
B&R Expands Gilgenberg Site
Automation specialist invests in production, office space and logisticsB&R is investing in its Gilgenberg site, located a few kilometers from the B&R headquarters in Eggelsberg. The expansion adds new offices, training rooms and production space. A new logistics hall has also been opened at the site.

Creating An Annual Event Of The Biopharma Industry By Focusing On Frontiers, & Promoting Leading Enterprises To Collaborate
The Union Budget 2018 was presented on February 1, 2018.

Pain Point To Gaining Brownie Points: Technology Is A Game Changer For Indian Pharma Sector
The Indian pharmaceutical industry has come a long way from traditional home-made herbal medicines to being the manufacturer of world class life-saving drugs. However, at the helm of game-changing innovations steering this industry to a whole new level is the implementation of technology.

Data Acquisition, Evaluation And Transmission To The Cloud
A single device to acquire data, evaluate it and send it to the cloud – that’s now possible with B&R’s Edge Controller. The powerful industrial PC can even be used for big data analysis and machine learning, while at the same time serving as a full-fledged industrial controller.
Just The Right Dose Of Intelligence
Nothing herein shall constitute an offer to sell, or a solicitation of an offer to buy. The ACOPO Strak product is not available for sale into the United States of America until September 2018.

Considerations For Extraction, Stabilization And Quantification By PCR For Sensitive Sample Such As RNA
This article talks about careful selection of an extraction system that helps stabilize and protect targets, especially RNA, or which allows for immediate analysis.

Novel Research In Pharmaceuticals And Bio-Pharmaceuticals
This article covers entire spectra of pharmaceutical research and as well as those related to synthesis and processing of pharmaceuticals.

Boost Productivity With Anti-sloshing
Transport liquids faster without spills With B&R’s industrial transport system, it is now possible to transport liquids quickly with no spills. SuperTrak is the only system on the market to offer anti-sloshing technology. This technology suppresses the format ion of oscillations on free surfaces to prevent liquids from spilling over container edges during transport .

Rational Use Of Drugs And Irrational Drug Combinations
Irrational use of medicines is a global phenomenon. Rational use of drugs may be defined as: Patients receive medications appropriate to their clinical needs, in doses that meet their own individual requirements, for an adequate period of time, and the lowest cost to them and their community. Overuse, polypharmacy and incorrect use of drugs are the most common problems of drug use today. Irrational use of drugs may result due to various reasons at various levels including the prescribing errors and over the counter drugs. Irrational use of medicines may lead to serious negative health and economic consequences. Many irrational drug combinations are available in the Indian market. Proper implementation of rational use of drugs will improve the quality of life and result in better community healthcare.

Cold Chain Management For Sensitive Goods
Packaging, route planning and risk analysis ensure safe conditions during transportation of delicate drugs. Drugs are sensitive goods to transport, which can be subject to irreversible damage if they are stored or transported at temperatures outside the tolerated range. If the temperature falls below or rises above the specified range the quality of drugs requiring refrigeration can be seriously affected and they may cease to be effective. This article therefore describes how transport conditions during the transportation of drugs can be optimised through suitable packaging, individualised process design, the analysis and assessment of potential risks and close collaboration between the sender and the freight carrier.

Vaccine Production Via Mammalian Cell Culture Systems
Mammalian cell culture systems are starting to dominate the production of vaccines for viral diseases such as rabies. Making use of existing biopharma infrastructure, these advances might even spell the end for the use of hens’ eggs in future vaccine development.

Healthcare 2019: What The Future Holds For The Pharma Industry
Medicines continue to form the mainstay of treatment methods for most medical conditions known today, despite some speculations that chemicals in the human body may be self-regulated via nanobots in the future.

Radio-Opaque Silicone Tube
Nowadays, silicone based biocompatible polymers are used to produce catheters and other devices that are inserted into the body for interventional procedures.

Primary Desiccant Packaging - No Chance For Moisture And Odours In Pharmaceutical Packaging
While moisture in pharmaceutical packaging can have negative or even dangerous effects on its content, unpleasant odours are especially repellent to patients. Both can be systematically prevented using suitable adsorbents – provided the right aspects are taken into account.

Staying Compliant And Profitable In The Pharmaceutical Packaging Process With Checkweighing
This article highlights use of checkweighing technology in pharma packaging and how it can help manufacturers improve their productivity through lowering changeover downtime and greater traceability.

B&R Celebrates 20 Years Of Growth & Innovation With Customers
To mark a glorious milestone of 20 years in India, B&R Industrial Automation, recently organised ‘CEO summit 2018’, which bought together CEOs from leading companies in machine building for an evening of business presentations, talk from renowned leadership speaker and candid conversations.

Powder Dryer End-point Detection For Aqueous & Solvent-based Drying
AMETEK Process Instruments offers powder manufacturers across a variety of industries a system for continuous, real-time monitoring and control of the powder drying process, whether it is aqueous- or solvent-based.

