
Edelweiss, The Sound of Music, Grossglockner And Snow, Lots And Lots Of Snow
Austria is a wonderland of mountains, green pastures, lakes and . . . mountains

Zimbabwe Air Rally 2021 Part two
The following day we were up early to watch the departure air show once again, it is a large amount of razzle-dazzle to be honest.

Boeing 727 One Crash Per 2 30 6300 Flying Hours
The Boeing 727 is a narrow-body airliner. The first 727-100 rolled out 27 November, 1962, first flew on 9 February, 1963, and entered service with Eastern on 1 February, 1964.

Taking Flight On Another World
The Mars Helicopter, Ingenuity, is a technology demonstration model to test powered, controlled flight on another world for the first time. It hitched a ride to Mars on the Perseverance rover. Once the rover reached a suitable "airfield" location, it released Ingenuity to the surface so it could perform a series of test flights over a 30-Martian-day experimental window.

Thales Completes Successful First Flight Of New UAS With Range Capabilities Of Over 100 Km
• With a hybrid propulsion system for optimum safety, endurance and discretion, Thales's UAS 100 long-range unmanned air system for civil, government and military users will be able to operate at ranges of more than 100 km. • UAS 100 combines world-class flight safety performance with the compact design required for unmanned air systems, and complies with future European regulations for drone flights over populated areas. • The system will meet the requirements of a broad range of missions, including infrastructure inspection, coastal surveillance, border surveillance, event security, search-and-rescue and military operations.

Dutch Squadron Finalises F-16 Operations
The Royal Netherlands Air Force 322 squadron based at Leeuwarden air force base terminated its operations on the F-16 “Fighting Falcon” early July (2021). With the gradual ongoing new deliveries of its successor, the Lockheed Boeing F-35A “Lightning II”, it was time for the squadron to focus only on the embedding of the new jet in the unit.

Double Ended Project: Where Is It Now
Traditionally, bush and STOL aircraft have been little more than modified certified trainers, with engine and prop upgrades, or the addition of fatter tyres. However there have been attempts to improve the safety aspect of this type of flying.

Dyke Delta Lookalike Fighter Kit Plane
The Dyke JD-2 Delta is an American homebuilt aircraft designed in the United States in the 1960s and marketed for amateur construction. It is a monoplane with retractable tricycle undercarriage and seating for four.

Pratt & Whitney Canada Advances Sustainable Hybrid-Electric Propulsion Technology, Contributing to Canada's Green Recovery Plan
Pratt & Whitney Canada (P&WC), plans to advance its hybridelectric propulsion technology and flight demonstrator programme as part of a $163M CAD investment, supported by the governments of Canada and Quebec.

Airbus showcases the A350-1000 for the first time in Russia at the MAKS 2021 International Aerospace Show
Airbus demonstrated its latest technological innovations and projects implemented in Russia at the International Aerospace Show which took place in Zhukovsky from 20 to 25 July.

Cargo Emergency
How Chapman Freeborn has transported PPE across the globe during the COVID-19 pandemic

Pilatus Delivers 1800th PC-12
After leading the turbine-powered business aircraft market in 2020, Pilatus passes another fleet milestone with the delivery of the 1800th example of the versatile single-engine turboprop. At 82 deliveries, according to the General Aviation Manufacturers Association’s 2020 Year-End Aircraft Shipment Report, the Pilatus PC-12 was the most popular model of all turbine-powered business aircraft.

Italian Navy Maristaeli Luni5° Gruppo Elicotteri
The 5th Helicopter Group was the first operational group at the La Spezia naval base, established on 1 November 1969, together with technical and logistical support for the helicopters.

Airbus A321 Freighter – Synergy Between Costs And Convenience
Probably one of the longest ongoing rivalries in the aviation market is between two aircraft manufacturing giants Airbus and Boeing. For years the companies had been head to head, trying to outsmart the other and take over the lucrative market.

