
Target group
The popularity of rifle shooting has been on the rise but where to go to practise? Gamekeeper Mike Appleby has the answer, says Paul Quagliana

The Airgunner's Companion
In this extract from The Airgunner’s Companion: A field guide to hunting with air rifles, author J D J Braithwaite takes us through the importance of continued target practice

Sound the alarm
Jon Snowdon explains the specific purposes of the various different barks of roe deer

Game changer
Dr Roger Draycott of the GWCT discusses the environmental impacts of gamebird releasing and management, and says Wild Justice only tells half the story

Pink-footed goose
Charles Smith-Jones evokes the mystery of this prized quarry for wildfowlers

Boom bang a bang
Fran Ardley goes through the training stages needed to get your dog used to gunshot

Bargain hunter
Charles Smith-Jones looks at the merits of a second-hand Steyr Mannlicher Pro Hunter

Written in the stars
A group of deer was proving tricky for Jon Snowdon, until a stalker with a different approach arrived on the scene

A toxic message
Robin Scott tries to look on the bright side but remains to be convinced about the move away from lead shot

Golden plover Pluvialis apricaria
Charles Smith-Jones looks at one of the most distinguished and fast birds to visit our shores

Whistling in the wind
Handlers should look at themselves rather than their dogs when things go wrong,

The hits and the misses
David Turner reflects on his shooting life and what made him the man he is today.

Wild Justice makes its case
Dr Mark Avery of the campaign group responds to a recent article in Sporting Gun and outlines why it is conducting a legal challenge about gamebird releases

Adventures of Nick & Ted
Nick heads to the Cumbrian fells before the lockdown, something he may wish to impose on young Percy

Cut to the chase
Tom Sykes reminisces about an early morning ambush on crows over freshly mown grass

Brought to heel
Fran Ardley explains the techniques to train that most fundamental of gundog tasks

A predicament of pigeon
Geoff Garrod reflects on what to do with the ever-voracious birds at this time of crisis

How To Clean Your Shotgun
Rachel Draper dishes the dirt on this painstaking but essential task

Where do I start?
David Turner takes newcomers to shooting through their first stages

Time flies
Tom Sykes looks back at the past decade and reflects on what has changed in the shooting world – for the better and worse – and what to expect in the years ahead

Scent and sensibility
Jon Snowdon marvels at the capabilities of his canine partners and welcomes the latest one into the fold

Reasons to be fearful (part one)
Robin Scott implores us not to be damned by statistics and the ‘truth’ they tell

Hidden story
A surprising request uncovered some interesting family history. Robert Morgan tells the tale of the unexpected

Adventures of Nick & Ted
The turn of the year and the last outings of the season give Nick Ridley cause to reflect
Law and out of order
David Frost says numerous police forces in England and Wales are flouting the law when it comes to firearms licensing and a robust response is required
Notes from a small island
Ed Cook recounts his latest ‘adventure’ with his friends, furry and otherwise, on Canna
Heavy metal blues
The initiative by the shooting groups to phase out lead shot has raised more questions than it has given answers, says Robin Scott
Soldier arms
Charles Smith-Jones admires the rugged capability of the Mossberg 590 Persuader, a model favoured by the US military
Game theory
Wild Justice has turned its attention to the release of gamebirds. Patrick Hook addresses the salient issues with regard to predators

Velvet glove approach
Jon Snowdon addresses sustainable culling and how this affects woodland management