
Gladys West
Meet the hidden figure behind the navigation system in your smartphone.

Blast off with BBC Sky At Night's Ezzy Pearson as she takes you on a voyage to explore the largest planet in our solar system.

Would you eat insects to save the planet?
Some say you should be eating beetles for breakfast and locusts for lunch.

Why are people allergic to things?
Find out why your body is sensitive to some substances.

Claire Karwowski asks what makes people tick and if there is a secret to being smart.

Seeking answers to your science questions? Ask our resident expert, Peter Gallivan

Angkor Wat
Discover the many secrets surrounding this ancient site.

Big Manny
Meet social media's science sensation.

Step into the wild - if you dare - with JD Savage to discover how nature's ultimate predators use astonishing skills and cunning tactics to catch prey and dominate their domains.

Racing to save the planet
A new hydrogen-powered racing car has been unveiled.

Chimpanzees chat just like humans
Scientists know that chimpanzees are a lot like humans – we both have a common ancestor and share about 98.6% of our DNA (a special chemical that tells your body how to grow and develop).

Secret caverns found on the Moon
Could Moon caves provide shelter for future humans?

What happens to the ocean if we take out all the fish?
Find out about the vital role fish play in sea life.

Cleopatra's lost tomb
You told us that historical mysteries capture your imaginations, so here's an ancient Egyptian riddle.

Kate Speller
For our readers' issue, we met a zookeeper who works with big cats.

Voyager 1 turns back on
At more than 15 billion miles from Earth, the Voyager 1 spacecraft is the most distant human-made object in space.

Orangutan uses plants to heal wound
For the first time ever, a wild animal has been observed healing a wound using a plant as medicine.

Mammoth marine reptile found on UK beach
Scientists believe the ichthyosaur could be the largest ever found.

Three things to make and do

The brains between the sticks
Is it true that goalkeepers see the world differently?

JD Savage blasts off on an out-of-this world quest to find life beyond Earth's borders.

Join in with Science+Nature's trail at Cheltenham Science Festival.

Scratch the myths - Isabel Thomas earns her stripes and reveals the truth behind tigers' extra-ROAR-dinary powers.

Join the candy craze as Claire Karwowski studies the sugary science of sweets.

Wildlife watch
Stevie Derrick shows you what to spot in nature this month

The Sixth Sense
Could humans have more than five senses?

Catherine Heymans
Meet the starry-eyed astronomer who loves backyard stargazing.

Stevie Derrick follows her nose to track down the world's grossest stinks and nastiest niffs.

Dogs can understand names of objects
Humans enjoy talking to their dogs. If you have a four-legged friend of your own, you might have taught them to respond to commands like \"sit\" and \"stay\".

Smoke rings in the sky
In April, videos were filmed of Mount Etna, a volcano on the Italian island of Sicily, puffing what looked like smoke rings into the sky.