Estilo de vida
Jivana Heyman Has a Revolutionary Idea: Make Yoga Accessible to Everyone
For the Accessible Yoga co-founder, "anyone can do yoga” isn’t a feel-good social media slogan—it’s a lifelong mission.

Home Sweet Home Practice
The next time the demands of teaching make-at-home yoga feel like a chore, channel these reasons to unroll your mat.

Know Your Knee
It holds you up and propels you forward. Here’s how to take care of your body’s largest joint so you can stay limber and pain-free in your practice.
The Purifying Power of Heat
Practicing Tapas proves that making an effort generates energy.

3 Ways to Soothe a Sore Throat
Ease pain, irritation, scratchiness, and swelling— no OTC meds required.

Let's Talk About Yoga & Faith
YJ Senior Editor Tamara Jeffries set out to answer some perennial questions about whether yoga is secular or spiritual. What she discovered: It’s both. And more.
The Myth and Magic of Pranayama
BREATHING is a unique autonomic function. The process of continues, day and night, even when you’re not paying attention to it. On the other hand, you can also control your breath when you choose to: You can hold it when you concentrate or go underwater or try to stop your hiccups.
Utthita Trikonasana
A quintessential standing posture, Extended Triangle Pose can boost energy and counteract the effects of prolonged sitting.
Ayurvedic Loneliness Remedies
Everyone experiences loneliness on occasion. Unfortunately, many of us feel it most intensely during the holidays, regardless of whether we are surrounded by friends and family, in a relationship, or alone.
Turn Your Self-Care Routine Into a Ritual
Practicing true felf-care-nurturing your mind, body, and spirit-is more essential than ever, says Vivianne Garcia-Tunon of The Well at The Mayflower Inn, a holistic and integrative spa and wellness destination in Washington, Connecticut.

Could “Magic” Mushrooms Be the Best Drug for Fighting My Depression?
May I be grounded. May I be curious. This was my daily mantra from last November through February. Every morning I’d step outside in my bare feet, feel the earth under my toes— even in the snow—and repeat those words internally.
Forging a New Path to Healing
Asi pull out of the parking garage in Los Angeles, I'm looking forward to the drive home to Encinitas. After three weeks in the city on a work project, I know that the 115-mile drive down the California coast smelling the salty tang of the ocean air and listening to the roar of the surf against the shore-will invigorate me.
Calm Amid The Storm
Physician and yoga therapist Ingrid Yang has been serving on the frontlines of the COVID-19 pandemic since it began. Her preferred prescription? Pranayama

Dancing with Fire: Flow through Pitta Season's Heat with Ease
According to Ayurveda, we're in pitta season, which brings warmth and activity. The summer's fiery energy fuels your desire to get out there and do things—like picnics, camping, and pool parties.

Find Balance, Flow, and Ease in Your Home and Headspace
Your physical space is a manifestation of your mental space, says home consultant Sarai Reed. Finding ways to release stagnant energy in your home can create room for abundance, flow, and ease in your life, she explains.

I Measured My Brain Performance. Here's Why You Might Do the Same.
I'm sitting on a leather couch in an unassuming warehouse in Denver. There's a Ping-Pong table behind me, but I'm not at a party—I'm having my brain scanned.

Free Your Pelvis to Find Your Best Twist
One day when I was practicing Upavistha Konasana (Wide-Angle Seated Forward Bend), I stretched to one side. I firmly anchored my pelvis, keeping my sitting bones on the floor, then I twisted toward my left leg and reached for my left foot with both hands.

Lose Weight, Feel Great
Nutrition expert’s advise on how to lose weight with a healthy shake

How Learning Bharatanatyam Classical Dance Helped Expand My Understanding of Yoga
Before last spring, I had a well-established yoga routine: my own daily practice, teaching three classes a week at a nearby community center, and a volunteer gig teaching inmates at the Ottawa-Carleton Detention Centre.

Ayurveda Can Teach Us to Tend to Our Own Health — and the Earth's
It’s winter and a year into a pandemic, and I’m talking from my home in Boston via Skype with a doctor in Secunderabad, India—not for a diagnosis of any one illness, but about the precarious health of both individuals and the world.

Avidya: The Absence of Right Knowledge
I was recently watching a TV sitcom where a character had been deeply offended by her friend. After a full day of nursing her resentment, the character realized the rude event never happened—she had only dreamed that it had

Serving up JOY
Ayurvedic ambassador and plant-based chef Radhi Devlukia-Shetty on her constant pursuit of a purposeful life.

How Olympians Turn to Yoga to Benefit Their Minds and Bodies

I Started Resiliency School to Cultivate Peace in the Modern World
Sometimes life comes at you blow after blow. When that happens, how do you get up? How do you thrive?

Here's How a Dublin Studio Fuses Modern Style and Safety During the COVID Era
In the midst of daily highs and lows, life unfolds in the gray middle area—and at the Space Between, a Dublin yoga studio that recently celebrated its first anniversary in the wake of a pandemic, it’s that challenging intersection of dark and light where yogis deepen their practice.

Holotropic Breathing Ignites Boundless Joy
I’ve tried all sorts of breathwork practices, from the Wim Hof Method to three-part breath, but Holotropic breathing—a pattern of inhalations and exhalations designed to help practitioners access higher states of consciousness—was new to me.

Grace Cathedral Fosters Inclusivity and Healing through Yoga
Before Covid-19 shuttered the city, on any given Tuesday in downtown San Francisco, hundreds of mat-toting yogis streamed up Nob Hill in droves to converge at the historic Grace Cathedral, a midcentury Episcopalian church the size of a football field where, in 1965, nearly 5,000 people gathered—spilling out into the streets—to hear a sermon from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Come On Get Higher
Best-selling author and wellness educator Lalah Delia on raising your vibration to find your highest Self
Find Your Flow
At specific points around the world, the earth churns with tangible, tingly energy at sites known as vortices, visited by those seeking connection, healing, or a good story to tell. Here’s your road map to six such hotspots in the Western United States—and what to do once you get there.
3 Ways to... Ease a Headache
3 Ways to... Ease a Headache