गन्ने की नई प्रजातियों से ले अधिक उत्पादन
डा. ऋषिपाल, डा. जयप्रकाश कन्नौजिया, अजय यादव, डा. रघुवीर सिंह, डा. हिमांशु शर्मा
सेहत के लिए हैं खास
मिलेट्स (मोटे अनाज)
गर्भवती दुधारू पशुओं की देखभाल
ज्यादातर दुधारू पशु ब्याने के 3 से 4 महीने के अंदर गर्भ धारण कर लेते हैं. गर्भ की शुरुआत में उन को कोई खास अतिरिक्त आहार देने की जरूरत नहीं पड़ती है, लेकिन जब गर्भ की अवस्था 5 माह की हो जाती है, तो गर्भ में पल रहा भ्रूण अपने विकास अवस्था में पोषक तत्त्वों के लिए मां पर ही निर्भर करता है.
Kalyan Jewellers plans to add 52 showrooms in 2023
Kalyan Jewellers India on Thursday said it is planning to expand its retail footprint by over 30 per cent in the next calendar year by adding 52 showrooms.
A Japanese Fare to Remember @ Crowne Plaza Chennai Adyar Park
The Crowne Plaza Chennai Adyar Park is here to foster a love for the most authentic and delicious sushi, and so sushi fans are in for a real treat.
Relax and rejuvenate by the bay in Lieu of Women's Day
Cheers to all the woman who never stopped trying and never gave up\" and as International Women's Day comes close take this time to just kick back and relax, and to celebrate these two weeks offering a much-needed rejuvenating break this year, don't just plan an elaborate lunch, but also book an appointment at our award-winning spa for some well-deserved \"me time\" and revitalize yourself with our special offers.
Indian Immunologicals Limited launches its first set of virtual medical representatives
Healthcare sector in India is leaping forward with digital innovations at an accelerated pace.
Dr. Sivakumaran COO KMCH Hospital Group Receives Healthcare Visionary Award
KMCH is a leading multispecialty hospital dedicated to providing high-quality, patient centred care. KMCH is proud to announce that its Chief Operating Officer, Dr. Sivakumaran, has been awarded the Healthcare Visionary Award for his outstanding contributions to the healthcare industry, especially in inventory and operational efficiency.
How Content-toCommerce Strategy is Beautifying the Future of The Good Glamm Group
The Good Glamm Group became the first beauty unicorn in South Asia in November last year.
HRX's Tie-up with Baccarose Wins with Coopetition, Starts New Retail Trends
A unique business proposition is the lifeblood of any brand that wants to make its presence felt.
Tattvan E-Clinic ropes in Popular Actor Rohitashv Gour as Brand Ambassador
Tattvan E Clinic is India's fastest growing network of affordable primary care clinics in semi urban areas. With over 580 clinics spread across 12 states, Tattvan offers quality care to more than 1.5 Lakh patients each year.
Crowne Plaza Chennai Adyar Park Celebrates Valentine's Day with 'Romance By The Pool'
Crowne Plaza Chennai Adyar Park, the premier luxury hotel in the city, is celebrating Valentine's Day with a romantic dining experience for couples.
In 1900, Rolls-Royce Charles CORolls, founder, prophesized an electric future for the motor car recognizing the clean, noiseless alternative to the internal combustion engine - providing there was sufficient infrastructure to support it.
Bernard Arnault Appoints Daughter Delphine to Run Dior
World's richest man Arnault his Bernard appointed daughter Delphine to run Christian Dior, the second-biggest brand in his LVMH luxury goods empire.
HUL introduces Millet Horlicks in Chocolate flavor
Hindustan Unilever Limited (HUL), India’s largest fast-moving consumer goods company has introduced a new variant of Horlicks. Millet Horlicks in a Chocolate flavor is a new addition to the Horlicks portfolio and it has been launched first in the state of Tamil Nadu.
Superstar Kiara Advani Becomes The Face Of Kimirica
Superstar Kiara Advani is not only one of the most popular and bankable actors in the film circuit, but also one of the most in-demand names in the brand circuit.
Tucked away from the shackles of urban monotony and plainness, Karma Lakelands is a dreamscape of perfect living that isn't restrained by walls or suffocated by boundaries.
Rejoice the Journey across the Mediterranean with Chef Joseph Chahine
The air is filled with the scent of exotic spices and the sound of sizzling seafood as we gear up for our highly-anticipated Mediterranean Food Festival, curated by Chef Joseph Chahine, Head Chef of Layalina, an award-winning Lebanese restaurant in London.
Welcome to Otium Simple Made Perfect
Swaying coconut trees fronds wave a warm welcome as you enter this quiet, charming 4 star luxurious boutique resort, located centrally in porvorim, North Goa at a similar distance to all exciting places like beaches, casinos, churches and other tourists hotspots.
