What Does It Mean To Lose Balance?
ROSALIND PEARMAIN explores the notion of losing balance and restoring it, and how we have to lose our old balance in order to find a new one.
Who is really Running the Show?
STANISLAS LAJUGIE challenges the myth that we make most of the decisions in our lives. Why do we keep encountering similar circumstances, relationships, and problems in life? Why is it so difficult to change our behavior? He explains why, and also how we can transform ourselves.
Laugh More, Live onger
DR. ICHAK ADIZES celebrates the beauty and positivity of laughter in relationships and in creating a healthy atmosphere at work, at home, and especially in management.
Becoming a Parent: Approach and Attitude
In September 2022, DAAJI released his latest bestseller, The Wisdom Bridge, and throughout 2023 we are sharing highlights from the various chapters to give you a taste of the wisdom it offers. This month the excerpt is from the chapter on Principle 3: Preparation Begins Long Before Children Arrive.
The Balancing Act
KALYANI ADUSUMILLI shares some tips on leading a balanced life so that our time with others is also more harmonious
Create Wellness
DR. SNEHAL DESHPANDE is a Developmental Therapist and Certified Life Coach from Mumbai. She leads SNEH, an institution dedicated to improving people's quality of life, and actively drives the Heartfulness CME initiative for healthcare professionals across India. Here, she shares some simple tips on how to create wellness.
Daily Practice Creates Balance
DAAJI introduces a new Heartfulness practice and shows you how setting up a daily routine can create balance in your life.
4 Steps to Becoming Carefree
Victor Kannan explores the concept of carefreeness and what that means. He also offers us 4 simple steps to regaining lightness and carefree happiness.
DR. PRASAD VELUTHANAR from the Wellness Center at Kanha Shanti Vanam shares some simple dietary principles from the ayurvedic perspective to bring about better nutrition and well-being.
Who Are the Clients?
DR. ICHAK ADIZES explores the needs of customers, clients, shareholders, and management, and raises a few realistic questions that will bring focus and purpose to any organization.
KALYANI ADUSUMILLI compares wants and needs, and explores how the simple life helps us keep a check on needs and wants, leading to contentment and happiness.
Interest, Intention, and a Yummy Breakfast
POOJA KINI shares her experience and tips for setting intentions and caring for your health on a daily basis. She also shares a great recipe for a quick, healthy and very tasty breakfast.
The Effects of Electromagnetic Pollution
TERRAN DAILY explores the effects of electromagnetic radiation on our lives, and offers us ways we can protect ourselves and our children by eliminating or minimizing our exposure. She also suggests how important it is that we relax into the natural frequency of the Earth to regain health and happiness.
PRINCIPLE 2: Be Guided by Wisdom.Seek It.Cultivate It.Share It.
In September 2022, DAAJI released his latest book, The Wisdom Bridge, which is a bestseller. Throughout 2023, we'll be sharing excerpts from the various chapters of this insightful book to give you a taste of the wisdom it offers. This month, Daaji focuses on Principle 2 - Be guided by wisdom. Seek it. Cultivate it. Share it.
When Needs Must
Nonviolent Communication, now also known as Compassionate Communication and Needs-based Relating, was developed by Dr. Marshall Rosenberg, who firmly believed that people enjoy contributing to one another’s well-being more than anything else. Through an emphasis on deep listening, NVC helps us to learn to hear our own deeper needs and those of others, and discover the depth of our compassion. It brings an awareness that all of us are trying to honor universal values and needs, every minute, every day.
GHAZAL YADAV asks if we have been sleeping long enough and soundly enough. She explores the relationships between work-life balance, toxic productivity, FOMO, social media, and declining sleep quality around the world.
DR. PRASAD VELUTHANAR writes about the day's routine from the ayurvedic perspective. He explains how doing specific activities at specific times of the day will help you derive maximum benefits and improve your well-being.
Kindness to the Planet
RICKY KEJ is a 3-time Grammy award-winning composer, an environmentalist, UNESCO-MGIEP Ambassador for Kindness, UNICEF Celebrity Supporter, UNCCD Land Ambassador, and an Ambassador for the Earth Day Network. He performed and spoke to the crowd at the International Rising with Kindness Youth Conference at Kanha Shanti Vanam in August 2022. Here are some excerpts from his message.
Many to Many
In December 2022, NIPUN MEHTA of ServiceSpace met with 3 generations of women in one family in Baroda, Gujarat JYOTI, VANESSA, and ANANYA PATEL. Jyoti is the grandma, Vanessa is the mother, and Ananya the daughter. This is a spontaneous conversation they had together in their beautiful garden after meeting at an event with Mahendradada.
What Makes Us Human?
DR. ICHAK ADIZES deals with change in the corporate world every day. It is his raison d'étre! With a shift in focus, here he describes the interplay of dynamics between love and change at the personal level, how pain is a necessary accompaniment to love, and how we can allow both to coexist in a healthy way.
Step into the Future of Emotions
STANISLAS LAJUGIE explores modern psychological theories of managing emotions, and even better, how to let go of our past emotional patterns and step into a simpler, happier future through meditative practices.
The Role of the Intellect
VICTOR KANNAN explores the components of our mental well-being, and how the refinement of intellect helps our consciousness to evolve.
THE WISDOM BRIDGE SERIES - PRINCIPLE 1: Raising a Child Still Takes a Village
In September 2022, DAAJI released his latest book, The Wisdom Bridge, which is already a national bestseller. Throughout 2023, we'll be sharing excerpts from the various chapters of this insightful book to give you a taste of the wisdom it offers. This month, Daaji focuses on Principle 1 it takes a village to raise a child.
ALANDA GREENE celebrates the lives of those among us who have had the resilience to discover joy in times of suffering and uncertainty, and gives us a hint of how we can do the same.
VIVAN PATEL decided it was time to build cognitive reserve in his brain by doing a few simple tasks. The results speak for themselves: he became much more aware instead of functioning on autopilot.
How to Meditate
Though most people these days are aware of the immense benefits and feeling of connectedness that result from a regular meditation practice, it is also easy to find excuses to avoid it: I’m too tired, I can always meditate tomorrow, I have no time, I woke up late, etc.
4 IDEAS for Healthy Eating in THE NEW YEAR
POOJA KINI simplifies the art of eating healthy food to 4 simple principles that are easy to follow. She brings joy to eating well, and encourages us to start the New Year with an approach to food that is both realizable and sustainable.
JOEL CROSS, aka A Soul Called Joel, is a Grammy-nominated singersongwriter. He grew up singing gospel songs with his seven siblings. In 2022, he released his new album called Love and Liberation. The well of his creativity and passion is deeply spiritual. In addition to his musical career, Joel is a certified meditation teacher, a life coach, poet and author of the R.I.S.E. journal. He is interviewed
Larapinta Dreaming
CLAYTON JOHN's latest series, Larapinta Dreaming, was inspired by a fundraising walk on the Larapinta Trail in northern Australia, near Alice Springs and Uluru. Clayton is currently showing these paintings at the Linton & Kay Gallery in Subiaco, Perth, Australia. You can also visit his work on Instagram at @clayton_images.
Love and Change
DR. ICHAK ADIZES deals with change in the corporate world every day. It is his raison d’étre! With a shift in focus, here he describes the interplay of dynamics between love and change at the personal level, how pain is a necessary accompaniment to love, and how we can allow both to coexist in a healthy way.