Learn Karma Yoga In 21 Days
I had recently enrolled as a volunteer for the 21 days Better Living Certificate Course. Strange as life may seem, this was the first course that I had done as a student at the Institute and this ended up being the first course where I gave my first lecture as a certified yoga teacher!
A Day without Addiction - The Yogic Way
Addiction - a word that we all want to avoid, but we still indulge into. Drinking, smoking, are the common addictions we know of. But look deeper. Look aroundnot at others but at yourself. Look around yourself and you will realize the addictions you are prone to.
My Association with The Yoga Institute
I am associated with The Yoga Institute at Santacruz (East) now for nearly forty years. Most of the students of yoga science join yoga courses to find some solution for their health ailments. Some come to learn about our old culture of yoga. I don’t think I had any of the two above reasons to join The Yoga Institute.
Darkest Before Dawn
Having just completed the Yoga Teacher Training Course (TTC) and a programme on Transactional Analysis (TA), a psychological theory, I was reflecting on my transformation over the past few months.
Love Of Life - A Klesha
Ahara (food), Nidra (sleep), Bhaya (fear), are accepted in Indian literature as characteristics of all living creatures.
Critical Role Of Clarity In Thoughts And Actions
As we age, we suffer from aches and pains and promptly hope and expect some medicines to do the job of pain relief.
In our country, the culture is very strong.
Uplifting The Mind is More Important
As we get up in the morning, there is calm, quiet around - we have had a rested time, we are at peace, we are looking forward to the day enthusiastically.
How I Overcame Anger-Frustration-Depression
I am sharing two personal experiences of how yoga has helped me control my mind.
The Power Of Vulnerability
I feel fear.
The Yogis- Shri Yogendraji
What was this due to - this great culture of the Yogis? It was their self-concentrated stage, a stage higher than our physical and the mental planes where they could see reality face to face. They controlled their inner activities and misleading perceptions, to realize that Ultimate Truth - that stage of higher super-consciousness. Plotinus glimpsed the truth and found that it is only by an act of intuition in which the mind rises above thoughts and merges in the object, that one can realize the Ultimate Reality.
When we talk about experience, joy is an experience. The experience comes only when a person goes a little deeper and does not function at the superficial level.
A Morning Cup Of Mindulness
Tighten your palms into fists. Tighter! Tighter!
Who Has Robbed The Swami's Honey?
An episode in the life of Swami Chidananda - Yogi extraordinaire.
It's Only Words
“It’s only words and words are all I have”, so goes the famous song of the 70’s. I too just have words to express gratitude.
Mantra Yoga- Shri Yogendraji
It was through that course of yoga known by the name Mantra Yoga that Alfred Lord Tennyson, the poet laureate of England, by the successive concentration and repetition of his name, attained the state of self-consciousness.
Guru- Chela
Dr. Jayadeva Yogendra in Parisamvada
The Learning State
Talk by Smt. Hansaji J. Yogendra
From The Archives OF Yoga And Total Health
Mantra Yoga
Simplifying Aparigraha And Karuna
Aparigraha is one of the Yamas (Yama is the first step in ‘Ashtanga Yoga’ or the eight limbs of yoga.
Does the Pope Use A Mantra before Sunday Sermon?
Pope Francisco is a simple man. When he ascended the seat of the Pope in Rome, his papal suite was prepared for by the Vatican.
A Bouquet Of Scriptural Tales
See God Everywhere (Ramayana)
7 Stages Of Conciousness
There is not only one state of consciousness that we experience everyday in our life, the wakeful state or our physical consciousness, but there are many more stages besides this of which we are totally unaware.
Freedom is a good idea. We all love freedom.
Freedom Within A Framework
The human being is tied down to his body and he has to live according to its character and capacities.
Smile An Everlasting Smile
I met her for the first time as a part of corporate training at my erstwhile company.
From The Archives Of Yoga And Total Health
Modern physicians are rarely interested in explaining the disease, they just want to facilitate a quick cure and have you on your way.
Practising Breathing Awareness To Inculcate Mindfulness
Just like breath sustains life of the body, Prana sustains Chitta-Vritti.
The Yoga Sutras Of Patanjali- A Perspective
Tatah Pratyak Chetana Adhigamah Api Antaraya Abhavah Cha
Ushtrasana (Camel Pose)
Faith and sense of duty are necessary to maintain enthusiasm; Effort and achievement then grow in an easy way.