Ben, The Bubble Scientist
Ben loved bubbles.
Lost Ladybugs?
All around North America, kids and adults are looking for ladybugs. When they find a ladybug, they take its picture. Then they send the picture to scientists. Why? For the Lost Ladybug Project.
Science Magic
These activiti es may seem magical, but science is what makes them work.
The Great Scientific Cookie Caper
“There’s smoke pouring out of the oven!” Lucas yelled.
Build It High, Long, Strong
A wooden plank across a small stream makes a fun bridge.
Helping Pandas
Giant pandas once roamed throughout the bamboo forests of China.
Turtle Rescue
At first, Stella thought the turtle was a seashell. Small and round, no bigger than Stella’s ear, the tiny turtle lay motionless in the sand.
Night And Day
When the side of Earth where you live faces the sun, you have daylight, and the other side of the world is in darkness, or night.
Reaching For The Moon
The name my parents gave me was Edwin Eugene Aldrin Jr., but the name my sister gave me was the one that would stay with me all my life. She could not manage to say brother, only “Buzzer.” Later that got shortened to “Buzz,” and no one ever called me anything else.
Hello, Sunshine!
It’s me! The sun. I’m up here in the sky. But don’t look right at me.
Airplane Acrobat
Can you roll like a log or somersault on the ground? Some planes can do those tricks—and more—in the air.
Jacko's Special Day
My name is Jacko, and this is the story of my most special day ever.
underwater explorer sylvia earle
as much as she can, sylvia earle lives underwater. in the 7,000 hours she’s spent under the sea, the scientist and explorer has heard humpback whales sing, become friends with fish, walked along the deep ocean floor, and discovered plants and animals no human had ever seen before.
one tiny turtle
far, far out to sea, land is only a memory, and empty sky touches the water. just beneath the surface is a tangle of weed and driftwood where tiny creatures cling. this is the nursery of a sea turtle.
Butterfly With A Broken Wing
My sister Daphne and I were swinging in the backyard when we got the idea to fly like butterflies.
Meet A Scientist
Dr. Erin P. Riley is an anthropologist, a scientist who studies the ways that humans, apes, and monkeys live, act, and learn, both long ago and now. Lately, she’s been studying monkeys called moor macaques on the island of Sulawesi in Indonesia. Here’s what she told Click about her work.
What's An Eclipse?
Eclipses occur because the moon and Earth are always moving. Earth orbits, or goes around, the sun. And at the same time, the moon orbits Earth.
Waiting For The Sun To Disappear
Jeff pushed his nose against the window, waiting for his cousin Liz to arrive.
Pop's Bridge
My pop is building the Golden Gate Bridge.
Spring in My Backyard
Jade wakes up to a cool, foggy morning.
Our Very Own Dog
A dog came to live with us when I was four.
With Love
The keepers at the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust in Kenya in East Africa have a very special job. They take care of orphaned baby elephants. How do you do that?