Mushroom Tikka | Idly Timbale | Moong Sprouts Sabz | INDIAN MUTTON CURRY
ITC Engage Expands Product Portfolio, Unveils New Range of Eau De Perfumes
ITC Engage has launched a new range of Eau De Parfums for occasion-based I usage with day and night premium perfumes for men and women.
फरवरी महीने में खेतीकिसानी के काम
फरवरी माह में सर्दी कम होने लगती है और इस समय कई बार तेज हवाएं चलने लगती हैं, इसलिए गेहूं की फसल में सिंचाई करते वक्त इस बात का खयाल रखें कि ज्यादा तेज हवाएं न चल रही हों. उन के थमने का इंतजार करें और मौसम ठीक होने पर ही खेत की सिंचाई करें. हवा के फर्राटे के बीच सिंचाई करने से पौधों के उखड़ने का पूरा खतरा रहता है.
नैनो उर्वरक के प्रयोग से फसल उत्पादन में बढ़ोतरी
नैनो उर्वरकों को पारंपरिक उर्वरकों, उर्वरकों की थोक सामग्रियों के संश्लेषित या संशोधित रूप में या मिट्टी की उर्वरता, उत्पादकता और गुणवत्ता में सुधार लाने के लिए इस्तेमाल की जाने वाली नैनो तकनीक की मदद से विभिन्न रासायनिक, भौतिक, यांत्रिक या जैविक तरीकों से पौधे की विभिन्न वनस्पति या प्रजनन भागों से निकाला जाता है.
पशुओं में अपच समाधान भी है जरुरी
भारत एक कृषि प्रधान देश होने के साथ ही पशुधन में भी प्रथम स्थान रखता है. पशुओं की देखभाल में पशुपालकों को अनेक तरह की समस्याओं का सामना करना पड़ता है. पशुपालकों को पशु स्वास्थ्य की बेसिक जानकारी होना बहुत जरूरी है, जिस से उन में होने वाले साधारण रोगों को पशुपालक समझ सकें और उन का उचित उपचार किया जा सके.
अदरक के विभिन्न उत्पाद बनाने की विधि
अदरक में कई महत्त्वपूर्ण पोषक तत्त्व जैसे विटामिन सी, कैल्शियम, आयरन, फास्फोरस, जिंक, कौपर, मैगनीज और क्रोमियम पाए जाते हैं. अदरक में बैक्टीरिया और वायरस से लड़ने की क्षमता होती है, इसलिए इस के नियमित सेवन करने से यह गले के संक्रमण से बचाता है. यह शरीर में पैदा होने वाले केलोस्ट्राल को कम कर देता है.
Future Trends In Baking
Bakeries, as per the consumers' demands, have to live up to their expectations. The industry has to be aware of the latest desires of the consumers, particularly in the aftermath of the pandemic. Bakeries - big or small - have to cater to purchasers' whims and wishes for their survival and progress. Thus they have to be aware of the latest trends, for their development. Bakeries are, therefore, to meet the consumers' numerous requirements, are continuing to develop not only new baking methods but also new recipes. Small and new bakeries also have to adopt new methods to reach out to consumers and make them aware about their products. Ashok Malkani tries to assess the future trends in the New Year and the near future.
Pastry Chef: Challenges & Opportunities
Unlike most chefs, pastry chefs cannot throw things together at a farmer's market and expect to have a consistent result. A slight variance in temperature, grams, humidity, or time makes all the difference in the world of pastry.
Chocolate The Perfect Sweet
For the New Year, Valentine Day or for any other occasions one food product that will bring an expression of glee on the receiver's face is Chocolates! This sweet has proved popular over the years. Its popularity is expected to increase in the coming years. Indian chocolate market reached $ 2.4 billion in 2022 according to IMARC Group. The global chocolate market attained a value of $ 127.7 billion in 2022, driven by the impulse purchasing behaviour of the consumers. Aided by the new product launches, the market, according to EMR, is grow further in the years to come. What has made chocolate a popular sweet, at Valentine time? Ashok Malkani takes a deep look at the industry to gauge several factors like how it is made and also whether this product, which is also used extensively in bakery products, is healthy.
Patisserie Notes Making Good Pastries de
Pastries are the key product in any bakery or confectionery set up. Good pastries need special attention at every stage. Any good bakery is known not only by the whiff of its freshly baked bread but more often by the quality of its pastries that are the proverbial hot cakes of the establishment. However, there are many imponderables and subtle aspects that influence the quality of these savouries. Following are some of those essentials.
Designer Cakes
Whether you are organising a party for birthday, wedding, anniversary, or for an official. celebration, you always add a cake to the plan. A cake is a priority to make the event more pleasurable and memorable. Regardless of the event being organised, people of every age expect a delicious cake, making the event complete. There are different cakes to satisfy the sweet tooth, but custom-designed cakes make event extra special.