Rewarding To Engage!
When carried out in the right manner, Employee Rewards and Recognition programmes function as the best form of communication between the employer and the employees. It serves as an endorsement for the employees to think and act in a forward-looking manner for the benefit of the organization.
Newer Dynamics In Acquisition
With the ever-changing market dynamics, new skills and technologies are coming into play at a much faster pace than ever before. The head-spinning technological advances have rendered an incredibly competitive environment to talent acquisition.
Darting Performances, Ignoring Values
Businesses managed by owners/promoters carry values and systems that are in fact endorsed and practiced by the promoters themselves. Therefore, a lot of HR functions get decided through intuition, ignoring aspects that the functions actually warrant. This, apart from creating a confusion of sorts for the HR manager, also makes room to brew a feeling of ill will and resentment among the employees.
The Magic Wand Of StoryTelling
Storytellers have been honing the art of creating compelling content since time immemorial, and have people latching onto the values that these stories propagate.
Storytelling Matters
A narrative approach has been found to be invaluable by several organisational psychologists and researchers in the field of personality.
Train To Retain
Training is a tough job to execute because knowledge imparted in a training session is lost soon. Knowledge Management is a solution which can help retain knowledge within the organisation
Samavesh 2018
The School of Petroleum Management (SPM), Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University, Gandhinagar organised SAMAVESH 2018- The HR Conclave on 4-5 Oct' 2018 on the theme "Emerging role of digitisation and business analytics on HR."
The Questioning Quotient
In an increasingly chaotic world, interdependencies only keep increasing since technology generates and shares information in real time. At times, we are struck with many choices that appear to be right, and yet confused, as to which is right.
Encouraging Differences Whilst Managing Conflicts
The key to managing conflicts is by having a culture that encourages differences. However, Leaders should stay alert and agile if they notice that the differences are now moving further down and can soon emerge as a full-blown crisis.
10 Tips To Effective Time Management
“ Time is equal to life; therefore, waste your time and waste your life, or master your time and master your life. ” _ Alan Lakein in 'How to Get Control of Your Time'
Leaders Picking Their Own Team!
Leaders maintaining a dignified distance from those hired from their previous organisation, while being inclusive and also talking about the rationale to hire with key organisational leaders can also mitigate the negative impact of “familiarity bias”.
A Curious Case Of Workplace Inclusivity
Women employees always find themselves to be left in the lurch- be it workplace inclusivity, pay parity or leadership positions, women are always seen eating the humble pie. Though, initiatives towards gender diversity by organisations such as Google and Facebook have made the others follow suit, an Uber like incident tend to reflect the wrong sentiment about existing corporate practices. While every woman employee may not completely right when she claims wrongdoings by her employer, it is completely true that many organisations need to overcome their patriarchal mindset.
Must Haves For A Fresh Start
The good thing is that when big established companies venture into something new, it suddenly has an environment that mimics a start-up but all this on the bedrock of an established and secure environment.
Women - Please Take A Break!
In his book, The One thing, Gary Keller writes that one gets extraordinary results when they just do one thing at a time. Extraordinary results are directly determined by how narrow you can make your focus.
Bringing Out The Enabler
As a Facilitative Trainer, one needs to understand the learner profile and make the training lively by utilising engaging methodologies such as icebreakers, energizers, activities, games, exercises, discussions, roleplays etc. If one can make a transition to this zone, every training session gets converted to learning in a fun and engaging manner.
The Creation Of Work Sustenance
Sustainable culture is one that resonates with all the stakeholders of an organisation - be it customers, employees, suppliers, etc. It is such a culture where customers return repeatedly, where people feel the urge to contribute their best to the organisation on a continual basis, and where suppliers want to do business again and again.
Skilling For That Perfect Hygiene
Skill building is imperative to increase the effectiveness and quality of labour for enhanced productivity and economic growth. It is the driving force behind the financial growth and community development of any country.