
Work From Home A Double-Edged Sword
The good old days of working in offices have long gone and returning to the old ways seems improbable.

How The Tech World Is Impacting The Ukraine War
In February, Russia launched an invasion of Ukraine after weeks of border militarization.

When Markets Correct, How Do You Optimize Your Business?
The latest market correction has everyone worried, from Wall Street to Main Street to founders trekking up and down Sand Hill Road.

Fulfilling the dream of technology democratization and giving power to the masses

Video is the New Audio
In a post-pandemic world littered with Zooms, MS Teams, and Google Meets, it is hard to imagine running a business without a video communications tool.

MENA FORECAST Cloudy with a chance for SaaS
If data is the new oil and if the cloud holds all the data, what do you make of the countries that could potentially be leaders in both cloud tech and oil reserves?

Cybersecurity challenges in the banking industry and solutions to address them

A GAME OF snakes & Ladders
A 5G perspective on opportunities and hurdles for SaaS in India

Impact Of Digital Workplace In Employee Relationships
A Catastrophic Shift

Powering an ecosystem Together
India's First operator-led VC fund

It is not just radio, television and theatres: THE RISE OF OTT
In the current digital era, advancements in technology and telecommunication are altering the status quo in the media landscape. A paradigm shift in the entertainment consumption from television, radio and theaters to over-the-top (OTT) platforms has occurred due to the COVID-19-induced lockdowns, resulting in a drastic increase of OTT platform users.

With technology in constant flux, the current digital workplace will continue to transform. In the future, digital workplaces may change the way businesses operate.

SECURITY in a Digital Workplace
Its role and importance

Slowly & Steadily, the Proptech industry adopts digitization trends.
The proptech sector has been cautious concerning widespread digital adoption. Lately, they have also witnessed disruptive trends brought about by increasing digitization taking shape in various operations of the industry.

Here comes the disruptive factor: Industries that underwent disruption
Global Disruptions

Healthcare Digitization - AN OVERVIEW
Digital transformation has helped the healthcare sector turn more organized and efficient.

Digital Disruption
An opportunity enabler for blue-collar workforce

Adding weightage to an employee-centric metric amid digital disruption
The digital disruption caused by digitization must also be perceived from employees' prism for its success. It is imperative that employees fully grasp the benefits of improved technologies and disruptive trends for better productivity.