Phytopharmaceuticals - Fighting Disease With Natural Substances
Phytopharmaceuticals are herbal medicines whose efficacy is down to one or several plant substances or active ingredients. They have been used for treating diseases since time immemorial. This traditional knowledge is still the basis for many medicinal products made from plants or parts thereof.

Analysis On The Issues Raised By The Regulatory Authorities On Indian Pharma Companies And Inputs Provided By Them
Pharmaceutical industry across the globe bench marks the standard of regulatory processes carried out by Food and Drug Administration of USA (USFDA). India which has th e highest number of USFDA approved plants outside of USA itself, has been confronted with slew of warning letters and import alerts from the said regulatory authority, which especially were accentuated during last six years i.e. from FY13-FY18. The current article delineates upon analysis on classification of violations cited by FDA for Indian Pharma cos, inputs provided by them while concluding with solutions to overcome majority of the regulatory observations.

Can Indian Traditional Medicinal Systems Show The Way Forward?
Indian traditional codified medicinal systems and folk medicine are a vast lexicon of herbal formulations and medicinal plants. In last few decades, the popularity of herbal medicine/ products has increased worldwide, not only as part of conventional treatment strategies but also for health care management, and thus the opportunity to promote Indian traditional medicine is increasing globally. Recently people from several developed and developing countries have been attracted toward traditional Indian herbal medicines. A large number of modern medicines are derived from the plants used in Ayurveda and other traditional medicinal systems. Ayurveda and other traditional herbal medicines are capable of addressing some modern unmet medical needs, and can provide the basis for developing potential medicines. Lack of drug standardization, information, quality control, and strict monitoring are the primary lacunae in the promotion of traditional Indian herbal products. In recent years several regulatory and promotional approaches have been undertaken to overcome such problems. Quality control, rigorous research to establish the effectiveness and safety, and credible clinical trials of the herbal products are required. Thus, the careful and scientific integration of Indian traditional herbal medicine into evidence-based clinical management of diseases is essential to provide better health care facilities to people.

Only About 5% Of Rare Diseases Have Treatments
Orphan drugs, those medications that are typically produced in small quantities for limited patient populations, are growing in importance worldwide.

Sustainability In Processing And Packaging Technology; Technological Solutions For Ecological Challenges
The article analyses current ways of the pharma industry to make for more sustainable packaging and manufacturing processes, from utilising biodegradable plastics and fibre-based packaging to integrating energy-saving process equipment into their manufacturing lines. Further, the article takes a deep dive into how connected industry solutions can help reduce and optimize energy consumption.

Pharma 4.0 - Impact Of IIOT In Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
With the growing number of medical ailments across the globe, the pharmaceutical industry will undoubtedly become more important than ever in the near future. There is a paradigm shift from the mass production of drugs to offering more customized and specialized drugs to a smaller group of patients and this is greatly expected to improve the effectiveness of treatments.

Digitalization Influences The Pharmaceutical Industry
Industry 4.0 is all about creating seamless connectivity in between machines, processes, and people within and beyond manufacturing facilities to increase quality, productivity and profit by using the power of advanced data analytics.

More Efficiency, More Communication
B&R has published a new major release of its APROL process control system. APROL R 4.2 contains numerous new software functions, including improved cloud communication via OPC UA and MQTT. It also offers a modern new “Dark style” interface design option.

Phytopharmaceuticals & Their Role In Human Health
Nutraceuticals and functional foods on an average are globally becoming giant players in health sector. In a survey, it was reported that in year 2010 alone, there was a huge market growth of nutraceuticals and food supplements. Phytopharmaceuticals, nutraceuticals and functional foods have the potential to substantially reduce the expensive, high-tech, disease treatment approaches particularly common in developed countries. Charu Gupta and Dhan Prakash from Amity Institute for Herbal Research & Studies explores the world of Phytopharmaceuticals and nutraceuticals in this article.

Bosch Packaging Technology Showcases Laboratory Competence In R&D And Industry 4.0
One of the leading suppliers of process and packaging technology, Bosch Packaging Technologys new laboratory device Xelum R&D for continuous manufacturing is an example of how the Bosch Pharma Service and Industry 4.0 solutions support pharmaceutical manufacturers in increasing transparency and efficiency of their laboratory processes.

ECOFLUX* Corrugated Tube Heat Exchanger
HRS Process Systems Ltd, India, is part of UK-based HRS group of companies, a leading heat transfer technology provider.

WACKER Invests In Jena Biotech Site
The Munich-based chemical group WACKER has enhanced its production facilities for biopharmaceuticals also known as biologics with new equipment.

Unsolved Chronic Wounds Increasing Rapidly In India…
+dalethyne, a path breaking molecule, only one of its kind in the world, invented after 18 years of untiring research since 2000 by K.S. Dharshan, the Founder and Chairman of Indonesia based Dermozone , is all set to revolutionize the wound care market in India. +dalethyne would be the key ingredient of the new Dermozone range of wound care products soon to be launched in India. Mr. K.S. Dharshan, CEO – Dermozone gives us more details in this brief interview with PharmaBio World.