Philosophical Outlook & Mental Well-Being
Sam Woolfe asks if pessimism is a proper response to life or a symptom of depression.
Goading Gladiators
Seán Moran analyses amphitheatrical antics.
Challenge, Enhancement & Martial Arts
Daniel Faggella uses technology to reevaluate what it is to be challenged.
A Golden Manifesto, Part II
Mary Midgley continues her recollection of a golden age of female philosophy.
Epicurus For Today
Luke Slattery argues that the ancient philosophy of the Garden offers an attractive answer to some of the challenges of the modern world.
Game: Everything
Kaya York experiences monism, mysticism, and Schopenhauerian ethics while playing David OReilly’s video game.
lost in translation
laura d’olimpio gazes thoughtfully at a postmodern existential platonic romance.
Arresting Thoughts
Maeve Roughton asks if it’s becoming a crime to think the wrong thoughts.
Berkeley's & Hume's Philosophical Memoirs
David Berman looks for similarities and differences in the aims of the two thinkers.
Acceptable In Amsterdam
Sean Moran tiptoes tolerantly through the tulips.
Xenos: Jacques Derrida On Hospitality
Peter Benson tackles xenophobia with the help of Jacques Derrida and Plato.
Homelessness & The Limits Of Hospitality
Anya Daly says we’ll solve homelessness only when we see it as our problem.
An Education In Diversity?
Christina Easton asks if a liberal education can be forced on non-liberal communities.
Santa Claus & The Problem Of Evil
Jimmy Alfonso Licon engages in a little Santodicy for Christmas.
Seeing The Future In The Present Past
Siobhan Lyons perceives the flow of history in terms of organic growth and decay.
Death & The Philosopher
Raymond Tallis on philosophical attitudes to non-being.
Kant &The Human Subject
Brian Morris compares the ways Kant’s question “What is the human being?” has been answered by philosophers and anthropologists.
Eating Stupid Pigs
Marco Kaisth asks, could radical genetic engineering create ethical factory farms?
Doctor-Patient Relationships
Paul Walker ponders the best type of relationship between a doctor and a patient.
How Cubism Tried To Create A New Language
Stuart Greenstreet wonders why Cubist communication failed to catch on.
The Experience Machine And Psychiatric Drugs
Emil Asplund & Erik Gustavsson try to find the truth about medication.
Pugnacious In The Punjab
Seán Moran considers holy war in Lahore.
Michael Oakeshott (1901-1990)
Alistair MacFarlane considers the modes of life of a conservative philosopher.
moral certainty
toni vogel carey connects the dots.
i hate you, my lovely france!
hamid andishan tells us how sartre, a philosopher of freedom, had problems with the politics of the land of liberté, and how this affected his view of human rights.
daydreaming in prague
sean moran rambles purposefully about the streets of the czech city.
Perfectionism & Hate Speech Law
Shaun O’Dwyer on reconciling free speech with protection against hate speech.
The Rise Of The Intelligent Authors
Lochlan Bloom wonders what writers will do when computers become better writers than humans.
The Truth
Kaya York tries to comprehend Everything.
The Passionate Bertrand Russell
Peter Stone reveals the deep and varied passions of the analytic philosopher.