2
Sow the seeds of a lifelong love for nature by introducing your sprouts to these playful and rewarding projects with plants.

Trimming & Training
Get your climbers looking good, and your garden off to a good spring start.

Eco Tricks To Combat Snails
Snails can become pests in the garden, especially when they eat all the lettuce leaving little for the human family.

On My Watch!
I have come to the conclusion that I have grown too old to be a grandmother…

10 Fun Garden Ideas To Try This Year
10 fun garden ideas to try this year

An Introduction To ‘Biologicals' In Gardening
Gardening is biology, revolving around the biological processes of growth and life. For millions of years, plants have thrived and grown successfully with no human intervention.

Compost Making On A Shoestring
There is a cheap way to turn fallen autumn leaves, lawn clippings and other organic material that has been cut into smaller pieces into valuable compost for your garden without the need to actually make a large compost heap or buy a proper composter.
Superb Bride's Bush For Small Gardens
Members of the genus Pavetta are dwarf shrubs or small trees belonging to the coffee family Rubiaceae, and there are about 400 species, spread over tropical and subtropical Africa, Asia and Australia.

Taming The Wild At Chelsea
What was evident in all the gardens was our relationship with the natural world and why ‘wilding’ is becoming so valued...

Welcome spring… with violas
Violas are irresistible. They are petite, fragrant, flowers without any fuss and come in every colour of the rainbow.