Swiggy, India’s leading on-demand delivery platform has launched Health Hub in Chennai, a dedicated healthy food discovery destination on the Swiggy app. To cater to heightened health consciousness, increasing awareness around eating right, and growing demand for nutritionally measured food amongst urban Indians, Swiggy has worked with nutritionists and top restaurants in Chennai to curate special health menus and dishes. Offering over 9,000 healthy dishes from 700 restaurants spread across the city, Chennaites can now choose their healthy meals based on various nutritional information on macronutrients such as protein, carbs, fats and fibre.
Dairy processors that leverage the optimal software can enhance product quality, safety and operational efficiencies.
Minebea Intec, leading manufacturer of weighing and inspection solutions, is launching the WPL-A, their first automatic weigh-price labelling system. The labelling solution offers the ideal and complete package for customers in the food industry: weighing, pricing, labelling and product traceability in one package.
South Korean researchers have developed a new technology that can detect food poisoning bacteria in real time using a semiconductor processing technology.
High adoption of automated solutions and robotics in F&B Processing sector growing the Food Automation Market
According to a new market research report titled “Food Automation Market by Component (Plant-level Controls, Enterprise-level Controls), Mode of Automation (Semiautomatic, Fully-automatic), Application (Packaging and Repacking, Butchery), and End-use (Beverages and Distilleries) - Global Forecast to 2027”, published by Meticulous Research®, the food automation market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 9.5% from 2020 to 2027 to reach $29.4 billion by 2027.
Ready to eat (RTE) snacks contribute significant revenue to the overall packaged food industry, thanks to milliennials, who consume more snacks than any other group. Snacks are becoming a meal replacement trend owing to this generation, which presents immense scope for growth. Due to the high convenience quotient of RTE snacks, Transparency Market Research (TMR) predicts robust growth for the ready-to-eat snacks market in the coming years.
The EU directive on tethered caps stipulates that from July 2024 caps must be firmly attached to non-returnable PET bottles holding up to 3.0 liters. KHS is already offering its customers a comprehensive consultancy service to help them implement the new political guideline by the appointed date. Regardless of whether the minimum legal requirements are to be met or a long-term cut in the use of resources and CO2 emissions is to be achieved in conjunction with tethered caps, KHS provides its clients with holistic advice.
Nutraceuticals: Facts And Future
The word nutraceutical is the hybrid of ‘Nutrition’ and ‘Pharmaceutical’. “Nutraceutical” is a term which was coined by Stephen DeFelice in 1979. It is defined as “a food or parts of food that provide medical or health benefits, including the prevention and treatment of disease.”
Bio-Pesticides: A Bio-Remedy for Stored Food Pests
The grains during storage are often liable to quantitative and qualitative losses due to insect infestations.
Significance Of Mediterranean Diet To Maintain Good Health
Presently, people are very much health conscious as they realized the importance of nutritious diet to maintain good health. Nowadays people use different diet to maintain their health and energy balance. The Mediterranean diet is one of the most famous special eating forms in the world. The diet contains high-quality whole grain cereals, vegetables, fruits, fish, high protein content meat, and fermented dairy products (cheese, yogurt, kefir) with active components as vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fibres, complex protein, unsaturated fatty acids, pre-and prebiotics and so on. These products play an important role in the treatment of chronic diseases, such as obesity, diabetes mellitus (II type), high cholesterol, hypertension, cancer, digestive disorders, skin problem, low energy-balance, depression, and stress. Therefore, this communication may act as an instrumental in making the dietary application, effectiveness, and beneficial features of the Mediterranean diet among the people.
Have You Got The Right Technologies For Your Food Processing Applications?
The food we eat might not know where it comes from or which processes it passes through but we expect it to be safely available and of good quality!
On the spot: Big Bottling Company invests in a powerful PET line from KHS
A young company in Nigeria with plans for growth has opted for KHS for its new PET line. The Dortmund systems supplier has proved especially convincing with its local team that installed the system with practically no outside help.
Non-Thermal Preservation Technologies for the Food Industry
Non-thermal preservation technologies use mechanical, electromagnetic, light, or electric energy to inactivate microorganisms. Avoiding modifications generated by heat processing, they generally provide minimally processed foods and beverages with better flavor, freshness while keeping health-promoting compounds.
