The Gentle Giant Among His Roses
A lifetime love affair with roses has shaped this expansive farm garden.

How To Extend The Harvest Of Baby Marrows
By March baby marrows are usually at the end of their productive lives, with most leaves covered in powdery mildew. Pulling them out is almost an act of kindness.

Magnolia grandiflora ‘Little Gem’

Preserving cauliflower
If cauliflower was a stock to trade, some would have made millions in the last few years as the humble cauliflower became one of the most versatile cruciferous vegetables in the kitchen. With an increase in the popularity of flexitarian, vegan, gluten-free, keto and plant-based diets, cauliflower is no longer only baked into a cheesy casserole, but spiced and grilled as ‘steaks’ on a braai, mashed, riced, sauced, powdered, blended and made into pasta or a crispy pizza base. There are not many vegetables that can do all that!

Mushroom plant
Mushroom plant (Rungia klossii) is a bushy perennial with crisp, mushroom-flavoured leaves that are good for adding to salads or for cooking. Steam just before serving so that the leaves don’t lose their fresh green appearance.

A passion for roses
For five generations of gardeners, maybe more, Ludwig Taschner has been the friendly face of rose growing.

Gone And Lost!
I knew we were heading for a rough ride on the day that it was announced that the ordinary Sweetie Pie chocolate was going to be discontinued, and later when I heard about a proposed sugar tax!

The Gardens Of Stone Cottage
“We knew Bedford and its special magic, so it was our first port of call when we were looking for our new home. Stone Cottage sat on the edge of the village, overlooking the mountains, and with the best sunsets in Bedford.”

Offbeat Outdoor Spaces
Create an outdoor space that fits your garden and you.

The Sweet Taste Of Spring Herbs
The arrival of spring is always a cause for celebration. Goodbye brown, frosty gardens, cold mornings, and nippy evenings. Hullo, sunshine, long days, and the fragrance of herbs as gardens burst into life.

Bringing Back The HOYA
For many of us, hoyas are those plants our grandmothers had growing on the 'stoep; or in a pot that hung from the dining room celling in a macrame pot hanger

Under The Grape Vine
Many of us fondly remember the grape-vine-covered pergolas and arbours in the backyards of our youth. In high summer, fat bunches of sweet grapes ready to be harvested lurked in the dappled shade of lush vine leaves, which later turned rusty brown and fell off to lay bare the rough old twisted stems of winter.

What Is A Calibrachoa?
Although the tiny flowers of calibrachoas resemble those of petunias, the plants are classified into two separate genera in the Solanaceae family.

Creative Air Plant Displays
Popular air plants are easy to look after, come in a variety of shapes and textures, and make for creative art displays. Try some of these quick and easy ideas:

Make Your Own: Aloe Vera Skin Cream
For gardeners the problem of dry skin is made worse by working in the garden, coupled in 2020 with the constant use of hand sanitiser. Fear winter no longer, for your plants are once again here to save you! The soothing, moisturising and cooling properties of aloe vera make it a prime candidate for a healing skin cream, and you can make your own by following these simple steps:

Water Features To Freshen Up Your Garden Design
Close your eyes. Imagine a relaxing spot in your garden, the one place you go when you need a break from the world. A space to wind down and be at peace. Imagine the fresh air, the sounds of birds and leaves rustling around you as you sigh and sink into nature and all its glory. Regardless of what you imagined, I guarantee it could be made considerably better with the addition of a water feature (unless you already imagined one, in which case props to you).

Design Your Own Herb Garden
If you’ve decided to grow your own food, think further than just vegetables.

Passionate about Pelargoniums
A garden filled with blooming pelargoniums is a positive symbol of life in technicolour…

Lockdown Guilt!
Ask yourself what you did wrong, and then tell yourself not to do it again…

A garden of Eden layered with colour, texture and scent in abundance.

Woolly Paws
Fill up your low-water zones like the gravel garden, rock garden and sunny low-maintenance areas with new and very cute Anigozanthos varieties, also known as kangaroo or cat’s paws.

Two Springboks And A Wallaby!
Two beautiful hybrids have been developed from two endemic genera in the fynbos family, as well as one from a genus endemic to Western Australia.

Shimmering Silver Trees For The Fynbos Garden
Leucadendron argenteum

Your foolproof guide to pathway planning

The Lifestyle College class of 2019 brings us the 2020 Lifestyle Garden Design Show to leave all inspired.

UPWARDS AND ONWARDS: vertical veggie growing
Saving space is not the only reason for growing veggies vertically

Dry beans are a power food second to none, and they ‘beef up’ slow-cooked comfort food like soups, casseroles and stove-top stews. They are also a staple food in many parts of the world, being a rich source of protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. Half a cup of cooked dry beans contains about 115 calories and provides 8 grams of protein. They also contain phytochemicals that are believed to help prevent osteoporosis, heart disease and some cancers.
Big-hearted for mass planting
If you have large areas in the garden to fill, plant all three of these indigenous perennials: they have everything you need!
Breathless at Bosjes
Spirituality, homegrown expertise and locally sourced materials and labour resulted in a breath-taking landscape that offers relief and comfort to anyone and everyone who visits.
Fabulous ‘Angel Wings'
Senecio candicans ‘Angel Wings’ is sure to catch the eye, whether growing outdoors in the garden or sitting indoors in a pretty pot!