
Reflective Thinking
Do you invest time introspecting? If not, you should.
Loading The Next Gen...
How to lead our next gen to think and live beyond the virtual world?

Under CCTV
We are under this surveillance all the time... so what should we do?

Recycle Bin
Here is a simple and yet powerful way to keep diseases away…

Ranjini Manian - Founder - Global Adjustments
Ranjini is passionate about culture, an avid student of Indian philosophy and a fluent speaker of diverse languages such as Japanese, French, Spanish. As the founder of Global Adjustments she pioneered the relocation business in India and has been the Editor-in-Chief of Culturama, India's first cultural magazine. She has also authored 5 books. Ranjini served as an Executive Committee member on the Women's Leadership Board at Harvard University.

What Is Currency?
Our relationship with currency continues throughout our lives but both currency and we change and evolve.

Are You Listening?
Children need to be nurtured by their parents and teachers during their growing years.

Carved By Criticism
Criticism is not necessarily negative. It can spur us on to do better.

A chance encounter gives the writer a fresh perspective on life…

Shedding tears is not a weakness… tears reveal that you are human!

The Extra Mile
An interesting incident which helped them to change their perception!

Let's Connect
What it takes to be a teacher in the present-day scenario?

Happy To Be
Life doesn't have to be a mad rush of ticking things off on your to-do list. Here is an interesting incident to make us realise this...

Life Surprises...
When you think it is over, it opens a door most unexpectedly!

Thank You, Gentlemen!
Here is an ode for all strong men in every lady's life!

The Transformation Track
What is life without change?

Health And Wealth
Can a rich person with poor health enjoy the pleasure of being wealthy?

A Child Of War
A Child Of War

A Key To Productivity
Let's find it! Read on…

Why Not Now?
If sooner or later we are going to do it…

Special Moments!
Cherishing them draws more of it into our lives…

Cab Guru
A conversation that turned out to be very profound…

Here is a contextual and beautiful story from mythology…

Formative Years Of Child: Early And Lasting
How important are the formative years of your child?

Rock Back To Life
When one's surrender is complete…

That Wake-Up Call
When we come to terms with emotions…

Where Does The Road Go?
Vagabond thinking or focused thinking depends on the question…

Spiritual Health
There is more to good physical health… Read on to understand.

Don't Get Terrified, Get Jerrified
A question, a cartoon, an inspiration…

Waves And I
Learning from the sea shore...