Orally Right
The health of your teeth remains steeped in controversy but are dental caries really a disease of choice or a modern affliction? Beyond oral hygiene and trips to the dentist, is there something more you can do to restore the health of your teeth?
Chakra Exploration: Part II
This article is a continuation of a two-part chakra exploration through yoga. In the previous issue we suggested practices for the lower chakras and here we off er practices aimed at balancing the heart and upper chakras.
Lunar Living
The Moon’s monthly cycle sets a subtle celestial rhythm that, whether you’re aware of it or not, guides your experiences throughout the month.
Revelling In Routine
Routine can be the diff erence between success and failure and can even improve your wellbeing and propensity to live a happy, meaningful life.
Mind Over Matter
Negative thoughts can trap you in the “what” of a situation, which is often out of your control. How you respond is where your power resides, and reappraisal is one technique that helps to foster resilience from adversity.
Knowing In The Unknown
Spiritual doubt is common. You might believe there’s something deeper out there, but that’s coupled with discomfort over its intangible intricacies. The solution? Jump off the fence and welcome “spiritual knowing” into your life.
Against The Wind
Renewable energy is booming and there are more than 200,000 wind turbines worldwide. But concerns have been raised that wind farms may cause health problems in the form of Wind Turbine Syndrome (WTS). We examine the arguments to see if WTS really exists.
The Paradox Of Freedom
While it’s often believed freedom is conducive to more life satisfaction and happiness, delayed gratification and healthy restrictions can play a pivotal part in enhancing your appreciation for life and its simple pleasures.
Male Order Health
The human male has a distinct physiology that brings its own health opportunities and challenges. In this special report we look at the natural and preventive health strategies a man can use to stay healthy for a lifetime.
The Power Of Pleasure
If you’re having them, you’re loving them, but you may not realise the huge range of health benefits orgasms bring.
Wild Thing
By aligning with the rhythms of nature and connecting to its wisdom, you can channel your inner wild thing in the tameness of suburbia.
Unsung Heroes
Protectors of our past and keepers of family traditions, grandparents play a vital role in families. By sharing unconditional love, kindness, compassion and comfort, the relationship between grandparent and grandchild can be caring, nurturing and nourishing for the whole family.
Nourish Your Nerves
There is a direct and proven link between the food you eat and the health of your nervous system and therefore your mood. Choosing the right foods in tasty meals can have major, and rapid, effects on your nervous system and how you feel.
Cleaned By Nature
The chemicals in everyday household cleaning products are a poorly scrutinised health hazard. Fortunately, more of us are rediscovering the natural cleaning methods our great-grandparents once used.
Good Guy
On the surface, Ironman Guy Leech is a typical Aussie athlete, buff, bronzed and blonde. Underneath he’s on a heartfelt mission to reduce Australia’s 27,000 deaths annually from cardiac arrest.
Immune Booster
Andrographis is an immunity-supporting herb with effects that range from reducing fever to reducing the inflammation associated with heart conditions.
Relax, Breathe, Unwind
As a health retreat, Golden Door is not simply a lifestyle resort or a “healthy hotel”.
How To Rewire Your Brain!
Do you live with an anxious mind? You can rewire your brain to invite more calm, clarity and control into your life.
Beauty Benefits Of Nut Oils
As well as gracing our palates as a nutrient-rich snack, nuts have a bounty of beauty benefits for your skin, body and hair.
All In The Mind
The placebo response offers an opportunity to embrace the potential of mind-body medicine. So can mind really move matter?
Soothing Spring
Dont get hit by hay fever this sneeze season. Develop a deeper understanding on how to manage the condition for your most soothing spring yet.
Sweet Schemes
Age-old design principles andbiophilicdesign can help you create a sleep-promoting bedroom that supports the rest of your life.
Beauty And The Bees
Honey, honey. Not just an ingredient in desserts, this gift from nature offers a plethora of health benefi ts for your bodys largest organ your skin.
Plant-Based Probiotics And Prebiotics
You know by now that a healthy microbiome (the bacteria in your gut) is essential to good health. Everyone knows yoghurt provides good gut bacteria but what if you don’t want to consume animal products or just have problems with dairy? To solve your dilemma, here are some plant-based probiotic — and prebiotic — foods plus some delicious recipes to get them into your diet.
The Eyes Have It
Your eyes are often called the windows to your soul and, as human beings, we use our eyes to perceive the world and communicate thoughts and feelings. Our eyes send more unconscious social signals and communicate more about ourselves than any words we may utter. Yet eyes also perform vital physical functions so it is important to keep them healthy.
Mindfulness In The Kitchen
Research shows that happy kids are healthy kids. Discover how getting your children in the kitchen can help boost confi dence and concentration.
What's In A Colour?
Pigments are powerful. From revealing your personality to influencing your mood, there really is more to colour than meets the eye.
Flower Power
A little flower native to Morocco is making a big mark on the natural skincare world, with its deep blue hue and skin-soothing properties.