
Share in the therapy sheep experience
The chance to win one of ten books in a series designed to empower young minds where 'Merlin finds his magic'

What uses are their for cockerels?
In this issue we want to touch on a subject that may ruffle a few feathers, but as a national charity helping 60,000 hens year in and year out we believe the topic merits some hard facts and an appeal for your support as readers of a popular poultry magazine.

All About Grafting - an historic form of propagation
Lee Senior explains the top technique for gaining increased vigour, disease resistance, yield and speed

Time to get seed sowing
Kings Seeds give a guide to a flourishing veg patch that starts in spring

Welcome to our feature on alpacas!
We've asked experts to share their knowledge with us on keeping alpacas, their handling and their fleeces.

Getting Your Bees!
Claire Waring looks at how you can obtain your first colony and become a beekeeper.

The springtime pecking order
Spring brings new life and fresh challenges to the coop. Cara Wheeldon discovers how to smoothly introduce new birds, curb bullying, and keep your flock happy and harmonious with help from expert advice.

Keep the date of Sunday 8th June free for an Open Farm Sunday near you
But could you open your smallholding or farm and take part in this event that brings farmers and consumers together?

A wheelbarrow is an essential tool on any smallholding, but what is the best choice for a smallholder?
Wheelbarrows come in all shapes, sizes (and price ranges too). After years of rusted tubs, flat tyres and strained muscles, Hugh and Fiona have distilled the right choice of wheelbarrow into five simple choices.

The Hamburgh, an old British light breed from the North
Victoria Roberts BVSc MRCVS tells how Yorks and Lancs came together to produce an attractive breed and a useful layer

Some signs of life!
Helen Moffat of the RSPB looks for changes from winter to spring

A Visit to Victoria Roberts BVSc MRCVS
Grant Brereton pays an old friend a visit and reflects on her seismic contribution to the poultry keeping hobby....

Why it's vital that laying hens have a balanced diet
Sarah Kearney BSc (Hons), PGCert Head of Nutrition at Allen & Page Smallholder Range advises on feeding for egg and shell quality

Meet the Shire Horse Society
Be part of a passion for a horse with its roots in the past now finding its place in the modern world

Top Tips for successful chick reaing
Tom McFly gives key points to get your hatchlings to strong, young birds

Care needed with supplementary colostrum to avoid 'unintended consequences'
With many smallholders lambing season fast approaching, new on-farm research is highlighting the serious 'unintended consequences' of poor colostrum storage and equipment hygiene.

Bearded beauty
Charming, gentle, and undeniably unique, the Barbu d’Uccle is a bantam breed full of character. This month, Cara Wheeldon shines the spotlight on this captivating Belgian breed with insights from a dedicated poultry keeper

Nature's ecosystem engineers are quietly managing waterways
Michael Wale finds beavers in West London working for the Local Council!

Q&A with RBST Trustee John Reed
John Reed, former Chairman of the British Poultry Council, joined the Rare Breeds Survival Trust’s Board of Trustees at the end of 2024. Here he tells us more about his areas of expertise and his views on rare breeds survival action in 2025 and beyond.

When spring has sprung
Agricultural journalist, smallholder and editor of Ford & Fordson Tractors Magazine Jane Brooks, joins us for her regular look at the world of agricultural machinery

Growing Nutritious Treats for Very Reasonable Prices
Wheat fodder is easily grown as a treat for chickens and significantly increases both the weight and nutritional value of the wheat from its grain form. Fiona and Hugh Osborne show you how

The Scythe: Setting Up and Perfecting Your Mowing Technique
Andrea Gilpin focuses on the scythe and scythe technique

Looking forward to spring
Henrietta Balcon cooks a warm dish for early spring's often chilly weather

Do chickens dream? Surprising science says they do!
Paul Donovan uncovers the secrets of Avian Slumber.

Herbs for every day of the year
Lydia Watson suggests growing some beautiful herbs for adding flavour to your dishes as well as making your garden look pretty.

View form a farmer's daughter and smallholder on inheritance and land
Farm and Smallholding valuations are coming under the spotlight as the UK's tax regime is reformed, but not all of us are keeping it in the family says Jane Brooks

The year ahead for Alpaca Evolution
Looking forward to welcoming you to their farm for fun, learning and reflection

You've got a friend in me Bonding amongst goats
Matt Huggins looks at relationships in the herd

Smallholding profile: Naturally Woodland
Helen Babbs meets a flock of Whiteface Woodland sheep with a thriving soap business

Handing alpacas is simply successful
Victoria Barrett of SimplyAlpaca explains why understanding and working with natural behaviour makes sense and for easier training for camelids