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Yoga Journal

Inside the Meditation Technique Some Call A “Brain Orgasm”

ASMR meditation has developed a serious following. Here’s what happened when senior editor Lindsay Tucker tried it for a week.

5 mins  |
March 2019
This Is How I Save My Life
Yoga Journal

This Is How I Save My Life

I WAS 28 YEARS OLD WHEN I FOUND MYSELF halfway across the world, in India, searching for something impossible to find at home—a cure. My body was falling apart.

3 mins  |
April 2018
Find Your Voice
Yoga Journal

Find Your Voice

Move beyond body positivity and focus on finding your true self. This sequence, designed as a vehicle to help you turn your gaze inward and identify the instrument of authenticity inside you, will leave a lasting impression.

6 mins  |
January - February 2019
Hear Me Roar
Yoga Journal

Hear Me Roar

In her new book, How to Be Loved: A Memoir of Lifesaving Friendship, Eva Hagberg Fisher chronicles how, after five surgeries and a lifelong battle with her health, she unexpectedly found strength and healing through yoga, friendship, and physical and emotional support.

5 mins  |
January - February 2019
Yogi In The House
Yoga Journal

Yogi In The House

Maty Ezraty was just 23 years old when she opened the original YogaWorks in Santa Monica, California.

8 mins  |
January - February 2019
Yoga Transfor Med Me
Yoga Journal

Yoga Transfor Med Me

We asked readers to share stories of how yoga has impacted their lives. The response was overwhelming, to say the least. From helping to ease depression and suicidal thoughts to ameliorating physical pain, yoga has, without a doubt, the power to change lives. Here, five standout stories of recovery and renewel.

10+ mins  |
July - August 2019
Lemon Muffins Never Tasted So Good!
Yoga Journal

Lemon Muffins Never Tasted So Good!

Need some inspiration for your holiday spread? Bake a batch of these delicious highprotein muffins from yoga teacher and professional rock climber Olivia Hsu.

1 min  |
December 2018
Yoga Journal

Dancing with Gravity in Asana

An increased awareness of the effects of gravity can help you figure out which muscles to use and which to release in order to move more deeply and more safely into a pose.

5 mins  |
January - February 2019
4 Women's Empowerment Yoga And Leadership Retreat
Yoga Journal

4 Women's Empowerment Yoga And Leadership Retreat

There’s something magical about getting away and unwinding. Whether you take a 24-hour flight to an exotic locale or opt for a staycation at your city’s hippest new hotel, nothing beats feeling refreshed and clear-minded after a few days of R&R. These days, retreats that combine that repose with tailored leadership trainings are helping to boost performance and personal growth at top companies like Fortune and Apple. But you don’t need to work for a huge corporation to brush up on your leadership skills in a fabulous setting. These four retreats prove that with a little yoga, mindfulness, and some specialized training—getting away can help you embody the leader within—at home and at work.

6 mins  |
January - February 2019
The New Energy Crisis
Yoga Journal

The New Energy Crisis

You may have heard people blame their crushing exhaustion, brain fog, and moodiness on burnout or adrenal fatigue. But experts say those usually aren’t accurate diagnoses. Here, a new term for what ails us, along with new thinking on exactly how chronic stress is affecting our health—and why yoga can help.

10+ mins  |
September 2018
This Is My Practice
Yoga Journal

This Is My Practice

Celebrated yoga photographer Robert Sturman shares his thoughts on the power of an image, meditative living, and fi nding peaceful moments in the day.

2 mins  |
November 2018
Tips To Align Your Feet and Knees
Yoga Journal

Tips To Align Your Feet and Knees

Are common cues in standing poses wreaking havoc on your knees, sacroiliac joint, and lower back?

5 mins  |
November 2018
Soul Asylum
Yoga Journal

Soul Asylum

Sally Kempton shows us how to establish a place of refuge, so we can weather even the toughest times—mindfully.

8 mins  |
July - August 2018
Foodie Retreats
Yoga Journal

Foodie Retreats

Go for the yoga, the views, and the amazing meals.

1 min  |
July - August 2018
Embodying The Sutra
Yoga Journal

Embodying The Sutra

As interpreted by Lucienne Vidah

3 mins  |
July - August 2018
The Art Of The Pivot
Yoga Journal

The Art Of The Pivot

Expert advice that’ll help you navigate change with grace.