IAI Concludes Independence Day Flyover
Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI), concluded its first Israel Independence Day flyover in 33 years. As part of the flyover IAI flew two Gulfstream 280 business jets as well as the Boeing 777-300ER “Big Twin” passenger-to-cargo conversion prototype aircraft.

Unmanned Helicopter Crashes Into Navy Ship
An unmanned MQ-8B Fire Scout helicopter crashed into the side of USS Charleston shortly after taking off from the ship on 26 April.

Bye Aerospace Unveils 8-Seat All-Electric eFlyer 800
Bye Aerospace has announced an eight-seat all-electric twin turbo-prop class airplane, the eFlyer 800™, in response to growing demands for regional all-electric airplanes with significantly reduced operating costs, plus increased capacity and utility.

Flight Control Technology Set To Dive Underwater For Marine Mobility
BAE Systems is taking decades of flight control expertise underwater onboard the UK’s next generation submarine, Dreadnought. This innovative approach involves adapting controls that are usually used in fly-by-wire aircraft and applying them in a marine environment.

Airbus Retires The World's First Beluga
The first-ever Airbus Beluga transport aircraft has left Broughton for the last time. Beluga number one departed the Airbus factory in North Wales just after 15:00 BST, on its way to Hamburg for storage.

Moscow – A City Of Beauty, Intrigue, Past Fears And History
Moscow stands on the Moskva River in Central Russia, with a population greater than that of South Africa as a whole it is among the world's largest cities. The northernmost and coldest megacity in the world, and with a history that dates over eight centuries, Moscow has been ruled by those who revelled in cruelty, oppression, and fear. From Ivan the Great, Ivan the Terrible, Grand Duchess Catherine the Great and her obsession with the mystic Rasputin, Peter the Great and Tzar Nicholas II, last of the tzars and who, with his entire family was executed by the Bolcheviks.

Rolls-Royce: Reaches New Milestone As World's Largest Aero-Engine Build Starts
Rolls-Royce has officially started building the world’s largest aero-engine, UltraFan®, which will help redefine sustainable air travel for decades to come.

Airbus Takes Off With Private Network From Ericsson
The partnership between Ericsson and international pioneer Airbus opens the door for the digitalisation of aerospace factories.

Embraer successfully concludes aerial refuelling qualification between two KC-390 Millennium aircraft
The twin-turbo fan powered KC-390 can be refuelled in flight and can be used for in-flight or on-ground refuelling of other aircraft.

Aircraft On The Edge Of Safety
Over the last couple of years there have been a number of accidents that have cost hundred of lives but are there aircraft that are inherently unsafe? Aircraft have been involved in accidents since the time of the Wright brothers. As from this month we will be taking a look at some of the aircraft types that are regarded as unsafe.

Contrails And Climate Change
Five years ago I wrote an article in this magazine saying that science was starting to suggest that contrails, which we’re all used to seeing in clear skies anywhere in the world, are a significant player in climate change.

Travelling Around The World During Covid-19
If I were to ask you if you have travelled overseas recently or if you have any travel plans to visit another continent in the near future, you will probably dismiss that as a bizarre inquiry or may even possibly doubt my sense of judgement!

Space Planes: The Return Of The Reusable Spacecraft?
A spaceplane is a vehicle that can fly/ glide like an aircraft in Earth's atmosphere and manoeuvre like a spacecraft in outer space.

Bali: The Island of Gods
Bali – An ancient land first discovered by the Chinese in 2500 B.C. - has over centuries been occupied and influenced by many Asian migrants who brought various cultures and religions to the island. Buddhism and Hinduism were practised by the early settlers and are still the major religions to this day.

How To Be Eco-Friendly In The Aviation Industry!
Each year airlines begin new sustainability initiatives, experiment with biofuels, and offset their carbon emissions on selected flights; yet, sustainability should not only be a topic of discussion when an aircraft is in the air but also when it’s on the ground.

The Magical Place
As a young boy our holiday destinations were fairly limited owing to a war that was raging and of course because Dad spent lots of time away from home fighting. Growing up on the farm meant that I had plenty of space to roam and discover and then of course, the concept of bigger territory by being a small kid.