Sweet September
You can give wildlife an autumn and winter boost by growing late-flowering nectar plants, says Hazel Sillver, and now is the time to get them in the ground
Biological pest control
Our gardens can be devastated by chafer grubs, leatherjackets, slugs and vine weevil larvae. Steve and Val Bradley look at a natural solution in the form of nematodes
Rising from the ashes
Val considers why the willow tit is a modern-day phoenix
Cutting back early colour
It’s time to tackle winter heather and aubrietia, says Ruth
Better butternuts
Think you don’t have space for squash? Expand your horizons and grow some beautiful butternuts, says Bob
AG's compost head-to-head
Editor Garry is conducting his own peat-free trials
It's time to face the chop
Ruth offers an easy way to keep plants neat and in bloom
Next step for seedlings
Keep an eye on them and keep them healthy, says Ruth
Ramblers' association
Relief at the progress of his rose cuttings prompts Toby to make plans for the future of his vigorous ramblers
Tomatoes in the family
The Devon gardener who created his own variety
Freeze company
Beware a late frost on your veg bed and plan accordingly. Bob shows you how to keep the essentials covered
Superfast borders
It’s not too late to sow a mix of annuals that will provide a cheering block of colour well into the autumn months, says Hazel Sillver, as she reveals the best seeds to sow now
Beauty queens
Val is excited about her first tree bumblebee queen
All strung up to grow
You can adapt ideas from the professionals says Peter
Better French bean harvests
Better French bean harvests
A close look at cranesbills
Whether you want to plant up a shady area or smother some weed growth, there is a cranesbill, or hardy geranium, that will meet the task, says Anne Swithinbank
The coming of cosmos
Warmer temperatures, new varieties and the greater accessibility of plugs have made comos a must-have plant for gardens this summer, says Graham Rice
Focus on... Vertical gardening
If space is tight, worry not, as you can still grow fruit and veg if you are prepared to raise your game. Lucy explains how you can take edible gardens to new heights
The beautiful game
Gardening is a lot like football, says Toby, as he presents some clever tricks you need to try before the final whistle
It's time to water
After a dry spring, Ruth shows how to maximise water It’s time to water
Time to get tough
Do you understand hardening off, or know if you’re doing it right? Bob explains how to ‘toughen up’ your plants
Rooms with a view
Plan your plantings to favour your windows
Pruning early bloomers
Ruth cuts back the year’s first flowering shrubs
Half-hardy Asters
While not true asters, half-hardy China asters come in a gorgeous array of tastefully soft colours and can be planted straight into the ground in May, says Graham Rice
Dealing with late frosts
Don’t pack away garden thermals just yet
Sweetcorn sense
Don’t believe all you’ve been told about sweetcorn, says Bob, as he reveals the correct cultivation for success
Essential jobs for now
Use the holiday to keep the garden tip-top
Check your priorities
Crops, pots and anything undercover risks drying out
Dandelion king
The humble dandelion is great for bees, as Val explains
Shape up your garden
Plant architectural perennials now to inject borders with drama and structure. Here are some great examples and ideas on where to place them, says Hazel Sillver