Is This A Flu, Cold, Allergy Or Sinusitis?
Cold, flu, allergy, sinusitis can all involve the upper airway and cause diseases. The upper airway includes the nose, sinus, throat and larynx above the voice box. Many patients cannot differentiate if they are having a flu or cold; a nose allergy or sinusitis.
Do You Have Leaky Gut Syndrome?
Abdominal bloating, visible distension of your tummy, chronic diarrhoea, excessive gas, flatulence and abdominal cramps and discomfort are all very common symptoms that anyone can have from time to time, and are usually due to overeating or consumption of unhealthy foods.
7 Tips On Whipping Your Body Into Shape!
Holidays are the time for good food and good fun; it is easy to lose your workout schedule between family gatherings, office parties and last-minute shopping - before you know it you’ve let yourself go and put on all that weight you worked hard to keep off.
Intermittent Fasting: Fad Or Fab?
Fasting, the abstention from food or drink or both for short or lengthy duration, complete or partial, or intermittent, has been promoted and practiced by different religions, cultures and physicians for centuries. More recently, fasting has gained wider, mainstream recognition for its weight loss and health improvement potential.