A Sensuous Geometry
A chance encounter leads a poet to an epiphany. Arundhathi Subramaniam on how she rediscovered Bharatanatyam, a lost childhood love
Bengali Macho
A race of weaklings? Effeminate aesthetes more likely to be writing poetry than lifting weights? Sandip Roy delves into a surprising history of musclemen, barefoot footballers and Tagore the wrestler.
Moving Mountains
There’s a proliferation of biennales and triennales in South Asia. Concluded this summer, the Kathmandu Triennale.
Gods Are Human Too
Classical art, with its formality, made the past remote. Folk art gave it back some life.
The Man Without A Nation
The Man Without A Nation
Serving Their Purpose
How Indian filmmakers depict servants is a comment on their masters.
The Comedy Of Manners
Is etiquette more than snobbery? Is the egalitarianism of the present, the informality, any more inclusive, or is it just a pose.
the fortune teller
much before iphones and youtube, a gaudy machine on our railway platforms provided entertainment and information. it’s all but gone, but a fortuitous meeting makes pallavi aiyar’s childhood spring to life.
The Unfinished Book of Family
Every family is a novel in the making: a ready cast of characters, tales of heroism and farce, an easy organic structure. But though in the beginning there may have been the Word, the end will always be elusive.
Automatic Bodies
Primped, hairless and buff, the Hindi film hero has little in common with his predecessor. It’s a product, argues Paromita Vohra, of a new politics of aspiration.