Inex Belgium chooses Sidel's aseptic solutions to package UHT milk in PET bottles
Belgian milk producer Inex has selected Sidel’s aseptic PET packaging line to help meet growing demand for locally produced milk, prompted by the COVID-19 restrictions in March. Thanks to Sidel’s new and sustainable packaging line, Inex plans to boost production capacity by supplying ultra-high-temperature (UHT) milk products in PET bottles.
New keg tracking solution for BGI's brewery in Ethiopia
Montelektro, a leading system integrator in the brewing industry,and 8Sigma, a premium MES provider delivered solution KegTNT (Keg Track&Trace) to a brewery in Addis Ababa.
In an exclusive conversation with Dr. Varun Chaudhary, Executive Director, CG Corp Global
In an exclusive conversation with Dr. Varun Chaudhary, Executive Director, CG Corp Global
Syntegon adds new Sigpack TTMD cartoner with integrated Delta robots to its portfolio
• Integrated Delta robots for more flexibility in product feeding• Processing of different products from several processes• Flexible product presentation thanks to flat or on-edge carton loading• Patented tool-less format changeover for vertical restart
Vacuum Frying Technology For Healthier Fried Foods Production
Fresh fruits and vegetables are highly perishable, shelf life is so short.
New Syntegon Pack 202 Flow Wrapper
Syntegon Technology has launched the next generation of flow wrappers on the North American market – the Pack 202.
Growing Importance of Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point in FoodIndustries
The food which contains essential nutrients is required by all living creature to sustain the life process.
No sale of junk food within 50 metres of school campus: FSSAI
With the aim to ensure safe and wholesome food for schoolchildren, Arun Singhal, CEO of the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI), the country’s top food regulator, has restricted the sale of junk and unhealthy food in canteens of schools and other educational institutions.
No half measures: Minebea Intec offers optimum efficiency for the confectionery industry
Product quality, efficiency and safety in production are particularly important within the confectionery industry. With its weighing and inspection solutions, Minebea Intec provides the key components for efficient production and offers a complete overview of the entire production chain with supporting software,such as statistical process control.
Liquid Smoking – A best perspective form of smoking for fish preservation
Smoking of fish is comes under high temperature preservation method. In that, many types of smoking employed by the processors till now.
From Conception to Consumption, Refresco's Columbus, GA R&D Facility and Manufacturing Plant Delivers Innovative Beverage Solutions
In the heart of cola country, this concentrate manufacturing facility delivers unmatched quality and service thanks to a unique philosophy on comprehensive beverage solutions
DuPont Launches Series of Cultures to Re-shape Fermented Dairy Industry
New dairy cultures allow for the production of optimal yogurt for both consumers and producers
Brown Rice or White Rice –Choose yours
Brown rice, which is hulled directly from rough rice, consists of bran layers (6–7%), an embryo (2–3%), and an endosperm (about 90%).White rice is brown rice that has its bran and germ removed to make it easier and faster to cook, give it a longer shelf life, and most importantly, give it a better sensory quality
Azelis and Ingredia receive the 2020 Ringier Technology Innovation Award for Food & Beverage for Lactium
Azelis and Ingredia receive the 2020 Ringier Technology Innovation Award for Food & Beverage for Lactium
Thermal Scanning At Workplace Is Must In Covid-19 Scenario: A Government Mandate
The wide spread threat of the pandemic has impacted our industry operations to a great extent. A brief season of lockdown became a necessary protocol to be followed by everyone. But now when the situations are changing and we prepare to restart all our operations again, necessary precautions and proper care has to be taken to ensure the safety of all our colleagues. The primary step that is advised for all workplaces includes the implementation of Thermal scanning and fever detection techniques at the entrance of the facility. Government of India, Ministry of health has also put forward a mandate for the Provision for thermal scanning at all public spaces & organizations.
Food Industry Feeling The Heat Of Covid-19
The outbreak of coronavirus has had significant impact not only on public health worldwide, but also on all stages of the supply chain and value chain of various industries. The food & beverage is one such industry that is currently experiencing impacts due to this global pandemic.
Process Optimization of Solid State fermentation of Rice Bran De-oiledCake using fungal enzymes, its nutritional analysis and usage as food component
India is an agrarian country where two-third of its population depends on rice as staple food. Rice (Oryza sativa) is produced in more than 100 countries as staple food.