4 mins  |
July - August 2018
Unapologetically, Kathryn Budig
Yoga Journal

Unapologetically, Kathryn Budig

The ups and downs of yogalebrity are not lost on this complicated, creative soul. Here, she shares insight on where she’s been in her yoga career, where’s she headed, and how she’s dealt with accolades and admonition.

10+ mins  |
July - August 2018
Find Balance With Yin Yoga
Yoga Journal

Find Balance With Yin Yoga

Want to find more balance in your yoga practice and your life? Do you feel like all of your practices— whether on the mat, at work, or at home—could use a refresh? Here’s why Yin Yoga may be the answer.

10+ mins  |
July - August 2018
Science-Backed Tips To Find Magic In Your Life
Yoga Journal

Science-Backed Tips To Find Magic In Your Life

Next time you’re stuck in an energetic rut, try working with your aura—it could be just the practice you need to turn around your mood and find more joy and magic in your life.

8 mins  |
September 2018
Space To Breathe
Yoga Journal

Space To Breathe

Celebrating five years of service, the nonprofit Exhale to Inhale brings free, trauma-informed yoga classes to rape crisis centers and domestic violence shelters in New York and California.

2 mins  |
January - February 2019
Burning Down The House
Yoga Journal

Burning Down The House

Jessamyn Stanley is so over white-centric, consumer-driven yoga teacher. Armed with a highly articulate voice, a powerful social platform, and a whole lot of attitude, this yoga teacher and New Age thought leader has declared to the world that anybody can practice yoga. And she’s not afraid to show us how it’s done.

6 mins  |
January - February 2019
From Student To Teacher
Yoga Journal

From Student To Teacher

Elena Brower and Amy Ippoliti first met when they were young yoga students studying to become teachers themselves. Now, they’re leading and mentoring the next generation of students and teachers. We caught up with the yoginis as they sat in Brower’s New York City living room to talk about lineage, mentorship, and what they agree is the key to strong leadership: studentship.

5 mins  |
January - February 2019
Can't Stop The Feeling
Yoga Journal

Can't Stop The Feeling

Embrace life’s pleasures. They have the potential to lead you to the highest of joys: inhabiting your true Self.

10+ mins  |
May - June 2019
Master The Art Of Transformation
Yoga Journal

Master The Art Of Transformation

True transformation is a radical process. Here's how to navigate the shift gracefully.

10+ mins  |
July - August 2019
Learn From Teacher Annie Carpenter
Yoga Journal

Learn From Teacher Annie Carpenter

Wish you could jump inside the mind of a master teacher as she designs a sequence? Here, this teacher’s teacher gives us a look at how she created a SmartFLOW sequence to help you keep your hips free and your spine healthy—both on and off the mat.

4 mins  |
January - February 2019
Words Of Wisdom
Yoga Journal

Words Of Wisdom

As teachers, what you say can inspire some serious self-reflection, and as students, we all love hearing something that helps us shift our perspective. Here, 10 life-changing things one yogi heard on her mat. May they be of service.

4 mins  |
January - February 2019
7 Chakra-Inspired Soups For This Holiday Season
Yoga Journal

7 Chakra-Inspired Soups For This Holiday Season

These seven chakra-inspired soups were created to promote balance with each bite. Serve up the one you need for finding harmony this holiday season.

8 mins  |
December 2018
Find The Perfect Yoga Prop To Support A Strong And Healthy Back
Yoga Journal

Find The Perfect Yoga Prop To Support A Strong And Healthy Back

There’s a tool at your local hardware store that can be the perfect yoga prop to support a strong and healthy back— especially if you suffer from pain or other issues.

10 mins  |
December 2018
Try An Ayurvedic Cleanse. Bring On The Ghee!
Yoga Journal

Try An Ayurvedic Cleanse. Bring On The Ghee!

What really happens when you eat according to the seasons and down ghee straight from the jar every morning? Yoga Journal’s digital strategist, Samantha Trueheart, reports.

4 mins  |
July - August 2019
Grab & Go!
Yoga Journal

Grab & Go!

13 super-healthy packaged snacks to stash in your yoga bag.

5 mins  |
July/August 2017

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