A Nordic nirvana
Shooting Times & Country

A Nordic nirvana

With bear, elk, reindeer and red deer and its stunning topography, Norway makes for an exceptional and challenging sporting destination

5 mins  |
May 06, 2020
Shooting Times & Country


The immediate fallout from coronavirus is having an impact on all our daily lives, but the effects on shooting could last for many years

3 mins  |
May 06, 2020
Shooting Times & Country

Ever Bittern Off More Than You Can Chew?

Due to changing tastes and conservation concerns, we no longer eat a variety of birds that were once popular, as Rose Prince discovers

2 mins  |
April 01, 2020
EGE 12-bore
Shooting Times & Country

EGE 12-bore

This well-built Turkish over-and-under offers a lot of gun for your money, says Mark Heath

4 mins  |
April 01, 2020
The menace in black velvet
Shooting Times & Country

The menace in black velvet

Moles can do a lot of damage but they’ve paid for a few of Soldier Palmer’s pints

5 mins  |
April 01, 2020
The return of the saint
Shooting Times & Country

The return of the saint

The spring arrival of the St George’s mushroom coincides with the annual celebration of England’s patron saint, explains John Wright

4 mins  |
April 01, 2020
Country Diary
Shooting Times & Country

Country Diary

It is difficult to have a sensible debate about hen harriers but we must look at the bigger picture of habitat loss as well as raptor persecution

3 mins  |
April 01, 2020
Poking fun
Shooting Times & Country

Poking fun

Yomping around the woods without having to worry about disturbing pheasants makes squirrel control a delight, says Mat Manning

5 mins  |
April 01, 2020
On cloud nine with Nimbus
Shooting Times & Country

On cloud nine with Nimbus

Ferrets don’t judge so when Tabitha joins the party Simon Whitehead is happy to take a back seat and watch her at work with her little dog

5 mins  |
April 01, 2020
Bringing down a parliament
Shooting Times & Country

Bringing down a parliament

Corvid control is vital at this time of year as rooks target crops and grey partridges, so Simon Garnham goes to the rescue

7 mins  |
April 01, 2020
Counting the cost of deer policy
Shooting Times & Country

Counting the cost of deer policy

With no financial reward for professional management, could soaring deer numbers undermine plans to plant 11million trees?

6 mins  |
April 01, 2020
A tale of yellow peril
Shooting Times & Country

A tale of yellow peril

The yellowhammer is one of our most striking birds, but their numbers are in sharp decline

3 mins  |
April 01, 2020
A Weight Off His Shoulder
Shooting Times & Country

A Weight Off His Shoulder

A broken bone put Jamie Tusting out of action for the end of the season but he’s back at it, shooting pigeon among the treetops

6 mins  |
April 29, 2020
Curb their enthusiasm
Shooting Times & Country

Curb their enthusiasm

As the owner of springer spaniels that have never lost their love of picking-up, David Tomlinson is keen to see why some become bore

4 mins  |
April 29, 2020
Artisans of the 21st century
Shooting Times & Country

Artisans of the 21st century

Forget the image of an old sage in spectacles — gunmaking is being transformed by a diverse ambitious workforce, says Rachel Draper

6 mins  |
April 29, 2020
Time for tiny Tawnies
Shooting Times & Country

Time for tiny Tawnies

Simon Whitehead explains why he has done exactly what he always said he would never do — breed from his rabbiting lurcher Tawny

5 mins  |
April 29, 2020
The ties that bind
Shooting Times & Country

The ties that bind

Being bequeathed a fly-tying collection by an old friend piqued Soldier Palmer’s interest so he decided to learn the art for himself

5 mins  |
April 29, 2020
The buck stops here
Shooting Times & Country

The buck stops here

When a muntjac targets his mother’s garden, there’s only one course of action for Ed Wills

6 mins  |
April 29, 2020
Inglorious bustards
Shooting Times & Country

Inglorious bustards

Attempts to breed great bustards failed but a DNA breakthrough could mean these avian giants will now flourish, says Richard Negus

6 mins  |
April 29, 2020
Enjoy the great indoors
Shooting Times & Country

Enjoy the great indoors

Is it possible to train a gundog without leaving the house? Ellena Swift thinks you can achieve a lot — including unloading a washing machine

6 mins  |
April 29, 2020
A most sporting fish
Shooting Times & Country

A most sporting fish

In the 1960s, sea trout were considered an irritation by purists trying to catch salmon — yet they present a real challenge, says Arthur Oglesby

5 mins  |
April 29, 2020
A chalkstream Lilliput world
Shooting Times & Country

A chalkstream Lilliput world

Its gin-clear waters are a slice of heaven and its trout know where to hide, but the stream can’t keep its secrets from Richard Hardy

6 mins  |
April 29, 2020
Keeper of the month
Shooting Times & Country

Keeper of the month

Richard Negus talks to stalker Jonathan Standing about his early life, his affinity with deer and why a bold dog makes all the difference

3 mins  |
April 22, 2020
Back to a bygone age
Shooting Times & Country

Back to a bygone age

The discovery of a haul of old shooting and country magazines gives David Tomlinson the perfect excuse to take a trip down memory lane

5 mins  |
April 22, 2020
Why shooting should stay in the shadows
Shooting Times & Country

Why shooting should stay in the shadows

Daily Mail journalist Guy Adams argues that the best publicity for fieldsports is almost no publicity at all — with only two exceptions

8 mins  |
April 22, 2020
You know the drill
Shooting Times & Country

You know the drill

As COVID-19 wreaks havoc, Tom Payne heads out to protect a field of barley but a curious species puts a spanner in the works

5 mins  |
April 22, 2020
Sporting spirit will live on
Shooting Times & Country

Sporting spirit will live on

The COVID-19 crisis is having a huge impact on the economy, not least shooting. Jamie Tusting looks at some of the possible outcomes

6 mins  |
April 22, 2020
Seeing off the grey invaders
Shooting Times & Country

Seeing off the grey invaders

The chance to keep the lid on a population of grey squirrels was too good to miss — and just in time, with lockdown under way days later

6 mins  |
April 22, 2020
Our duty to hope
Shooting Times & Country

Our duty to hope

Life has changed unimaginably over the past few weeks but the glories of spring nourish the soul and allow us to imagine better times ahead

5 mins  |
April 22, 2020
Hope springs eternal
Shooting Times & Country

Hope springs eternal

There is something almost mystical about fishing for spring salmon with a traditional, hand-built, cane rod, Julian Schmechel believes

6 mins  |
April 22, 2020