Growing Out
My knob thorn (Senegalia nigrescens) bonsai has grown a bit wild. Normally my trees grow like this because I am too busy doing other things, but in this case, I have allowed it to grow out on purpose.
How to Grow lettuce successfully through winter
Essentially, lettuce is a cool season crop and with the right kind of care, it’s possible to harvest tasty, crunchy leaves through to spring. Here’s how to do it:
At peace in the home
The peace lily (Spathiphyllum) is an iconic houseplant that deserves attention for it’s almost indestructible nature, beautiful dark green leaves and pure white spathes that float about the foliage like sails.
Curcuma Tulips from the Tropics
The Curcuma genus of plants includes the edible spice Curcuma longa, better known as turmeric. It also includes these lovely tropical plants, Curcuma alismatifolia (Siam tulip) that are grown indoors in colder regions and also out in the garden in warmer climates.
Growing the slope...
Editor Tanya Visser, describes how she tamed the steepest of several slopes in her beautiful garden.
Mediterranean CHARM
When a homeowner with vision, partners with two talented craftsmen, magic happens.
Alocasia 'Stingray'
When you’re an active and avid member of the houseplant community that is growing around the globe, you’re likely always on the lookout for the next big thing.
As a gardener, I can't resist tips that promise to be budget beaters and I am probably not alone. With the cost of everything going up, the idea of gardening for free (almost) is enormously appealing.
Floriferous Autumn
April in Africa means warm and mild weather that many late summer-flowering perennials love. Take advantage of this by adding their flower power to your autumn garden to keep the summer look for longer.
Oh, my Grass!
If you want perpetual motion and plants willing to go beyond their best even in the depths of winter, you have to plant grasses...
A Pooh in Every Corner
With a mountain at its back and the sea near its feet, this Noordhoek garden is a green gem.
Cool plants for shade
Shade in a mature garden of any size is as unavoidable as grey hairs sprouting on one's head. Embrace and highlight it with pretty shade-lovers and clever shade management.
The Cannabis Question
As a gardening magazine we have avoided the cannabis topic for fear of reader backlash. However, it's an interesting subject, so we thought we would give readers a breakdown of the facts and you can decide for yourselves... or skip these pages.
HOT STUFF! - Edibles that tingle the taste buds
There's always been a connection between hot countries and spicy food with the common assumption being that foods that make us sweat (or perspire) cool us down.
The evolution of plants: Part 4
In this final in the series, we discover the fascinating world of Dionaea and find out more about how to grow them at home.
With a motto like 'freedom to create', In2plants is a wonderland of endless imagination. Their exquisite collection of air plants is enough to make any gardener rethink the way they see soilless growing.
At play with AGAVES
Agaves are weird but alluring plant camels that are great focal plants in the garden and irresistible to the dedicated succulent collector. Editor Tanya Visser reveals why she has become such an agave junky...
Every garden needs a Water feature
For those wanting to change up their landscaping this year, water features should be the first thought on your mind.
The world's most beautiful bean
A touch of the exotic Curcuma
Feed and mow
If you’ve awakened your lawn by giving it its first spring feed and a nourishing blanket of lawn dressing last month, chances are that it will already be looking quite good.
Strawberry harvest
Sweet broom and daisies
Create light and happiness after a dark and cold winter with spring bloomers that aren’t afraid to flower their hearts out.
Darling Dianthus
Dianthuses provide one of the most spectacular year-round colour displays in your garden. In their traditional colours of pink, purple, red, white, and even bi-coloured, these beautiful little flowers are as striking as they are generous.
Summer is on its way, which means that we can start living and entertaining outdoors again. That means beautifying the garden where we will appreciate it most.
Designer garden tap
Update your garden tap with a neat wooden tap cover that turns a necessity into a feature.
Shut up!
I might have some sympathy for that angry old man wearing a black fedora who shouted ‘shut up’, although it might be a better idea if in future he zips his lips and listens to others for a change
Thanks to indigenous edibles
When it comes to indigenous edibles, a few spring to mind, especially the fruit of the marula tree that was so memorable in Jamie Uys’s iconic film Beautiful People (1974).
Think Spring!
When spring arrives, so should masses of flowers in the garden. These stunning plants are all in flower now and ready to delight in your spring garden.
Laid-back living
It's hard to believe that this slice of tropical splendour is in frosty Gauteng, but a clever design combined with judicious plant choices has given hot results.